"The Lost Vikings" (closed to AmyRoberts)

When she suggested the wedding -- and the wedding night in particular -- be postponed to ensure any child inside her was in fact his, Hagan told Kirstin firmly, "No. The wedding will occur soon."

They spoke of the importance of the wedding to her people -- to the newly elected Council especially -- and then spoke of how Hagan was in no hurry to lay between Kirstin's parted legs. She blushed when she realized that she was disappointed that they wouldn't be fucking any time soon. She'd already masturbated to the fantasy of the big, marvelous Viking ramming his cock deep inside of her, something she wasn't going to share with him here and now, of course.

He politely ended their discussion, asking, "Please, will you come have breakfast with me tomorrow?"

"Of course, I would be delighted," Kirstin answered without hesitation. She gave him a polite nod, turned, and departed. But she stopped after just a few steps and returned to the tent's interior. "The decision to have you and your people build your village apart from that of my people was wrong in my opinion. I believe it will be more difficult to keep the Saxons and the Vikings safe if we are separated by too much. Please, Hagan, don't feel as though you can't let your building creep a bit closer to the current village of Riverbank, allowing a single wall and a single moat -- or ditch, or whatever you are calling it -- protect us all. If you would like, I can inform the Council that you have decided to build closer to Riverbank, even right next to it if you wish."

She waited for his reply, thanked him again, then again departed. She searched down Ingrid so that she could, if needed, help with getting the translated message across to her her people.
(OOC: A note for anyone following our story: we originally said that the Christian population of Riverbank was 50 and that later 18 left, but that was a logistical nightmare for the OOC list of characters, so we changed it to reflect that the population after the 18 left was 50.)

Hagan listened to Kirstin opinion on whether the Viking village should be closer to the Saxon one and nodded. "I agree. You may tell you Council just that. Tell them it is a strategy for defense and that I am sorry if they think the pagan heathens are crowding them. You may remind them that our negotiations put me in charge of Riverbank, not their Council, if you wish."

Kirstin departed, and after he ate and rehydrated, Hagan went out into the Viking camp. It was virtually vacant; all of the men and most of the women were working with the Saxons or -- with some of their children helping -- were serving them with food and water. The Northman camp was currently occupied by a single male -- partially disabled and less mobile than he once was -- and two women, who had been tasked with watching over the youngest of the children.

As he looked around himself, Hagan found himself feeling relief. After they'd lost sight of the other Viking longboats and spent ten days slowly nearing death, he was certain that they would never see the dream of settling in England achieved. But now, here they were, building a settlement and -- bonus -- cooperating with rather than fighting the Saxons.

Hagan looked around himself, found an ax stuck in a chopping block, and headed for the woods to join the logging crew. He worked through the day, cutting trees of all sizes for a multitude of uses. At midday, hot food and ale was brought around, and Hagan and some of his Saxon work partners taught the other Northmen words that would be useful in the days to come. There was a great deal of laughter as the Viking attempts at words often came out meaning things that were very much different.

When they were rested and Eirik delivered some newly sharpened tools, the crew got back to work again. Before he knew it, the sun was threatening to fall behind the forested mountains to the west. Each man, woman, and even child who'd performed labor that day was exhausted. Hagan called for an end of the work when he was told supper was ready in the river edge camp.

"You will all come eat with us," he told the Saxons. "Work together, eat together."

Some of the villagers took their Viking friend up on his offer, while others didn't; some of them said they needed to tend to their families, while others simply didn't want to socialize with the Northmen. The musical instruments were brought out, the ale was poured, the roasted deer and other seared animals were cut up, and fun was being had by all.

Just after the sun disappeared, Hagan wandered away to inspect the work. He stood atop the now-higher edge of the inner wall, looking down at the ditch below, and found himself thoroughly impressed with how much had been accomplished in just one day. It would still be at least 5 days before the ring was completed, more if people began to burn out on the exhaustive labor; it would take a couple of more days after that to finish the sharpened pole barricades and bridges, too. But the work had gone very well, and Riverbank was already more protected than it was just this morning.
"You will all come eat with us," Hagan told the Saxons when he finally called an end to the day. "Work together, eat together."

Kindra had spent much of the day in the forest with the prospective archers, helping them pick the right saplings from which to carve their bows, as well as even small ones from which to make arrow shafts. Ingrid had taught her just enough English words for her to be able to describe what wood was good and what good wasn't but not enough to fully explain why.

At one point, Ingrid checked up on them, and after Kindra caught her up on what she hadn't been able to explain, the English speaking shieldmaiden did her best to clear things up. Suddenly, it was as if the sky had opened up, and Kindra stressed to her fellow warrior, "I want to learn more of the Saxon's language. Will you teach me?"

"Of course, my dear friend," Ingrid told Kindra. She left her to finish her work, telling Kindra before she departed, "I can see in their faces -- most of them anyway -- that they respect you. Show them your confidence, and you will have a crack archery company in no time."

The word confidence reminded Ingrid of the young man whose cock she'd clutched earlier. She found the swordsman trainees nearly, also cutting wood for their training swords. She joined them, inspecting their selections and the carving work that a couple of them had already begun. She told three of them, "Bigger, heavier. Wood is lighter than metal, so you have to compensate by making your training sword heavier. Not longer. That will only get in the way of learning how to use it. Make it wider and thicker."

They worked together some more, during which time Ingrid found the young man named Bryan. Looking about to ensure no one else was listening, she asked him in whisper, "Have you been with a woman?"

When he didn't immediately answer, Ingrid clarified, "Have you put your cock inside a woman's pussy?"

He hadn't, and -- again checking for eavesdroppers -- Ingrid told him, "Tonight, when it is dark, you will meet me right here. Do you understand?"


Ingrid wasn't the only woman making plans to get a little from someone not of her own people tonight. The second to being doing so, though, was from the other community: Clara -- who had ridden off with Hafdan the night before to look for the fleeing brigand -- had fallen almost instantly in lust with the Viking.

They had been working together most of the day training a unit of scouts and messengers. They had three horses available to them, and by late afternoon they had determined who was comfortable on a horse and suitable for the job. As she did with the other groups, Ingrid stopped by often to translate as necessary, and on the shieldmaiden's last visit to the group, Clara asked her bluntly, "Will Hafdan fuck me if I ask him to?"

Ingrid hadn't been expecting that and couldn't help but laugh. The young blonde Christian blushed a fiery red, to which Ingrid said, "I'm sorry. You surprised me."

She looked to Hafdan as he was teaching the more capable riders to mount a horse without need of stirrups, then looked back to Clara. "Yes, I'm sure he will. Do you want me to ask him for you?"

"Will you teach me the words instead," Clara asked, almost begging. Ingrid did, and Clara repeated them over and over. Before Ingrid departed, Clara told her, "Thank you."

Ingrid was smiling as she left, thinking that the young woman was feeling as horny as she herself was. What she couldn't have known was that Clara was almost certain she was with child; she'd been in the most fertile days of her monthly cycle when she was raped by three brigands, the very night that the Vikings first surveilled Riverbank. She'd known women who had had to raise a child without a man to support and protect her, and Clara didn't want that for herself, even if it meant claiming it had been a Viking who'd put the child in her womb.


As the feast raged on, Kirstin realized that Hagan was missing. She found him standing in the work area between the ditch and the village. When he caught sight of her, she smiled and told him, "It's coming along quickly. I'm impressed. Are you?"

She listened to his answer, then asked with a solemn tone, "Will we be able to stop them, Hagan? We lost many people, most but not solely men, when the brigands first attacked our village. We can't lose more. If they take Riverbank again, they'll punish us."

She stopped there, not wanting to even imagine what might happen, let alone verbally bring it to life. They spoke on the subject a moment more, then out of the blue, Kirstin asked, "Have you been married before, Hagan? Am I your first wife?"


Two hours or more after dark arrived, Ingrid slipped away from the celebration carrying a skin bag full of ale. She hadn't forgotten about Bryan, but she had been having too much fun translating for the workers attending the get-together to leave on time.

She walked along the edge of the forest until she arrived at the location where she'd told Bryan to meet her. He was there, just as she'd expected. The expression on his face told her he was both nervous and eager to see her. But that expression changed quickly to confusion when he saw that Ingrid wasn't alone.

"Bryan, this is Mingsu," Ingrid told the young man in English. The Chinese slave wasn't quite as fluent in English as was Ingrid, so Ingrid continued the introductions in Norse, saying, "Mingsu, this is Bryan. You are to treat him very good tonight. Very good. Understand?"

The recently turned 18 year old gave Ingrid a respectful bow, saying in English, "I will treat him very good."

Ingrid looked to Bryan and explained, "Tonight's not a good time for me to be putting a man's cock in myself, but I didn't want to disappoint you."

Mingsu had a blanket under her arm, and she spread it out across the ground. Looking to Bryan, she asked, "Would you like me to undress, master, or would you like to undress me yourself.


A similar and yet different situation was taking place back at the Viking camp. Just as Ingrid had made it possible for Bryan to finally experience a woman with Mingsu, she'd made it possible for Clara to approach Hafdan in a similar way. She'd been sitting near one of the smaller fires with some of her fellow Saxons and Mingsu, who had been translating for the handful of Vikings before being called away, and now she saw her opportunity. She rose and walked casually through the camp, smiling and speaking to those with whom she'd worked that day while getting closer to Hafdan.

"Do you want to fuck me?" she asked him in Norse, pronouncing each practiced word perfectly. She stepped around behind him as his head turned one way, then the other, and just in case she'd said it wrong, she repeated, "Hafdan, do you want to fuck me?"

She walked away, toward the tents without knowing which might be his, and looking back over her shoulder, she curled a finger invitingly to him.
Bryan just stared at Ingrid with wide eyes when she asked him, "Have you been with a woman?"

He didn't immediately answer, thinking maybe he wasn't understanding her English. She had taunted him earlier in the day about gaining confidence that one day might lead to him losing his virginity, but honestly, Bryan hadn't believed Ingrid was being serious. He'd thought she was just trying to encourage him with fanciful possibilities.

Then she made herself clear with, "Have you put your cock inside a woman's pussy?" Again he stared with a shocked look before finally shaking his head. She told him, "Tonight, when it is dark, you will meet me right here. Do you understand?"

He did understand, of course; he simply didn't believe! But he nodded his acknowledgment and watched her depart, wondering whether or not what he thought had just happened actually did: a beautiful Viking shieldmaiden had told him to meet her in the forest in the dark to have sex.

Bryan gathered up his wooden sword making tools, as well as the split chunk of wood that Ingrid had said would make a good training weapon, and headed home. He lived in a small, ramshackle hut with his 12 year old sister, Aimee; there father had disappeared years ago and his mother had been killed during the brigand attack on the village.

"I want you to go to Pauline's for the night," Bryan told his sister. "I have to train tonight in the dark. They want to see if I can fight in the dark."

After his sister was dealt with, Bryan went down to a spot in the river where the males often bathed. The water was horribly cold, what with it being still early spring, and it caused his cock to shrivel up to almost nothing at all. Fearful another male would appear and see it, Bryan tried to imagine Ingrid naked and doing whatever she was going to do to him. It didn't work; the water was just too fucking cold for that.

Dressed and with the sun touching the horizon, Bryan hurried to the place where the Viking had told him to meet her. He was early, he knew. But he was anxious and horny and actually somewhat panicky, too. Every once in a while he would remember this story he'd heard of a female Viking warrior who'd fought at York, killing more than 20 men herself. What if Ingrid was like that and simply wanted to kill a Christian, a Saxon, without violating the agreement reached between the Council and the Vikings. Northmen did that, didn't they? Kill Christians for no reason at all?

Bryan heard steps nearing him, and suddenly there she was. But, Ingrid wasn't alone; a girl he hadn't yet met who looked nothing like a Viking was with her.
Two hours or more after dark arrived, Ingrid slipped away from the celebration carrying a skin bag full of ale. She hadn't forgotten about Bryan, but she had been having too much fun translating for the workers attending the get-together to leave on time.

She walked along the edge of the forest until she arrived at the location where she'd told Bryan to meet her. He was there, just as she'd expected. The expression on his face told her he was both nervous and eager to see her. But that expression changed quickly to confusion when he saw that Ingrid wasn't alone.

"Bryan, this is Mingsu," Ingrid told him in English before introducing him to the younger woman in a language he'd never heard before. The strange girl said in heavily accented English, "I will treat him very good."

Ingrid explained that Bryan wouldn't be putting his cock in her, then turned and left him alone with the young woman who was already laying a blanket out on a bit of open ground. She asked, "Would you like me to undress, master, or would you like to undress me yourself."

Bryan just stared, dumbfounded. He had no idea what to do with the slightly younger woman. He suddenly realized that he hadn't had any idea what he was going to do with Ingrid, either. Knowing that he needed to say something but having no idea what to say, Bryan simply responded, "I don't know. What would you like?"

<> <> <> <> <> <>​

Hafdan had seen Clara moving about the celebration and -- because they'd spent the day working together -- he'd given her a little more attention that he had the other Saxon women who he'd fantasized fucking hard and fast. As she approached him, he looked up to her and smiled, within he spoke enough English to hold a conversation with her.

Then, suddenly, she leaned over him and said in rather rough Norse, "Do you want to fuck me?" His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open, certain that his wishful thinking had misheard her. But then she repeated using his name, "Hafdan, do you want to fuck me?"

She started away from the gathering slowly, looking back at him over her shoulder. Hafdan didn't hesitate to rise, finish off the ale in his mug, and head after her. When she saw him behind her, she smiled and playfully hurried away from him. Hafdan hurried as well, catching the not-trying-too-hard-to-escape girl halfway between the woods and the outer most hut.

<> <> <> <> <> <>​

"It's coming along quickly," Kirstin told Hagan when she found him at the wall and ditch being constructed about the village. "I'm impressed. Are you?"

"I am," he responded. "Our people worked well together. Ingrid has told me there was only one small incident that she mediated before it got violent." She asked if it would be enough to stop the brigands if they returned. "It will," he said before he even really considered the question. There was no good to be had now in telling her this was all a waste if that's what it became later on. "The wall, the training, and the scout ambushes we will prepare in the woods will protect both of our peoples."

Kirstin asked, "Have you been married before, Hagan? Am I your first wife?"

He was actually surprised that this hadn't come up between them before this. "No, you are not my first wife. I had a wife in Jørpeland, where I came from. Where we came from, in the Rogoland region of Southwestern Norway. She died in childbirth, giving me a son who died a few days later."

He had to pause a moment to keep control of his emotions. "That was more than a decade ago. I never married again. Until now." He looked to Kirstin and smiled. "I have always thought I should have remarried, but I felt the Gods had something different in mind for me. I know now what that was."

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Brother William had spent most of the day in the village, speaking a great deal with the Christians who were still questioning allowing the Pagans to be part of their community. Many of them found it odd that a man of Christ would argue on behalf of the God-forsaking Pagans. But William explained again that he thought God had sent the Vikings to Riverbank, to rescue them from their previous oppressors.

When nightfall came and he heard many of the villagers would be going down to the Viking camp for food and drink, he thought that perhaps he should take a walk over there as well. He had been repeatedly reminding himself all day that he was betrothed to one of their shieldmaidens. Ironically, William found himself face to face with Ingrid almost immediately upon entering the camp.

"Greetings to you, my betrothed," he said with a respectful bow and a smile. "Would you like to sit and drink and get to know one another? Or shall we just wait until we are husband and wife?"

He was being playfully sarcastic, of course, which he hoped would come across.
Mingsu smiled wide, then giggled when -- after she had asked Bryan if he wanted her to undress herself or let him do it -- he instead ask her sheepishly, "I don't know. What would you like?"

She'd been told by Ingrid that the farmer was a virgin, but she hadn't believed it. He was handsome and, they believed, about 20 years old. Even in a small community like Riverbank, a man like Bryan just didn't reach his second decade without having emptied his balls into at least one village cutie.

Mingsu slipped out of her shoes and stepped onto the blanket. She untied the bow between her breasts, loosened the string, and pulled the gown from her shoulders. It fell from her body, leaving her suddenly naked before Bryan.

She waggled a hand to the young swordsman novitiate. "Come to me. I want to undress you."

<> <> <> <> <> <>​

As soon as Hafdan caught up to Clara beyond the village's outermost huts, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her mouth to his in a deep, wet kiss. He took to Clara just as passionately, and in mere seconds, she was on her back in the medium high pasture grass, pulling at the buckle holding his weapon and the rope securing his pants.

As she hurriedly sought the release of his cock from hiding, Clara unnecessarily repeated in his language, "Hafdan, do you want to fuck me?"

<> <> <> <> <> <>​

Kirstin had heard of the confrontation that had occurred here at the moat digging site earlier today and had worried that it would be just one of many and, possibly, the end of the new relationship between the Northmen and the Saxons. The villager who had been one side of the fight had been pulled from this job by a secret vote of the Council and reassigned to working in the fields, which the man had done for years and to which he was all too happy to do instead.

When she asked if the new moat, wall, and barricades would be enough to stop the brigands, and Hagan said, "It will. The wall, the training, and the scout ambushes we will prepare in the woods will protect both of our peoples."

She had been looking up into his face as he gave his answer, and Kirstin couldn't help but think that Hagan wasn't entirely being truthful. But she responded to his certainty, "Yes, I think you're right."

Kirstin wasn't surprised when he told her that he had once been married. When he said his wife had died in childbirth and that he'd lost his son just days later, she reached out to touch his arm tenderly as she said, "I'm sorry for your loss, Hagan. It must have been heart breaking."

He spoke aloud of wondering whether or not coming to Riverbank and marrying Kirstin was what his Gods had had in store for him. She couldn't help but laugh, and when he looked to her with a curious expression, Kirstin explained, "I don't think my mother would think your Gods or our God would have wanted this."

She turned to Hagan with a more serious expression and went on, "What we are doing here, combining your Northman Pagan people with my Saxon Christian people is, to my knowledge, unprecedented. You know that word, yes? It means that no one has every tried it."

Actually, that wasn't entirely true, but Kirstin wasn't aware of this. There were actually three communities -- one each in East Anglia, Mercia, and Wessex -- that had merged together Saxons with either Norwegians or Danes and managed to survive with relatively little violence. The Lords and Kings of those places didn't like to advertise these success stories, though, because they feared an influx of more foreigners to their shores, which -- of course -- was how Hagan had come to be here in the first place.

"I want to believe that we can make this happen," Kirstin continued. "I want to believe that despite our different religions and languages and cultures, that we can learn to live together in peace and build a different kind of village, a thriving town even."

Before she realized just what she was doing, Kirstin moved up to Hagan, wrapped her arms gently around his torso, and lifted herself on her tippy toes to kiss him.

<> <> <> <> <> <>​

Ingrid listened to Brother William's playful banter about when they should get to know one another -- before or after they were wed and consummating their union -- and without hesitation, she stood, took his hand, and said, "I think now. I think we get to know each other now, in my bed."

If he did nothing to stop her, Ingrid would lead him to the tent she shared with other shieldmaidens, tear open his trousers, and mount him. If he did do something to stop her, she would lead him to the tent she shared with other shieldmaidens, tear open his trousers, and mount him. It was really up to William. Or not.
Bryan was in total shock as he stared upon Mingsu's incredibly beautiful and suddenly naked body. He'd only ever seen a naked woman once in his life, when he'd happened upon one of the older and yet still beautiful village wives bathing in the river. He'd only recently learned the pleasures of masturbation, and seeing the woman had caused his cock to instantly harden for the obvious reason of being stroked.

Unfortunately for Bryan, he had grunted out in orgasm just loud enough to be heard over the gentle sounds of the river, and the woman had both caught and identified him. Later in the day, her husband came out of nowhere and slammed his fist into Bryan's nose, bloodying it but thankfully not breaking it. Even to this day, Bryan thought that incident had been the reason he'd been so hesitant to pursue a girl or woman and, thusly, was still a virgin.

But now, here was this beautiful, young, foreign, and now naked woman gesturing him closer. Bryan hesitated, urging himself forward without effect. She instead reached out and brought him closer to the blanket, where she began undressing him. The three layers over his torso fell away one after another, revealing the somewhat slight and yet fit, muscular build of a hard working man who needed to eat more and better food.

Then Mingsu began loosing the lower half of Bryan's clothing. He realized only then that his heart was racing and his chest was rising and falling with excited breaths. Suddenly, his rock hard cock sprung out and literally slapped Mingsu's wrists as she pulled down his pants. Bryan had to close his eyes, unable to look her in the face at his embarrassment as he apologized, "Sorry. I didn't mean to do that."

<> <> <> <> <> <>​

Hafdan was excited by Clara's own excitement; she was all over him as soon as he'd gotten within arms reach. He grasped her ass cheeks in his hands and pulled their groins hard together, and a moment later he had her on the ground as they hurried moved their clothes out of the way to bring their bodies together.

She repeated, "Hafdan, do you want to fuck me?"

"Yes, yes, I do, I do," he said playfully as he was whipping his hard cock out, then pulling her dress and the shift under it higher still. Reaching between Clara's thighs, he found her wet spot and immediately pressed the end of his cock at it.

<> <> <> <> <> <>​

Hagan pulled Kirstin to him just as Hafdan had Clara, though clutching her less hungrily at the small of her back, not the curves of her shapely ass. The kiss was soft and yet erotic, and Hagan's cock hardened all too conspicuously not to have had notice as the two betrothed people pulled each other closer.

"I don't want to wait," Hagan said between kisses, clarifying, "I don't want to wait to be married to you or wait to ensure you are carrying my child. I want to be with you now, tonight, Kirstin."

<> <> <> <> <> <>​

Brother William didn't resist Ingrid's pulling of him away from the gathering at all. He should have, of course; he was a Christian Priest -- a Monk, actually -- and Ingrid was a Pagan warrior, an invader of his country, nonetheless.

And yet they were already betrothed to one another, and -- of course -- he'd been putting his cock into pussies all across his Circuit's region for years. So, what was one more going to matter, particularly since he was going to be married to this particular pussy's owner soon anyway.

Within two minutes, William found himself on his back having his trousers practically ripped open by Ingrid, who then straddled his groin and pulled her own clothing so as to make herself available to him. A moment later, he groaned in delight as he felt the shieldmaiden's warm, wet, and tight pussy enveloping his length, bit by bit.

"Oh, dear God," he murmured at the incredible feel of Ingrid's pussy slowly but surely taking in his full length. He studied the Viking's face, then her still clothed body, and lifting his torso up to her, William began pulling at leather thongs and loosing a variety of fittings, telling her, "I want to see you. I have to see you."
When Bryan apologized for his erection flying out of his trousers and smacking her hand, Mingsu only giggled and told him, "Not be sorry."

She urged the young man to the blanket, then pulled his boots from him and shed his trouser and undergarments. It was a cool night, and she giggled when goosebumps exploded over Bryan's body. She promised, "I make you warm. Make you not feel cold, yes?"

Mingsu laid atop Ingrid's swordsman novitiate, pressing her mouth to his in a soft, erotic kiss as their bodies became one; her knees parted, pressing her wet slit against his raging erection, warming and wetting it. She began shifting her folds up and down the underside of Bryan's shaft, traveling nearly its entire length, until suddenly...

Watching the young man experience his first orgasm with a woman -- even if it wasn't intercourse -- was a pleasing sight for Mingsu. It meant that her Master would be pleased with her and would compensate her accordingly. After Bryan had come down from his euphoric high, she sat up tall on her knees, reached for his cock, and carefully worked it inside her tightness.

"Now, we do all way, yes?" she said as his bulbous head slipped inside her. She would again drive him to climax, then kiss him softly before telling him, "I must back. You like?"

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Clara's legs were parting as well, though in her case, she was on her back with her knees rising high as Hafdan's cock penetrated her. She was no virgin, of course, but she was still small in stature with a tight pussy that resisted the Viking's eagerness to be deep inside her. She cried out in a combination of surprise and pain just enough to cause him to look concerned.

"Hafdan, do you want to fuck me," Clara repeated yet again, less as a question and more as a statement; she was unsure of how to simply say fuck me.. She stretched her arms downward and grasped his ass with fingers that dug into his flesh, urging him to continue. She again repeated those few Norse words she knew, "Do you want to fuck me."

Very quickly, Hafdan was ramming his cock deep, fast, and hard into Clara, as he grunted with exertion and she moaned out in pleasure. She stared into the Viking's eyes and listened to his sounds, seeking that moment when she was certain he had filled her womb with his seed and made himself the father of the baby she might already be carrying.

The Northman grunted in orgasm and slowed, then stopped, laying into Clara's body as he rode out the pleasure. Clara's curled, clutching fingers withdrew from Hafdan's back, where they'd moved to once he'd begun fucking her with interest. She had what she needed; she had his seed. She was done.

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Kirstin listened to Hagan proclaiming that he wanted to be with her now, ignoring that which they had agreed about earlier.

"We cannot, Hagan," she told him. "You must know that if I am with child, that that child is yours. I will not let this be questioned in the future, by your people, my people, or by the man or the family of the man who I'd been sleeping with, should he ever return to Riverbank."

She kissed him again, not as erotically, not as lasting, but still meaningfully, then backed away -- taking his hand with her -- and saying, "However, I have an idea."

She led him to a building in which bags of grain seed were being stored for the upcoming planting season. Once there, Kirstin unfastened all that needed to be unfastened to drop Hagan's trousers and undergarments to his ankles.

"Sit," she said, pointing to a short stack of bags. Once he hand, she dropped to her knees between his own, telling him, "I have been told that this feels good."

Kirstin leaned forward and kissed, licked, and then sucked Hagan's cock with great skill and energy. She had learned to do this to keep her previous lovers happy during times when she was very likely to be impregnated if they instead emptied their balls inside her pussy.

She played with Hagan to get him excited and stoked, then began a consistent up and down of her head over his crotch, taking in much of his impressive length while her saliva-wetted fingers clutched the base of his shaft to pleasure it as well. Soon enough, Hagan's cock began leaping inside Kirstin's mouth, safely filling it with his seed.

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Of all the sexual encounters taking place this night, it was the one between Ingrid's and Brother William that would last the longest. She would ride atop the Monk's cock until he'd cum twice and she'd cum twice that much, then -- after her sweat drenched body had begun to cool and dry -- she began again.

On three different occasions, other shieldmaidens living in the tent entered to end their night, only to be chastised and sent away by their superior. Finally, though, as the celebration outside was coming to its end, with the last of the Christians returning to their own village and the Vikings -- who weren't already passed out near one of the many warming fires -- returning to their tents, two of Ingrid's tent-mates returned to their beds and ignored the continuing fucking taking place just feet from them.

Ingrid only quit when she'd taken everything Brother William had to offer. She collapsed next to him, pulling the bedding over them as she murmured, "I'm going to like being married to you, Priest."
Bryan couldn't believe how incredible it felt to finally be naked and skin to skin with a female. He was unsure of what he was supposed to do with Mingsu as she lay atop him.

"I make you warm," she said when he noticed that he was trembling. "Make you not feel cold, yes?"

In truth, it probably wasn't the cold that was making him shake deep to his core. But Bryan wasn't going to say that, of course. He already felt embarrassed by his lack of experience and knowledge. Mingsu sure as hell knew what she was doing, because just seconds after she'd laid upon him, Bryan's cock began pulsing in great powerful jerks. He gave out a loud moan as his head began swimming in the euphoria of his first true sexual experience. He dropped his head back into the blanket and closed his eyes as the waves of ecstasy surged through him.

He didn't know how long he'd just laid there, enjoying the pleasure, but when he finally opened his eyes and looked into Mingsu's, she smiled, giggled, and said, "Now, we do all way, yes?"

Bryan didn't understand what that meant, then he realized that his belly was feeling warmer and slimier; he hadn't been inside Mingsu, which meant -- as she'd put it -- they hadn't done it all way. He felt his face explode in a blush of embarrassment, and softly he apologized, "Sorry."

He didn't need to ask for forgiveness, of course, but Bryan felt as though he'd failed by prematurely spurting his seed all over his own body. On hers, too, he realized when Mingsu sat up and he could see his cum glistening in the moonlight upon both of their bellies.

"Yes, we do it all the way now," he said, hoping she understood.

Obviously she did, because a moment later he was this time inside Mingsu as she rocked her body back and forth against his. It was simply a magnificent sight and experience having the young China girl straddling him, causing him so much delight. Bryan reached out to Mingsu's thighs, but she pulled his hands to her hips, urging him to participate in the effort to drive him to orgasm again. He did, helping her slide back and forth atop him until finally he groaned out in climax a second time.

After Bryan had once again ridden out the wave of joy and looked up to her, Mingsu dismounted and began donning her clothes, telling him, "I must back. You like?"

"Very much," he said without delay. He sat up on the blanket, reluctantly watching Mingsu cover her delicious body once more. He began dressing, too, putting on only his outer layers with the intention of carrying his undergarments home. When they were both dressed and ready to go their separate ways, Bryan asked with almost a desperate tone, "Can we do this again, Mingsu? Soon! I, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed that and want to do it again, with you."

She gave him his answer, then turned and hurried back toward the Viking camp. Bryan just stood there, watching her disappear into the night. He returned to his own community; he found a bucket to draw water from a barrel and went into the dark behind his family's hut to wash away the stickiness from his private areas. Inside, Bryan found no one -- his sister was staying elsewhere, of course -- and he took a few minutes to eat before slipping into his bed.

When he awoke the next morning, Bryan would find that his cock's first encounter with a woman had left him in pain. It would take him some time of moving about to cease looking as though someone had kicked him in the nuts.

<> <> <> <> <> <>​

As he came down from his euphoric high, Hafdan looked into
Clara's face and saw what looked to be conclusion. Not satisfaction; he knew she hadn't orgasmed as he had. But she had a look as if she was done with him.

He pulled from her pussy and rolled off to his back. He lay there, lookin up at the stars and the full moon, waiting to see if she would mount him in an effort to find her own euphoria. The Viking women he'd fucked in the past rarely let him get away with emptying his balls in them without them getting something in return.

But Clara rose, smoothed out her dress, smiled to him, and turned to leave without a word. Hafdan rose on his elbows to see if she was definitely leaving him laying there, and she most certainly did. He dropped back to the ground again, continuing to enjoy the aftermath of a badly needed orgasm. Then, finally -- when the cold began to harden the fluids caking his cock -- he pulled his trousers back into place, rose, and headed for bed ... smiling.

<> <> <> <> <> <>​

Hagan didn't see oral sex coming until Kirstin lips and tongue were on his cock. He hadn't even imagined that that was the reason she had brought him here to this store building. But he wasn't sorry: Kirstin was incredible at this, and it wasn't long at all before he was warning her, "It's time, it's time."

He was again surprised when Kirstin's lips remained around his shaft as it began jerking hard, expelling its contents into her mouth. He groaned long and loud at the explosion deep within him, telling her when he could form words, "That was wonderfully unexpected. And wonderfully satisfying, Kirstin."

Hagan leaned down to her once she'd finished and kissed her deeply. He could take his seed on her mouth but wasn't concerned. If she could take a mouthful of him, Hagan could stand a simply taste. After a moment, he asked, "Would you like me to do this for you?"

<> <> <> <> <> <>​

Brother William awoke with sun striking his face, and once he rose and blinked his eyes cleared, he found himself all alone in the shieldmaidens' tent. His lover and future wife was gone, as were the two other female warriors who'd come in last night while he and Ingrid were still fucking.

He rose, dressed, and wandered outside. A few of the Vikings shot him a glance, but none of them looked surprised to know he was here. He shrugged to a Northman who said something in Norse, then headed for the town to get a meal and begin his new day trying to convince the hold outs that having the Vikings around was a good idea. God know, William knew it.
Bryan asked Mingsu as she prepared to leave, "Can we do this again, Mingsu? Soon! I, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed that and want to do it again, with you."

"I do not think so," she said with an apologetic tone. "I am not free to do all I want all the time. I am but a slave."

She smiled to him before she left, though, saying, "I enjoyed, too."

She returned to Hagan's tent intending to ensure he hadn't been looking for her for end of day tasks. He wasn't there, so she went looking for Ingrid instead. When she heard the obvious sounds of the shieldmaiden engaged in energetic and pleasurable sex, Mingsu instead headed for her tiny little tent. She wanted to bathe in the river but knew it would be horribly cold, so she cleaner the mixed sex fluids from her body with a wetted rag before laying down and falling quickly to sleep.


Clara hurried back to her home where a small kettle over a dying fire was filled with warm water. She scooped some of the water out in a bowl and mixed in some herbs she'd collected from the forest earlier in the day. One the mixture was ready, she filled a metal tube with the liquid, stripped off her clothes, parted her legs, and inserted the tube gently inside her vagina until it was deep inside of her.

Squeezing the sheep's bladder bulb at the base of the tube, she flooded her womb with the spermicide mixture in the hopes of ridding herself of the Viking's seed. It might have seemed rather contradictory that Clara had sought out a Viking lover to cover the fear that she was already carrying a brigand's child only to then prevent -- with any luck -- a pregnancy with said Viking. But just in case Clara wasn't carrying the child of a now absent or dead criminal, she didn't want to simply face the same fate with the child of a Pagan.


Kirstin had become very good at performing oral sex after her step-father had begun forcing himself on her. She was afraid of becoming pregnant, and he had been afraid of his wife learning that he was cheating on her with her daughter when said daughter's belly began growing big and round. Kirstin's step-father had had his share of Horncliffe brothel prostitutes before he'd moved to Riverbank; he taught her how to pleasure him with her mouth, including tolerating the taste of cum when his cock emptied his balls in her mouth.

Kirstin had used her oral skills on her brigand rapist, too, whenever he wanted her but she was dangerously susceptible to becoming pregnant. Hagan was the first man whose cock she had ever willing sucked, and it showed in her performance as she caused him to explode in a very short amount of time.

"That was wonderfully unexpected," Hagan told her after he'd begun coming down from his euphoric high. "And wonderfully satisfying, Kirstin."

She smiled, the blushed; she was suddenly embarrassed for having done something so erotically taboo to a man she was going to marry and yet still barely knew.

"Would you like me to do this for you?" Hagan asked.

"No," she said quickly. She rose from her knees and kissed him passionately, then explained, "I fear that if you did something similarly to me, I wouldn't be able to prevent myself from putting you inside me."

She kissed him again as her hands and his, too, began putting him back together. Kirstin told Hagan, "I'm going to go home now. Alone. Go home, my future husband. I will see you tomorrow."

She kissed him one last time, whispering, "I enjoyed this."
The following day was another busy one, with the moat and wall crew back to digging, the barricade builders again cutting in the forest, and the future warriors practicing with their wooden swords or continuing to build their bows and arrows. At the same time, though, there was a handful of men -- and presumably their female opposites -- who had other thoughts in their heads, too.

Bryan's first thought that morning when he arose was of Mingsu and what she had done for him last night. He'd dreamed of losing his virginity for so long, and yet he'd never dreamed it would be so incredible. He hoped he would see her again today, and he looked toward the Viking village often during both his swordsman training and during his work in the fields. But other than quick flashes of her as she walked about the tents, Bryan found himself disappointed.

Hafdan was quite as lovestruck as the younger Bryan was, but he, too, had a woman on his mind. Clara had surprised him not once but twice: she'd lured him away to fuck on the forest floor, then simply stood and walked away afterward as if it had meant nothing to her. Hafdan had taken this a bit personal as the day progresses, thinking that maybe his performance had been lacking. He, too, kept an eye out for the young Saxon and yet went the whole day without seeing her.

Brother William was the only one of the four men who'd gotten lucky with a woman for the first time last night and then got lucky with her again today. Ingrid found him during the day, led him to a storage building -- ironically where Kirstin had sucked Hagan's cock the night before -- and drove the two of them to orgasm once again. And it was all done without a word other than their greeting exchanged. William was beginning to enjoy his impromptu betrothal to the strong willed and very sexy Viking shieldmaiden.

In comparison to the others, Hagan's mind only rarely returned to what had happened between him and Kirstin. Oh, it wasn't that he hadn't enjoyed it; he most certainly had. And it wasn't that he wasn't eager to repeat it; he most definitely was. Hagan simply had too many things on his mind to spend his day reflecting on Kirstin's mouth being wrapped around his cock or about his desire to put his mouth to her in return.

The defenses preparation for the town were going well, but there was still much to do. And then there was the offensive plan as well. Hagan called his warriors -- male and female alike -- as well as some key Saxons to join him around a fire at the day's end to discuss the raid of Horncliffe. Kirstin hadn't been to the town in quite some time, but other Riverbank villagers had; they provided Hagan with vital information -- particularly about the river side of the town -- that Hagan believed would be vital for the attack and pillaging of the much larger and better defended community.

"Ingrid, you and Kindra will go up the river in Riverbank's row boat with your Saxon guide to surveil Horncliffe tomorrow," Hagan ordered, "while I go with Hafdan, Haaken, and Canute and our guides up the road. Two nights and a full day of watching the town, then everyone back here to talk of what they saw, understand?"
Mingsu awoke well after dawn and instantly panicked. She should have been up before the sun's rise to begin tending to Hagan's needs. She would find out, though, that Ingrid had ordered that the Chinese slave girl not be disturbed. Mingsu would learn later that the shieldmaiden's orders had been in appreciation for her service to Bryan the night before.

Still the ever faithful servant, though, Mingsu checked to see if Hagan had any needs -- food, water, laundry -- and when she found she had nothing immediate to do, she instead headed down to the river to bathe. She dropped her clothes on the bank and cautiously entered the unfamiliar water. The bottom was muddy, which was a change from the sandy bathing area of the village she'd lived in the past few years of her enslavement.

A giggle caught Mingsu's attention, and when she looked for the source of it and a second laugh, she found a pair of Saxon boys watching her from the just beyond the reeds a dozen yards away. She quickly lowered herself into the water to hide her womanly curves and -- without even thinking about it -- chastised the peepers in Mandarin; even after all these years of having no one else to speak it with, her native tongue still came out at certain times.

The boys only continued to giggle and laugh as -- now discovered -- they stood a bit taller for a better view of the young woman who was essentially in an upright fetal position, hiding her body with her arms and knees.

Suddenly, though, they ducked down again as an arrow whistled past their heads, disappearing into the rushes. They looked for the source of the missile, then turned and ran off past the Viking tents for the not-too-distant huts of their own kind.

Mingsu looked for the bowman as well, only to find a young woman with a second arrow notched, ready to loose at the fleeing boys. She didn't let the missile fly, of course, as her mission to scare them off was complete. Instead, she put the arrow away as she descended to the river's edge.

"My name is Ainsley," she said to the young woman still hiding herself in the water. "I am told you speak my language."

Mingsu didn't answer right away, unsure of just what was happening. Ainsley smiled, then giggled. "There is nothing wrong. Those boys are gone. They won't come down here again after that. You may finish bathing."

Still, Mingsu huddled with her bosom below the water's surface, her arms crossed before her. Ainsley laughed one more time, then said with a suggestive tone in her voice, "You're a beautiful girl. It doesn't surprise me that those boys wanted to look at you."

She checked behind her to make sure no one could hear her, then looked back to Mingsu and said, "I want to look at you. But, I can see you don't want me to and probably don't even understand what I'm saying--"

"I understand your words," Mingsu spoke up suddenly. After a moment, she added, "I understand your words. I only do not understand your meaning."

Again, Ainsley looked behind her for eavesdroppers, then said, "I like looking at other women when they do not have clothes on. I like doing things with other women when they do not have clothes on."

Ainsley hesitated to see if Mingsu was beginning to understand her. The Chinese slave did, after a bit. She had known and still knew women who found their sexual pleasures with other women. Mingsu herself, being a slave, had occasionally been a part of such pleasures, which she had found enjoyable and had wished to find enjoyable again but hadn't, due to a variety of circumstances.

"Are you asking to do such things with me?" Mingsu found herself asking before she really even knew she'd spoken the words. She didn't know this Saxon; she could hardly believe that Ainsley had just shown up like this to begin this conversation. Before the beautiful redheaded woman would respond, Mingsu quickly informed her, "I am a slave. I am not free to do with you what you want me to do. If that is what you are asking. Is that what you are asking?"

"I am," Ainsley said with a friendly smile. For a third time, the redhead looked around for witnesses and asked, "If you are not free to be with me, would you at least let me look upon you again?"

Mingsu felt a blush fill her cheeks, not because the Christian woman had asked this of her but because she wanted this, too. She also looked for others who might be watching, particularly looking to where the boys had been hiding on the bank beyond the rushes. When she realized that the two of them were likely alone, Mingsu rose slowly up out of the water from her fetal position, allowing her arms to fall to her sides as well. She stood naked before the other woman, whose eyes ogled her hungrily for a long moment.

"Who do I ask?" Ainsley asked.

"Ask?" Mingsu inquired, not understanding.

Ainsley smiled again, cocking her head a bit to the right. "Who do I ask, for permission to be with you as you know I wish to be with you. I mean, after I ask you if you want to be with me, too."

Again, Mingsu felt her face explode in heat as a blush filled her cheeks and even a portion of her neck. She was very quickly realizing that she was very excited about what was happening here.

"Do you?" Ainsley asked, clarifying, "Do you want to be with me, as I want to be with you, Mingsu."

The slave girl's expression shifted at the speaking of her name, and Ainsley solved the mystery by saying, "Yes, I know your name. I saw you yesterday, while I was training with the shieldmaiden named Kindra."

Ainsley flashed her bow, indicating the training in which she'd been involved. Ainsley was already a very skilled archer, though, she'd only ever used it for hunting game animals, not other humans. The shot she'd taken between the gawking boys and Mingsu had been the closest she'd ever come to such violence, and -- of course -- her missile hadn't gotten anywhere near the peepers.

The mentioning of Kindra's name affected Mingsu in a way Ainsley might not have affected, as it was Kindra that the Chinese slave had enjoyed her previous encounters with another naked woman. Had the Viking archer told Ainsley of Mingsu's fondness for other women? How could she have? Kindra spoke only a handful of words in English, and they were all words of warfare, not pleasure. No, this connection to Kindra had to be coincidental.

"You haven't answered my question, Mingsu," Ainsley continued. "Do you want to--"

"Yes," Mingsu said before she realized she had. She dropped her eyes from Ainsley, unable to hold the meeting of their gazes, then repeated softly before looking up, "Yes. Yes, I would like to be with you like you want to be with me."

An expression of regret filled Mingsu's face as she explained, "But that is not my right or choice. I belong to my master, Chief Hagan, and only he can--"

"I will ask him for permission to invite you to my bed, Mingsu," Ainsley cut in. She looked for the other young woman's reaction, then asked, "Would that please you, if I asked your master for permission to invite you to my bed?"

Mingsu contemplated that conversation but couldn't even imagine how it would go. Then she realized that Ingrid surely asked Hagan to let Mingsu have sex with the swordsman novitiate, Bryan. So, this wouldn't be a first time for that, right? She answered simply, "Yes."

Ainsley smiled wider, nodding as she said, "Then I will ask."

She gave the Chinese girl's delicious body one last hungry look, then turned and walked away without another word, leaving Mingsu standing there in the water wondering just what had just happened. She looked around for other peepers, saw none, finished her bath, and left the river to get back to her work.


Ingrid grasped at the edges of the working table over which she was bent and cried out as she exploded in ecstasy. Brother William had cum shortly before her, and hearing the evidence of the shieldmaiden's satisfaction, he slowed and simply continued to occupy her pussy as the waves of euphoria washed through her.

She was in no hurry to leave this place or this position; Ingrid had always climaxed hard and long when fucked from behind, though, she preferred the intimacy of facing her lover, either being on top or being beneath and looking into the man's face. But she had trainees waiting for another lesson, so she urged William out of her, turned, and used a cloth she found nearby to clean up some of the mess between her thighs.

They studied each other without words, then Ingrid simply smiled and left, again without words. Back out again in a portion of the Village Center that was now a training area, Ingrid taught another lesson in defensive use of a sword, then ordered Bryan to spar with her.

"Did you enjoy yourself last night?" she asked him as they faced off. She waited for his answer, then asked, "Did you find your confidence?"

Again, she listened for his response, then told him, "Hit me with your sword, and you can fuck me, too. That was the original offer, and it still stands. So, come and get me."

Bryan did attempt, but he didn't accomplish his goal. But, he was getting better with Ingrid's training, and by the end of the lesson -- when Ingrid went off to deal with another novitiate -- Bryan was using his newfound skills to train the older man who was part of the squad of future swordsmen.


Kirstin spent much of her day tending to her own people, many of whom still weren't too excited about the presence of the Vikings. She spent half of her time fetching food and water and tending to little boo boos suffered during the digging and cutting; the other half was spent arguing in favor of the Vikings, with this particular task getting old.

"Look at what they have done for us," she told one reluctant Saxon. "They are going to save our village for us."

"How do you know they aren't just going to have us build it," the man asked her, "before killing us all and keeping it to themselves."

"I don't," Kirstin had to admit. "Perhaps we should just stop the work and let the Horncliffe Lord and his soldiers and brigands come in and kill us instead. Kill us, rape us, enslave us. Does it really matter whether it's done by Saxons or Vikings?"

She caught sight of Hagan on several occasions, even coming to him with food and water twice; each time, she simply smiled knowingly to him before departing again without a word. Kirstin was still very surprised with herself in regards to pleasuring her future husband's cock with her mouth the previous night. She had never before wanted to do that for a man, except as an alternative to having that man put his cock inside her other wet, warm hole at a time of the month which was not good for her.

When nightfall came, she laid in her bed thinking of Hagan and his cock and how it would have felt inside her pussy. Then, hearing her mother snoring in the bed on the other side of the hut, she pulled her night gown up, found her sensitive flesh, and drove herself to orgasm, doing her best to keep her sounds of pleasure quiet and unknown by her mother.
Hagan awoke to the wonderful memory of his betrothed pleasuring his cock the night before. He was not stranger to sex or to oral sex in particular, but last evening had been a treat that he wouldn't soon forget. The unexpectedness of it had been nearly as enjoyable as the end result of feeling his cock leaping inside his future wife's mouth, filling it with his seed.

"Where is Mingsu," he asked the eldest of his slaves, Merete, as she was tending to the morning duties typically performed by the missing Chinese girl.

"Ingrid has her doing something for her, I think, master," the 24 year old Norwegian answered. "Would you like me to fetch her?"

"No, no, that's alright," Hagan said after seeing that all his needs were being met. As he again recalled the previous night and remembered that he hadn't put his cock into Kirstin's pussy, he recalled one need that hadn't been met then but could be met now. He ordered Marete, "Come here."

Hagan threw back the bedding, revealing his naked body and his hardening cock as he told the slave, "Take your dress off. I want to see and feel you."

Marete didn't hesitate; she enjoyed fucking her master. She was naked in a flash and sitting atop his groin a moment later, riding him hard and fast as Hagan's hands grasped her hips and helped her in her movements. He grunted out in satisfaction as he filled her with his seed, then playfully slapped her on the hip and said, "Pour me some warm water."

She dismounted and did as told, and as Hagan sat and then stood in the middle of the tent, she washed his body from head to toes. His mind was filled with the image of Kirstin's head over his crotch and her lips swallowing his cock, and sitting down as he dried, Hagan put the slave girl to work sucking his cock while he envisioned Kirstin instead.

Marete wasn't going to make him cum, unfortunately, so he instead scooped her up in one arm, took her to the bed, and fucked her again from behind. After he was done, she again cleaned his cock and groin, and the two of them went about their day happier than they had been before their shared orgasms.

Hagan returned to the ditch digging and even pitched in. He and the biggest of the Saxons got into a competition to see who could dig the most the fastest, and Hagan would have won except that his digging path suddenly ended at a massive stone hidden below the dirt. Nevertheless, it had all been good fun and the Saxons and Vikings both got a laugh out of it.

Shirtless and sweating, Hagan turned to find himself looking into his future wife's eyes. His cock immediately came to life at his memories of her from the previous night, and he wanted to say something about it -- maybe even suggest they return to the work shed -- but his cock had, of course, gotten a pretty good work out that morning and, unlike his normal character, Hagan felt a bit guilty about asking Kirstin to suck his cock now.

"When you are ready for me to return the favor," he whispered to her as she brought him and the others a pitcher of cold spring water. He was, of course, referring to his offer the night before of performing oral sex on her, and Kirstin's expression told Hagan that she fully understood that. But she said nothing and just went about her deliveries, smiling knowingly to him in silence. He looked to the others, gave out a loud growl which resulted in a return of a group growl, and said, "Let's dig!"

It was early in the afternoon when a Saxon woman approached Hagan and asked to speak to him in private. He looked the red headed beauty up and down and -- as with Kirstin earlier -- felt his cock twitch with ideas of bedding the woman.

But after he'd dropped his shovel, wiped away some of the sweat with a towel, gotten a big drink of water, and then gestured her to walk with him, she surprised him with her request.
Marete was more than happy to stand in for Mingsu when Ingrid said the Chinese girl was busy with other tasks. And when Hagan threw back his bedding and ordered her to him, she was more than happy to do that as well.

Marete had first had her master's cock in her the day she'd been taken hostage, and -- while it had been rape per se -- she'd enjoyed it immensely and yearned for Hagan to fuck her whenever he had the urge.

Marete's father was a brutal, rude man who had declared himself Earl over his small, walled town without the King's permission. To finance the further reinforcement of his town, he had been sending his men to raid the farmsteads and villages in a region over which Chief Hagan had some responsibility.

One night six years ago, just two days after her 18th birthday, her father's town was assaulted by a massive force led by Hagan. The walls were breached, the gate opened, and Hagan's entire force flooded inside. The defenders were killed and the town fell; Marete's father was killed during the battle and later had his head cut off and sent to the King, who then had it taken on tour to all of his towns and villages as a message to anyone who might betray him.

Marete herself was identified to Hagan as his opponent's eldest daughter, and less than a minute later, she was bent over a table and the victorious Lord was fucking her hard, fast, and deep until he grunted out his satisfaction with the encounter.

Amazingly, despite being horrifically frightened and a virgin, Marete experienced orgasm during the rape, a feeling that until then she'd only known by the workings of her own fingers. She was taken as a slave by Hagan, which normally meant a life of misery and resentment. But Hagan took Marete into his bed often over the next six years, and despite having no real freedom, she had no regrets to being under Hagan's rule.

Ironically, while the Saxon girl Clara was desperate to not be with child -- be it Hafdan's or the now absent brigand's bastard -- Marete was very eager to be with child, specifically Hagan's child. The Chief of his Clan -- a man who Marete believed would one day be an Earl if not even a King -- had no heir as of yet. If she could provide him one, Marete was sure that he would not only give her her freedom but would marry her as well, making her a very important person in the Clan despite her origins.

And yet, after he'd emptied his balls into her again and again over a six year period, Marete was still not a mother. She had been with child twice, each time resulting in a miscarriage by her third or fourth month. She refused to believe that she couldn't birth Hagan a son, and she took every opportunity she could to become pregnant again by making herself available to him when she knew she was ripe to conceive.

She fucked him now, bathed him, and fucked him again. By the time he dismissed her, Marete was smiling with great joy. She was in the middle of her most fertile time, and she knew that she only had a limited time to once again be pregnant with Hagan's child: her Chief was getting married.


"May I speak with you, Chief Hagan," Ainsley asked when she found him at the work site, covered in sweat and mud. She introduced herself after he'd cleaned up and rehydrated, then got directly to the point. "I have an interest in your Chinese slave girl."

She met Hagan's eyes and clarified, "Specifically, I have a sexual interest in Mingsu."

He stopped in place and Ainsley did as well. She looked up into the tall man's face and went on, "I don't know your ways, Chief, specifically regarding your enslaved people. Is there a way in which I could borrow Mingsu. Just for a night. Maybe more nights on occasion, if she is all I believe her to be."
Ainsley told Hagan in the most casual, calm voice, "I have an interest in your Chinese slave girl. Specifically, I have a sexual interest in Mingsu."

He stopped in place and stared at Ainsley with surprise. In his previous dealings with Christians, he'd always found them to be so high minded and prudish regarding sex and other such intimate topics. To have this young woman -- this young Christian woman -- ask to essentially borrow his slave girl for sexual relations was simply not something Hagan would have expected.

"I don't know your ways, Chief," Ainsley said, "specifically regarding your enslaved people."

"There are no ways," Hagan told Ainsley. "Slaves are as is any piece of property."

He didn't explain that further, but Hagan essentially meant that Mingsu was his to do with as he pleased, including fucking them at will. Ironically, as opposed to how he had so often used and still used Marete, Hagan had partaken of Mingsu's body only once.

The Seer of Hagan's village had warned him for years earlier of a premonition that Hagan came to believe had been about the then-14 year old slave girl. It had been a vague prophecy, as most were, but the result had been that Hagan had bought the young, pure girl from the Orient and then protected her physical purity until an event in the night sky signaled that the time to bring her to his bed had arrived. It had been Mingsu's 18th birthday, not that either Hagan nor Mingsu had known it at the time.

He'd never put his cock inside her again, as the Seer had warned it would bring disaster. The next man to enjoy Mingsu's body would be a Saxon named Bryan, and that hasn't occurred until just last night.

"Is there a way in which I could borrow Mingsu," Ainsley went on, "Just for a night. Maybe more nights on occasion, if she is all I believe her to be."

Hagan turned and began their slow walk along the dirt works again as he thought on the question. Looking to Ainsley with a slight smile, he told her, "Just as you do not know things about my people, there are things I do not know about your people, things I believe that if I did know them, would make it easier for me to understand which of your fellow Saxon villagers were my friends and which weren't."

He didn't speak the words, but Hagan was obviously asking Ainsley to spy on her people for him in exchange for him letting Mingsu join Ainsley in her bed.
Ainsley understood Hagan's vague suggestion and, honestly, had expected a request akin to it. She didn't immediately respond as it would have made her seem too eager and, possibly, too easy to manipulate should Hagan want more.

"I won't tell you things that could potentially endanger the lives of people about whom I care," she finally told him. "But I understand your importance to Riverbank's future, Chief Hagan. And I understand how information about those who could endanger the good you are doing for Riverbank could be helpful to you. So yes, I will do this for you."

Ainsley stopped, and again Hagan did the same. She gave the big Viking a knowing smile as she clarified, "And you will send Mingsu to me after dark."
"I will send Mingsu to you after dark," Hagan confirmed. "And tomorrow, you will come to me and identify anyone I should be concerned with."

They concluded their business and went their separate ways. Hagan returned to digging and constructing barricades through the remainder of the early day, then went to speak to Gunnar, who had been put in charge of designing the defenses of the Viking camp.

"Is this really necessary?" the 6'6", 250 pound giant asked. "Do we really need to defend ourselves against our own kind?"

Hagan had spoken with the Northmen and Saxons who were supervising the village's current construction projects about how to defend themselves from a water attack. The English didn't believe that an attack by boat was likely; the road between Horncliffe and Riverbank was a good road and was the easiest and most efficient way to move infantry and the only way to move cavalry, even if it did open up a force to ambush in the dozen or more places where the forest and hills flanked it.

Quietly, though, Hagan had expressed a concern to his Northern Clan members only that his greater fear regarding a waterborne attack would come from their own countrymen. He looked to the shore of the river, which was open for almost a hundred yards to boat landings, and told them, "Our fellow Northmen may not be too excited to learn that we are protecting Christians from other Christians. We can defend Riverbank from a land attack only to have Vikings land and attack the Christian village."

A decision had been made that once the land defenses were completed, construction of water defenses would begin. Gunnar had presented a couple of ideas that were revolutionary, with one of them being perhaps too revolutionary.

The first idea was to build spiked-pole barricades just as were being built at the ditch around the village but to put them in the river just a foot or so below the level of the water. This barrier would not be immediately spotted by attackers and might not be seen at all until it was struck by a boat's hull. It would prevent boats from reaching the shore except at the dock that already existed and the larger, more useful dock that the Vikings intended to build for their one longboat.

The second idea -- the one Hagan questioned -- was to build a similar set of barricades stretching out from each side of the river to the point of its highest flow rate. Brother William had shown Hagan a spot in the river about a mile upstream that hadn't changed course in known history. Construction there would likely not be affected by the spring floods and possible shifting of the river's course. The hope was that any attack from upstream would come against these barriers, causing mayhem during which archers on shore would light the boats afire and pick of as many attackers as possible.

"We'll leave that one until last," Hagan had told Gunnar, afraid that it would be too much of an investment of time and resources for the risk of success. "The barricades here on the shore, however? Get started on them as soon as the village is protected from a land attack."

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There was no celebration this night, as everyone was simply too exhausted and Hagan wanted no Saxons in the Viking village so that he could speak with his people about the possibility that some of the boats lost in the storm had safely reached shore nearby. "We have to take into consideration that some of our own people may row up the river in the days or weeks to come, and when that happens -- for I am sure it eventually will -- we have to have already made a decision as to whether we will greet them with open arms or sent them away without ever coming ashore."

"They are our own people," Eirik reminded Hagan, saying, "We must not only invite them ashore, but we should invite them to stay. They, like us, left for the lands of the Christians to settle, to build new villages and farm fertile lands and run hundreds of sheep and goats and pigs upon a new land."

"I agree," Hafdan cut in. "It does not matter how the Christians feel about more Vikings coming to Riverbank. We are now in control of this village. You, Hagan, are now in charge of this village. It is your decision."

Hagan thought on it for a moment, then chuckled. "I guess it all depends on which Vikings we are talking about. I mean, some of them are real assholes."

The group laughed as they began talking about the fellow countrymen they would like to show up and those they could do with out. The meeting broke up, the Watch was set, and the rest of the hardworking Northmen went to their tents or newly built huts to get some sleep.

"You met a Saxon woman today, a woman named Ainsley," Hagan said to Mingsu when he got to his tent and found her mending clothes. She confirmed his statement. "She has asked that I send you to her bed tonight."

Again, Mingsu confirmed what Hagan was saying. He went on, "I have given her permission to be with you. You'll clean up and put on fresh clothes if you have them, then you'll go to her home and do as she requests and come back at dawn if not before. Is that clear?"
"They are our own people."

Ingrid listened to Eirik reminding Hagan that the missing longboats carried people from their own Norse community and to Hafdan reminding Hagan himself that he was not just the leader of the Vikings but the Chief of both villages.

"We are the dominant force here," she chimed in, continuing, "With all due respect to you, Hagan, I think we are giving these Saxons too much say in the daily goings-on of Riverbank. They walk away from the ditch digging and barricade construction at will, saying they need to tend to their children or flocks or crops, while we -- who also have children and flocks, though, perhaps not in the same numbers -- continue to dig and cut and work to make safe the Saxons."

Others agreed with her, but it was only Hagan's opinion of which Ingrid was concerned. The meeting went on and ended, and the Vikings returned to their tents or went to their watch stations or -- in Ingrid's case -- took a walk to the woods where she had ordered Brother William to meet her. She pulled down his trousers and pulled up her skirt and underlayers and rode him hard and fast until she was crying out in ecstasy. She lay atop him for the longest time, continuing to enjoy the feel of him inside her until he rolled her to her back and repeated what she'd done from the previous position.

Again, as had happened during their previous meeting, this was all done without the need for words. Their bodies did all the talking, and after William had cum his second time and Ingrid had her third, she rose to her feet, arranged her clothes, smiled to him, and departed, leaving him on the ground with his slowly softening cock glistening in the moonlight.

(OOC: I'm copycatting your paragraph separators, so that I don't have to delete them and use my own. I don't even remember how I got started doing mine. They're goofy looking.)

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"You met a Saxon woman today," Hagan said, "a woman named Ainsley."

Mingsu dropped her gaze to the floor, embarrassed, even though she had no reason to be. She hadn't done anything wrong, other than let the beautiful, Christian redhead see her naked in the river while she'd been bathing.

Hagan continued, "She has asked that I send you to her bed tonight."

Mingsu nodded tentatively, confirming, "Yes, Master, I know. She told me she was going to ask for my service.

"I have given her permission to be with you," Hagan continued. "You'll clean up and put on fresh clothes if you have them, then you'll go to her home and do as she requests and come back at dawn if not before. Is that clear?"

"Yes, master," Mingsu said without hesitation. "I'll finish my work first. I have time."

She did as she said, then poured some hot water into a bowl, stripped, and washed herself from head to toe. She showed no concern for her Master being there in the tent, seeing her naked; she was his slave, after all, and if he wanted to see her naked he could, just as if he wanted to fuck her he could.

But long ago, Hagan had told Mingsu of the Seer's prophecy. It had warned Hagan against his using her for his sexual pleasure until he'd received a sign. That sign had come to Hagan just days before they departed Jørpeland, on what he hadn't known was Mingsu's 18th birthday.

She had known, however, because the Seer in the employ of her father back in China prior to Mingsu's capture and sell into slavery had foretold of the same event. He'd said that the China girl would remain pure of heart and body until given a sign, and after that she would begin her trek toward her destiny by fulfilling the wishes of four individuals: a man, a boy, a girl, and a ghost.

The rest of the prophecy had been vague, just like those of the Northman Seer -- like all Seers -- but so far Mingsu had counted Hagan as the man, Bryan as the boy, and -- tonight -- Ainsley as the girl. But who or what was the ghost? And how does one fulfill the wish of a ghost?

Dressed in a simple, flowing gown she's washed and dried in the sun just that day, Mingsu decorated her hair with little flowers she'd picked from the meadow, then showed herself to Hagan. He approved, and she headed out of the tent for the village.
The following morning:

Brother William arms curled under Ingrid's knees, holding her legs apart while he straddled the old, rotting log atop which she lay on her back. They each were gasping for air after another satisfying encounter. Again, as seemed to be the normal, they had fucked hard and fast without words being necessary.

But William had things to say as he leaned into the shieldmaidens crotch and let his hands venture upwards to caress and grope her generous bosom through her layers of clothing. "I'm leaving Riverbank."

He noted her reaction, then explained, "I have work to be done elsewhere, God's work." He smiled playfully and said, "God, singularly. No offense. I have people to visit, marriages to officiate, prayers to be said for those who died and were buried without the presence of a Man of God to speak over them."

It was, of course, ironic for William to be saying these words about doing God's work while he was still 8 inches deep inside a Pagan's pussy. But forgetting all his sins and the fact that he was slated to marry this Pagan, Brother William's first love was now and always would be for his God.

"I will be away for as much as four months," he said after Ingrid had a chance to speak her piece. "We are betrothed, you and I. Do we marry before I leave or when I return?"

William would go with which ever decision Ingrid chose. She was, after all, the one who had chosen him as a spouse.

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The night before, Ingrid had unnecessarily reminded Hagan that he was the leader of the Northman camp and the Saxon village; that the Vikings were the dominant force and should be in charge of pretty much everything; and that the Vikings were providing more benefit for the Saxons than the Saxons were for the Vikings. Others agreed with her; in fact, all of the present Vikings chimed in to one degree or another that they were not getting as much from the Riverbank residents as the latter were getting from them.

When he awoke this morning with Marete still naked in his arms, Hagan lay staring at the roof of his tent for some time, contemplating the situation. The Vikings were the superior fighting force in Riverbank, yes. But when considering the adults only and not the children, the Saxons still outnumbered the Vikings 3 to 1. Still, if the Christians were to attempt some sort of military action against his people, Hagan knew his people would prevail. The English civilian peasants simply were no match for the Viking warriors, even with such overwhelming numbers.

Hagan rolled Marete to her front side, slipped his knees in between hers, and was pushing his cock into her pussy even as she was still waking up. She didn't complain, of course; she never did. Hagan pumped hard and fast, enjoying the warmth, wetness, and tightness of the slave's hole until finally he grunted out his climax and slumped down upon the much smaller woman. He lay there until she squeaked out her inability to breath, at which Hagan laughed and rolled off of her.

"Make me some breakfast," he ordered, laughing between deeply draw breaths, adding, "Then, look around for Mingsu. I want to know she made it back."

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(OOC: For anyone following our story, I am writing Ainsley in the scenes in which my delightful co-writer is writing Mingsu.)

Soft breathing sounds that weren't of her own making, accompanied by a slight movement under the bedding nearby, awoke Ainsley with a start and a sudden realization that she wasn't alone in bed. She found herself looking into the peacefully sleeping face of Mingsu and smiled at the memory of the night before.

The Chinese slave of a Norse Chief had initially been hesitant with the Saxon woman who would soon become her newest of three lovers, each of whom had partaken of Mingsu during only the last Moon. But the slightly younger of the two was made comfortable by the older one's gentleness and patience, and -- after almost two hours of simply getting to know one another without physical contact -- the pair ultimately began removing their clothes and kissing and caressing and, eventually, crying or moaning out as orgasm as orgasm came to each through the night.

Ainsley moved closer to Mingsu, causing the latter to awake and meet the former's smiling gaze. The redhead leaned in to meet the raven haired woman's mouth with a soft kiss that slowly became more intimate, then outright erotic. Ainsley finally whispered, "Good morning."

She asked Mingsu how she felt and if she'd enjoyed the previous night, then she began moving slowly down under the bedding as she let her lips and tongue begin a trek down the other girl's neck, bosom, and belly until once again she was lapping at the slave's pink pleasure folds. Ainsley didn't stop until she was hearing and feeling the now familiar evidence of Mingsu's achievement of climax.

After they'd finally left her bed, cleaned up with warm water from a pot over a still warm fire, and eaten breakfast, Ainsley told her new lover, "Hagan needs to know that a man named Bernard is secretly speaking to other like minded people who are not happy with the Viking presence in Riverbank. I fear that Bernard, if not dealt with, could possibly incite violence against your people."

Speaking the words your people to the young woman who had been born on the other side of the word and -- as a child -- had been taken into slavery and trekked an uncountable number of miles to the North, then to here, seemed almost absurd. But Mingsu had told Ainsley that after being with Hagan and the Norse for so long -- and after having been treated relatively well, considering her status as a slave -- she almost felt Viking.

Ainsley had wanted to point out that Mingsu was still a slave and had little control over her life. In fact, she'd been sent by her master to another person's bed in exchange for a promise of intelligence. But Ainsley had feared that that might ruin her evening with the young beauty, so she'd kept her mouth shut about that.

"I must get to work," Ainsley said, "and you must get this word about Bernard to Hagan." She stepped up close to Mingsu, taking the similarly sized woman into her arms for a soft, intimate kiss. "I enjoyed last night, and if you did, too, and if you would like to come to my bed again in the future, the near future, I would welcome that with great joy."

They went their separate ways. Ainsley had been one of the village's most important game hunters, so she had bargained a continuous of that activity as opposed to spending her day getting muddy and sweaty in the ditch. She'd been told, however, that she would have to take a Viking with her. The reason given had been that the Northmen needed to learn to hunt these unfamiliar woods, but Ainsley knew that the truth was that they simply didn't want her out in the woods unsupervised with a missile launching weapon or, possibly, running away to seek Saxon help with the heathen invasion.

Ainsley went to the camp by the river and asked around until she found Kindra. The shieldmaiden was supposed to be training Saxon archers this morning, but she instead put her novitiates to work cutting stock for bows and arrows while she took the redhead hunting instead.

The pair of them went off into the woods with another Saxon hunter and two Viking archer trainees. They would come back in early afternoon carrying two deer carcasses on poles carried upon shoulders, as well as a dozen smaller animals that would feed the community that night.

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Late in the afternoon, Hagan was alerted of and went to investigate an incident in the current ditch digging area. An argument between one of the Vikings and a Saxon -- a man they would later learn was one of Bernard's followers -- had turned deadly when the latter struck the former from behind with a shovel, fatally cutting deeply into his neck.

By the time Hagan got to the scene, Haaken and Canute had the man on his knees, awaiting their Chief; the balance of the Vikings present were anxiously facing off with a more superior number of Saxons who feared the murderer -- one of their own -- would himself be killed by the Viking heathen overlords.

Hagan ordered the man bound and taken to the Viking camp, then ordered that the Village Council convene immediately to discuss some things, as Hagan put it. He ordered the ditch diggers back to work, calling out from atop the wall the higher level they were creating, "Any person, Viking or Saxon, who brings violence again any other person, Viking or Saxon, will answer without question or trial to me, with their head!"

Hagan caught Kirstin's eye and gave her a knowing, meaningful look. It had been a couple of days since she'd pleasured him with her mouth, and since then they'd only spoken a couple of times and only briefly and without sentiment. He nodded his head toward the Viking camp, hoping she would follow him as he headed for his tent.
This morning:

Brother William surprised Ingrid with, "I'm leaving Riverbank."

She was laying back on the soft, rotting word of the massive downed tree, her chest rising and falling to the deep breaths following her orgasm. She lifted her head, asking with a combination of surprise, disappointment, and anger, "Why? When?"

"I have work to be done elsewhere," he told her. Smiling, he added, "God's work."

He joked about it being the work of one God, his God, then explained about the duties he needed to perform in the other villages and towns on what he called his circuit.

"How will these Christians you serve feel about their Holy Man fucking Pagans?" she asked as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him even tighter into her crotch. "Isn't it part of your religion that you are not to put your cock anywhere other than in you own hand?"

They laughed, caressed, clutched, and kissed, then William told Ingrid he would be away for as much as four months. "Do we marry before I leave or when I return?"

"I'm not marrying you if you are leaving," she said without hesitation, "unless you know how to leave your cock here to keep me happy at night."

She laughed again, recalling that only once had they had sex at night; the other times had been at various times of the day, including today at barely past sunrise. Ingrid continued, "If we married before you left, would you still be putting your cock into other pussies across Northumbria?"

The two of them had spoken about his violation of his vows the first night they'd been together. William had explained that despite his weakness for the flesh, he was still very much loyal to his God. She hadn't understood it, of course, because she didn't understand why his God would demand that he be celibate in the first place.

Ingrid pushed William away from and out of her. As she swung off the log to her feet and again repaired the disorder of her clothing, she said, "I don't care that you are fucking other women in other villages. If your God doesn't care, why should I? I only chose you as my betrothed because--"

She stopped short of finishing that very revealing statement. Ingrid wasn't ready to talk to him about her previous Saxon lover, who had also been a Monk but who had betrayed her. Ingrid knew that if she spoke of him, she might speak of how she'd killed him for that betrayal, and she didn't want to explain that to William quite yet, it ever.

"Go away, then," she told him as she moved up to William. She took his face in her hands and shared a long, passionate kiss with him. With a smirk on her lips, Ingrid said, "Go off and fuck your little Christian bitches."

Ingrid kissed him again, then -- knowing that his trousers being down restricted his movements -- she gave him a solid push. William spilled backward off the log to the ground, rolling his bare ass through the grass and leaves.

As she departed, Ingrid called over her shoulder, laughing, "Hope you don't catch and pass any of that oak rash to any of your Christian whores."

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As she came down from the peak of another incredible climax, Mingsu simply couldn't believe that she had met this incredible woman and been given permission by her Master to spend the night in her bed. Mingsu had lost count of how many orgasms Ainsley had caused her the night before. No one -- man or woman -- had ever cared about her own pleasure during sex; no one -- man or woman -- had ever put their mouth to her sensitive folds and the extra sensitive nub hidden within them to drive her toward and ultimately to heights of pleasure that resulted in such joyous explosions.

At one point, after her fourth or fifth orgasm, she pulled Ainsley up into her arms and cried into the crook of her neck, telling the Saxon, "No one has ever care enough for me to treat me the way you have."

And they hadn't been done yet, either. Ainsley had taught Mingsu what made her explode, and they continued to pleasure one another through much of the night, taking short breaks to simply hold one another and talk about their lives.

This morning, Ainsley explained about a man named Bernard. Before she left, Mingsu asked with a tentative tone, "Is this why my Master is letting me come to your bed? Because you are giving him information about your people?"

Ainsley responded, and Mingsu left to return to the Viking camp to pass the word about Bernard to Hagan. She wished to speak to him about the deal he'd struck with Ainsley, but it really wasn't something in which she had a say; she was his slave, and if he wanted to send Mingsu to Ainsley's bed -- which, of course, Mingsu wanted as well -- then it was his choice. She would live with it, happily.

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Kirstin had heard about the attack at the moat digging area, too, and she'd hurried there in fear of a fight that might end in multiple deaths and the end of the cooperation between the Vikings and the Saxons. Hagan took charge, and as he left, he caught Kirstin's eye and seemed to indicate that he wanted to speak with her, if not more.

She didn't hesitate to follow behind him, but before she'd gotten out of the village Kirstin was intercepted by some of the Members of the Village Council who wanted to know what was going to happen to their man. Bluntly and without hesitation, she said, "He is likely going to be executed."

There was shock in some faces, anger in others. As mayhem erupted between them, Kirstin just walked away. She arrived at Hagan's tent and entered without announcing herself. The pretty slave, Marete -- who Kirstin had learned spent most of her nights in Hagan's bed -- was taking care of this task or that, and Kirstin told her, "Leave us. I need to speak to Hagan."

When the young servant made no move other than to look to Hagan for guidance, Kirstin continued with a firm, demanding tone, "I am soon going to be married to your Chief and living in his home, a comfortable home in which you currently are a resident but may not be once I am Hagan's wife. So, if you want to continue having a comfortable life after I am also your master or mistress or lady or whatever you Vikings call it, you will get the fuck out!"

This time around, Marete glanced to Hagan and -- regardless of whether or not he signaled her to leave -- did just that, hurrying out the door with some of his undergarments that needed washing in the river.

Kirstin looked to her future husband and asked, "What is going to happen with the Christian you have trussed up somewhere in your camp?"