The Lounge

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I'm more... Well, I'm all over the place musically. About the only things I don't listen to are 70's rock, and country. Other than that, you can find just about any other genre hanging out somewhere in my library. It's kind of ridiculous.
Runs in... I would say surprise, now days empty lounge never is. Sadly shuffles slowly southward. Singing something about slithering seductively across the sheets.
Rubbing her temples just a bit, she quietly pads into the lounge in search for a comfy seat in which to sit. Once seated, she chooses water for her beverage, curls up and glances around to see who might be about.
She smiles after taking a small sip of her water. Setting her glass down, she waves and whispers back, "Thank you, Raven. Thankfully, it's doing much better than it had been earlier. Also, it's nice to meet you as well. I hope your night is going well."
Skips in and smiles at Raven and DA, waving silently at the aching one. Before curling up to work on some threads.
Not too bad. My machine hasn't crashed all night. I got a post out. And there is a nice person here in the lounge... Ether that or I've got a new voice in my head... How goes your evening besides the head?
She smiles and waves at Miss_Vivi. "Hello," she says softly before taking another quick sip of water. Setting it back down, she glances over at Raven. "Well, that sounds like a decent enough evening. Mine's been pretty good, especially now that the migraine is subsiding. Right now I'm just listening to some music. Nothing like a little Loreena McKennitt to help soothe the brain." She giggles a bit.
"Right now I'm listening to the 'The Book of Secrets' album and the song currently playing is The Highwayman," she says with a smile. "So, do you also like Loreena McKennitt?"
Hi Vivi sorry I didn't see you there.
And yes actually your listening to the only album I owned. Looking to replace it when I can. My taste is some what eclectic. Black moor, Loreena, Gaelic Storm, Roger Whiticker. Probably spelled it wrong.
"Eclectic is good. My own musical tastes are ridiculously eclectic, but I think that just shows well-roundedness. Not to mention, you'll never get bored or sick of anything that way." She giggles a bit. "But I love Loreena and have a fair number of her albums. I also love other genres from 'classical' and opera to metal to even video game music. Yes, I'm nerdy like that."
I'm back. As far as music I listen to just about every thing from country to opera to rock about the only things I don't listen to match are industrial and rap. As for having fun with feeding the beast... No not really its load 70+lbs per bar times eight bars in under three minutes. Then adjust to with in .01 inch. Change any tools needed test, retest, and run.
Looks like we are all alone again Raven. We should go in the kitchen. Raven goes in the kitchen. Makes fresh pots of coffee and tea (Green and black). Fresh sliced cantaloupes and coconuts with the milk in a glass for the first person who wants it. Sets up every thing perfectly on two trays. Then brings them out to the coffee table.
Goes around cleaning every thing, even polishing the silver set. A little Old English for the for the wooden globe till everything is glowing or sparkly clean. The hole time whistling The Mexican Whistler by Roger Whittaker.
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"Eclectic is good. My own musical tastes are ridiculously eclectic, but I think that just shows well-roundedness. Not to mention, you'll never get bored or sick of anything that way." She giggles a bit. "But I love Loreena and have a fair number of her albums. I also love other genres from 'classical' and opera to metal to even video game music. Yes, I'm nerdy like that."
and now apparently operatic symphonic metal too.
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