The "Fuck you Covid19" thread

If only people who acted like it wasn't a big deal for them would bear the consequences... 🙄
My best friend at work is from NYC.
His whole immediate family has been sick and he was doing everything he could from the distance to help them get the care they need.
He just let me know that his sister died last night.

Fuck you Covid-19.
Serious disease, for certain demographics.

...or for anybody who views "certain demographics" as human beings worthy of life and compassion.

Not fun for anyone who gets a bad case.

Worth trashing an economy over? Worth spitting on liberty over?

I don't think so.

If you think lockdowns are bad for the economy, wait 'till you hear what unchecked epidemics do to it. Here's some light reading:

tldr: cities that imposed restrictions earlier and more aggressively during the Spanish flu both saved lives and experienced better economic outcomes afterwards.

Funnily enough, that whole "large chunks of the workforce sick for weeks and people wary of going out" thing is bad for business!

If only people who acted like it wasn't a big deal for them would bear the consequences... 🙄

I hear that.
My best friend at work is from NYC.
His whole immediate family has been sick and he was doing everything he could from the distance to help them get the care they need.
He just let me know that his sister died last night.

Fuck you Covid-19.

Ah crap. So sorry for your friend Moochienanu :-(
...or for anybody who views "certain demographics" as human beings worthy of life and compassion.

If you think lockdowns are bad for the economy, wait 'till you hear what unchecked epidemics do to it. Here's some light reading:

tldr: cities that imposed restrictions earlier and more aggressively during the Spanish flu both saved lives and experienced better economic outcomes afterwards.

Funnily enough, that whole "large chunks of the workforce sick for weeks and people wary of going out" thing is bad for business!

I hear that.

Speaking of...employers who treat employees as disposable as paper masks, and fail to make workplaces as safe and healthy as possible, are subhuman. Rot in Hell, motherfuckers.

I'm hearing more and more how wearing a mask is a way to keep us in a state of fear. That it's trampling on our individual freedom.

What about our collective state of caring for our neighbor?

Collectively as a country, we have lost our way. We have space, we have resources, we should be a beacon of hope on this planet. Instead we are mired in greed and awash in loony conspiracy theories. One can only hope that enough people come to realize that we only have this one planet and that we need to work together to survive.
Please don’t post in this thread.

As the OP, I concur.
This thread is not to debate the policies or politics of this epidemic, but to share our grief and our experiences with this terrible virus.

Covid 19 does not care who you voted for, where you worship or where you live. Yes, certain demographics, particularly in the US, have been particularly hard hit: those who have historically been deprived of adequate preventative healthcare (esp people of color and native Americans), and safe living conditions, people who live in urban areas or who live in congregate settings (esp prieons and nursing homes) or are required to work in close quarters (corporate food production). I for one value each of those lives as highly as I do my own and my loved ones.

Science not conspiracies here.

Thank you.
Serious disease, for certain demographics.

Not fun for anyone who gets a bad case.

Worth trashing an economy over? Worth spitting on liberty over?

I don't think so.
Well now, aren't you a pus-filled pimple on the ass of progress. I'm so sorry some evil physician removed your cerebral cortex when you thought you were getting your tonsils out. Did they still give you some strawberry ice cream when it was over?
As the OP, I concur.
This thread is not to debate the policies or politics of this epidemic, but to share our grief and our experiences with this terrible virus.

Covid 19 does not care who you voted for, where you worship or where you live. Yes, certain demographics, particularly in the US, have been particularly hard hit: those who have historically been deprived of adequate preventative healthcare (esp people of color and native Americans), and safe living conditions, people who live in urban areas or who live in congregate settings (esp prieons and nursing homes) or are required to work in close quarters (corporate food production). I for one value each of those lives as highly as I do my own and my loved ones.

Science not conspiracies here.

Thank you.

Thanks for writing this so clearly - how easily we erase the histories that make "certain demographics" more vulnerable than others!

It is quite shocking how politicized a global pandemic has become. As I mentioned earlier, where I am stuck for the past few months, they are trying to blame Muslims for it, and many people are paying the price for that idiotic equation. There are 10s of thousands of migrant workers, daily wage laborers who were working away from home, who have been forced out onto the highways and train tracks to walk home - 100s and 100s of miles in many cases - with no support, no food, nothing except the fear of the communities through which they pass, sparking police retaliation against them.

Our sheer capacity to erase the humanness of certain people remains beyond comprehension...

Again - fuck the governments of the world and all their fucked up, incompetent, inefficient, irresponsible, inhumane responses to covid-19!
In the news, discussion re: "if it comes back in the Fall..."

Did I miss something?
I spent my afternoon working on new masks for J and myself. I should have about 10 or 12 done in a few days. It just takes me longer because I can't sit at the machine for more than a couple hours at a time.

Masks aren't going away. CoVID will be here in one form or another for a long, long time.
^why so pessimistic? Just curious.

All epidemics eventually end. Even the Black Death, the Great Plague of 1666, the Spanish Flu, etc. didnt last forever- there is no need to act like this is some world-ending apocalyptic plague to end all plagues. Yes it's probably at its peak right now but eventually there will be a vaccine, and even if not, like all epidemics, this one will eventually ebb and die- I dont get why people are predicting this will be any different. Cant people at least TRY to show some kind of hope or optimism, instead of taking the most grim, dire fear-mongering predictions and exaggerating them?
^why so pessimistic? Just curious.

All epidemics eventually end. Even the Black Death, the Great Plague of 1666, the Spanish Flu, etc. didnt last forever- there is no need to act like this is some world-ending apocalyptic plague to end all plagues.

How bad does a disease have to be before people are allowed to be frightened and upset about it?

People in this thread have been losing friends and family. Some of them are working on the front lines of overloaded medical systems. It's really not helpful to tell them that they're overreacting.

Epidemics are traumatic events. Even in an era where people expected life to be nasty, brutish, and short, the Black Death scarred Europe's psyche so badly that almost 700 years later it's still part of the collective consciousness.

(also, maybe have a closer look at the history of smallpox, y. pestis, measles, influenza, or HIV before making confident pronouncements that epidemics will just go away in the absence of vaccines.)

(also also, I am not sure anybody should be taking medical device from a follower of Nurgle)
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Thank Bram! I actually had to check to make sure I posted on the correct thread to bitch about CoVID.

I really hate when someone, who lacks so much brain matter they can float, feels they have a logical and valid stance on another's opinion.

This cretin also most likely thinks this is all governmental hype for whatever conspiracy is the flavor of the day. I think all those morons should be treated as having leprosy and removed from contact with the general public as in earlier times.

Previous pandemics, plagues, etc. literally changed lifestyles throughout the ages. Unfortunately some of the ones thought to be eradicated actually are just on a low simmer and cases will pop up now and again in various parts of the world.

So yes, my pessimistic statement stands. This virus will be around for a long time.
no dude, I'm not trying to be flip, and I'm not some right-wing conspiracy nut- I know how serious this is, believe me- and I am by no means trying to down play the seriousness of it and I get equally annoyed by some of the general-board crap that it's all "The liberals who invented it" or "The chinese invented it as germ warfare" or whatever other nonsense crap they post over there. I do not imply that you are over-reacting to the seriousness of the current situation, just that you are overly pessimistic about the future of the situation.

I guess, I am tired of all the constant gloom and doom predictions, that's all. I am just craving some sort of optimism, some sort of hope, some sign that it is getting better- just ANYTHING that would give me hope, and a reason to get up in the morning. But yet, all I hear is, "This is never going to end. So we may as well just stop living our lives and cancel everything from now till the end of the universe." That is just...grim. It makes me want to just give into despair if there is no hope for any end to this, no light in the tunnel. When there is no hope, there is no reason to go on living. I just want some hope, some positivity, thats all. Sorry.
Because unlike some people, I do not want to spend the rest of my life living under quarantine and social distancing. That is not how humans were meant to live. I literally cannot stand to live as a prisoner of fear and despair for the rest of my life.
A woman came in yesterday 100% symptomatic. We swabbed her. Got the results today that she is positive for Covid. We call to let her know - self isolate, inform your employer, and let us know if she gets worse.

Her response?

She doesn't believe the test. *cough* She's at a family BBQ and *cough* she will call us back later. She will not be informing her employer *coughcough* and she would appreciate if we didn't report her results to the CDC. *cough*

People are why I'm feeling hopeless not a disease. The virus is real but honest to god, the fucking denial and ignorance is just...disheartening.