The H label

it's the opposite of deosil, obviously.
The first time I came across the word was in "Green Smoke", by Rosemary Manning. The main character is waiting for her friend, R. Dragon, to emerge from his cave and to pass the time she starts skipping around a rock. The dragon stops her just in time, to warn her that she's going widdershins and what the dangers are. He goes on to tell her the story of Childe Roland and the Dark Tower.

Remember when children's books taught you things? Not particularly useful things, perhaps, but still.
Me trying to figure out “widdershins”.
It means to walk around counterclockwise, keeping the fire to your left side.

Side note, if you like contemporary fantasy, Charles de Lint's Widdershins is an excellent book.
The first time I came across the word was in "Green Smoke", by Rosemary Manning. The main character is waiting for her friend, R. Dragon, to emerge from his cave and to pass the time she starts skipping around a rock. The dragon stops her just in time, to warn her that she's going widdershins and what the dangers are. He goes on to tell her the story of Childe Roland and the Dark Tower.

Remember when children's books taught you things? Not particularly useful things, perhaps, but still.
it was Neverwhere for me
I had to look up "floating-point arithmetic," and now that I've read the definition, I still don't understand it.

It's frustrating to know that people are turned on by things I don't even understand.
Don't let chaf your nethers. Just follow my lead: I don't understands it but I are smart! I are a (fill in the blank)! There ain't nothing like bein' smart!
