The Isolated Politics Blurt Thread I: A New Beginning

abc proves a better reporter than CNN when it came down to the facts on what the report actually said: 'there wasn't enough evidence for it to hold up in a court of law with a jury who might find him a sympathetic character.' They went on to state the huge differences between the way trump had kept documents compared to Joe Biden.

Every CNN report i've seen since this happened has made it all about his mental acuity (or lack of) and age, RARELY mentioning the facts abc put out there front and centre as truth.

shame on you, yet again, CNN.

they've come back some way since the debacle, but they're still pandering to 'middle grounders' not by giving the untainted truth but by hedging bets in a muddy middle ground. Hell, the even had George santos on the other day giving his opinion about a congress member up for reelection (i think it was that) because she'd been one who was keen to see him ousted. Santos! that waste of fucking space being given airtime on CNN.
You go, Chris Coons. Putting the abc presenter (this one keen on pushing the narrative about age and memory loss) right about what matters... at least the presenter didn't try and shout him down but allowed him to speak clearly, concisely, and truthfully.
manchin says he will not make a presidential bid as an independent in '24

"The system right now is not set up for [it]. The long game, maybe we can make a third party viable where it has a process and opportunity. Right now, it's very challenging," he said. "And I'm not going to be a deal breaker, if you will, spoiler, whatever you want to call it. I just don't think it's the right time."
ari fleischer, frequent fox contributor, called out MSNBC host Michael Steele over Steele Dossier.

Fleischer then said that Michael Steele should be prosecuted over the dossier:
If a source lied to the FBI like that, I have no problem with prosecuting that person. But then why hasn’t Michael Steele – the author of the Steele dossier – been prosecuted? This again, is the two sides of justice. And it keeps seeming that if you’re out to get Donald Trump, you get the green carpet. You can do whatever you want. Just walk right down and attack Donald Trump.

i have a question: is he supposed to now be condemned for mental disintegration, or was it a simple misspeak, orrrrrrrrrrrrrr does he actually believe an MSNBC host compiled the dossier?


US House of Representatives unlikely to vote on Ukraine aid before mid-March

:mad: shame on them, and on the Senate GOP taking those 2 weeks when issues are so vital, like keeping the gov't actually running. Of course, the house republicans will still be scouring the ground for anything they can use against President Biden in their impeachment attempt during this time.

The House has embarked on a 12-day winter recess, joining the Senate’s two-week recess and leaving a long list of critical unfinished business on Capitol Hill.

Navigating a three-vote majority, Speaker Mike Johnson rejected pressure to consider the Senate’s bipartisan $95 billion national security supplemental. That move leaves not only aid for Ukraine dangling on a branch, but also funding for Israel and Taiwan -- not to mention emergency legislation to address the migrant crisis at the southern border.

Parkland survivor trolls Trump’s new sneaker venture by buying domain and directing visitors to gun safety site​

Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg has bought a website address referencing former president Donald Trump’s new sneaker brand and turned it into an anti-gun violence website with the ability to call lawmakers to advocate for legislation.
“I just bought” the activist wrote. “I have redirected you to a page to call your member of Congress. The twist is the person who makes the call is a victim of gun violence whose voice has been re-created with AI to call for gun safety.”
The website has been used to send 58,362 calls since its launch. Visitors to the website can listen to the generated voices of six gun violence victims, enter their zip codes and then send their selected recording to a politician of their choice.

Trump-branded properties are selling for far less than buildings that removed his name, report says​

  • Manhattan condos with Trump's name sell for less than units without his logo, the NYT reported.
  • Trump Tower has seen a 49% drop in the average price per square foot of its condos since 2013.
  • Meanwhile, analysis of sales data showed buildings that removed the logo increased in value.