Irrationally angry at losing the 'H'

Ratings, H's, Votes are not representative of the quality of the story... I honestly could not give a fuck if my rating was zero
Yeah, this isn’t strictly speaking true. Or rather, it depends on the sample size.

If you have 200-300 votes then yeah, a successive set of 1’s or 2’s can affect the final score significantly, from a statistical point of view. So votes as that level of sample aren’t that representative of real reaction to the story or writing (although an argument could also be made that the size of the sample itself is a direct reaction to the quality of story or writing?)

if you have 2000+ votes then no, 1 bombers aren’t going to make that much of a dent, and they get removed when a sweep is performed anyway.

I tend to agree with Emily in that the red H is purely a boundary thing and as such, I don’t care that much. It’s nice to have - some validation, but I don’t lose sleep if the score drops to a 4.45 or whatever.

Some stories I know will never score highly - I wrote one about a man who lost his wife in a plane crash and then basically started to disintegrate as a human being till he was pulled out of his doldrums via swingers parties. I know for a fact that the puritans in LW will never accept that, but that’s ok, because the story wasn’t actually written for them. It was written as a response to an invitational where the premise was ‘sharing is caring’ - kind of hard to write any story about that which will get past the hardliner ‘monogamy is the only way, ever’ group of people who do tend to vote bomb a lot in the LW category. None of the authors who wrote for that invitational got very high scores, regardless of how good they are.

I’m just glad I managed to get something done which even remotely justified to myself the sharing part. <shrug> you can’t define yourself on the reaction to one story; you have to take it across several.
I wrote one about a man who lost his wife in a plane crash and then basically started to disintegrate as a human being till he was pulled out of his doldrums via swingers parties

I don't remember this ... I remember one where the guys wife died in a car crash and he met her ghost in a bar .....
for me you was all about Ingrams ....that is after I forgave you for the painful saga of waiting 3 years to see Ryan and Deanna fail ....that was torturous