The light bulb blinked.........

shereads said:
Men tend to be a bit less discriminating in your selection of lovers...Oh hell, let's not mince words. You are dawgs.
But for a few exceptions, and Gary seems to be one, this does seem to be the norm, even if it qualifies as a stereotype. The man I know best at present says this to me often enough. For what it's worth, he's also the most intelligent man I know at the moment and I almost always appreciate his honesty.

Stereotypes have to start someplace...Usually there's just enough truth in them to make them dangerous.

Or good for starting bar fights...

At which point, I exit and go to play in SRP.

shereads said:
And I'm interested in how many men would sleep with Minnie Pearl, were she alive, and if she took off the hat.

Since I did not find her very funny and disliked the midwestern hillbilly image, I would have to get to know her first and find some common ground for there to be any chance at establishing an attraction. Lend her that red gown in your AV and she might have become a very different kind of Pearl. I tend to like high maintenance types (not that I can afford them, just like them).

perdita said:
But for a few exceptions, and Gary seems to be one, this does seem to be the norm, even if it qualifies as a stereotype. The man I know best at present says this to me often enough. For what it's worth, he's also the most intelligent man I know at the moment and I almost always appreciate his honesty.


I know lots of men who think the way I do Perdita. Many will not reveal that side of themselves because they don't think it's what women expect, what they associate with masculinity, so they flaunt reckless sexual bravado instead. I could care less. The world behaves on my terms or finds another solar system, is that clear enough?
Gary Chambers said:
I know lots of men who think the way I do Perdita. Many will not reveal that side of themselves because they don't think it's what women expect, what they associate with masculinity, so they flaunt reckless sexual bravado instead. I could care less. The world behaves on my terms or finds another solar system, is that clear enough? :D
Yes, thank you. You give me hope.

Perdita :rose:
perdita said:
Yes, thank you. You give me hope.

Perdita :rose:

You're welcome to Hope, dark dismal place 200 or so km's south of here. It's hemmed in by mountains that cut off its sunlight, and has already been burried once by a mountain collapsing on the town. Thanks for the rose, by the way. I'll wear it in my cyberlapel.
Gary, honey, I can get me a red dress and a red hat to match.

Come and get it, sweetmeat!

Minnie Pearl
shereads said:
Gary, honey, I can get me a red dress and a red hat to match.

Come and get it, sweetmeat!

Minnie Pearl

Lead on McDuff. Just make sure I have a roadmap, I get lost in a lady's eyes so easily.
Who in tarnation is McDuff?

Don't use your big-time writer-boy vocabulary on me, fella. Just give up the goods to ol' Minnie. How-DEEEE!
shereads said:
Who in tarnation is McDuff?

Don't use your big-time writer-boy vocabulary on me, fella. Just give up the goods to ol' Minnie. How-DEEEE!

I must admit, she's growing on me, or is that just more whiskers? Is this one of your SRP characters?
No, but you've given me an idea...Eek. No, you haven't. Nevermind.

My mother-in-law, God bless her, reminded me of Minnie Pearl. Didn't have the price tag on the hat.
shereads said:
No, but you've given me an idea...Eek. No, you haven't. Nevermind.

My mother-in-law, God bless her, reminded me of Minnie Pearl. Didn't have the price tag on the hat.

I'm afraid she reminded me of ladies who used to show up at Heathrow, sporting husbands whose trousers were having arguments with their feet. While the lady adjusted her straw boater, hubby would ask if there were any hotels with toilets in the rooms. But then Minnie didn't have Sheread's brain in her gourd. This is a different propostion altogether. I thought I was going to get lucky and get an escort into SRP.
Introduce yourself at Rick's Rooftop, one of the threads at SRP. Tell Turk the virtual bartender that Shereads sent you.

We're lovely people, and political discussions are banned so there's a lot of nice but dull talk about our gardens and stuff. And the state of our nipples in cold weather. That kind of thing.

One of these days when I'm caught up in the three story threads I'm already involved with, and two that I'm committed to, I'll sneak up on you and drag you into a new one. You should read some of my, um, work. I'm a timid little thing, but I loosen up with an enthusiastic writing partner.


McKenna has been asking for new partners, did you notice?
shereads said:
Introduce yourself at Rick's Rooftop, one of the threads at SRP. Tell Turk the virtual bartender that Shereads sent you...McKenna has been asking for new partners, did you notice?

No I didn't notice. I hadn't paid much attention to SRP until you said the other day that some of the stories there are of high quality and involve more two way banter than chat. Chat does nothing for me. I end up doing all the stroke work. Nobody sends me much back. Best I found was a young woman in Oz, but that was just one. I'll try Rick's Rooftop for a while.

EDIT: I noticed the sub thing too, but I'm still having trouble picturing Sher as timid. That sounds like a writing feat in itself.
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"Do you write porn? Or do you believe it literature?"

I write verse and stories that mean something to me and/or are fun to write. I rarely if ever consider the reader, I believe in the old adage "write for yourself". The fact that other people enjoy what I write is simply icing on the cake. The fact that they may become aroused while reading....well, what greater compliment is there? To know someone became so entranced by what I wrote that it elicited a physical response, my! oh, my! As for it being considered porn, smut, stroke or labels. Literature? Have to agree with whoever said that what is considered popular fiction now could be called literature centuries from now. So much for my two cents worth...........:D
In today's NY Times "On Writers and Writing", Margo Jefferson critiques a recent PBS documentary on Emily Dickinson. Judging from the review, I'm glad I didn't see it. I post this excerpt here for the bit I've put in bold. - Perdita

''What I really wanted to know,'' he [doc. author] confides, ''was whether Master or anyone else had ever gotten past second base with Emily Dickinson.'' How else could anyone explain the gloriously sexy poem beginning:

Wild nights / Wild nights!
Were I with thee
Wild Nights should be
Our luxury!

Here we are in the 21st century and there's still something unacceptable about a woman who can write great poetry, and erotic poetry, without the presence of a husband or lover.

full article