The lowest of the low

twelveoone said:
Thank you for the clarification.
No problem.

Let me just add this. I vote on every poem I read, with no exception. If I come across a piece that I can't be fair with at that particular time, I bookmark it and come back to it later, when I'm back on the right mindframe.

I don't comment on every poem I read, for a number of reasons. When I only get to the poem after several other people have commented, for example, I won't comment if there is nothing significant that I can add to what has already been said. I won't comment just to say Lauren Hynde Was Here. I won't comment if I'm on limited time and if it will take more time to write the comment than the good that can come from it. I usually won't comment in public on poems that I already knew and had commented in private before them being posted. And I usually won't comment on the work of people which I know are not looking for honest comments, or people who I know won't give a damn.
Last edited:
BooMerengue said:
Geeez! In the time it took to edit something I got quoted!! Would you delete that post from your post, Du? Thanks! :rose:
done boo! have a great morning.. IT IS A BRAND NEW DAY!
DU~ :D
Good Mornin' Peep's

Thought if I wanted ya'll to hear me, I would post a Mornin all here.

Huggs an Waves to All~

Now, I am gonna go write.

Verrry Happy writing to All ~

RhymeFairy said:
Good Mornin' Peep's

Thought if I wanted ya'll to hear me, I would post a Mornin all here.

Huggs an Waves to All~

Now, I am gonna go write.

Verrry Happy writing to All ~


Morning RF,

Waves back at ya ~

Now keep writing that wonderful poetry!.... :kiss:
Well pull my lever!

Not on mine...

07/30/05 by Anonymous in USA
I'd like to tell to annonymous who wrote i am tired of idiots that first of all i didn't vote for either candidate.Secondly why don't you tell me where you live and i will gladly go over and fuck your wife while you watch and than we will see who the pathetic loser is. Who know you might enjoy being turned into a cuckold, and your wife will certainly enjoy being fucked by a real man. By the way i am not even white....jackass

I guess jackass couldn't make it over here, THAT privledge has been changed.
twelveoone said:
Not on mine...

07/30/05 by Anonymous in USA
I'd like to tell to annonymous who wrote i am tired of idiots that first of all i didn't vote for either candidate.Secondly why don't you tell me where you live and i will gladly go over and fuck your wife while you watch and than we will see who the pathetic loser is. Who know you might enjoy being turned into a cuckold, and your wife will certainly enjoy being fucked by a real man. By the way i am not even white....jackass

I guess jackass couldn't make it over here, THAT privledge has been changed.
I saw that comment yesterday. I think someone got mixed up and thought he was commenting on some "loving wives" story he was reading. How the comment ended up on a poem is beyond me.
PatCarrington said:
let’s assume for a moment that all poets who submit poetry here want to improve their writing (for those that are just sharing, what I’m about to say has no bearing).

i’ve been here for a year. there have been countless threads crucifying trolls…yes, they suck…yes, anonymity is cowardly…everyone agrees, except them.

but they’re easy to recognize, and therefore they should be easy to ignore, since you know what they are.

i have seen some, but not nearly as much complaint about a common problem here that is far more widespread - and that is the amount of blind praise that is passed around.

comments of blanket praise outnumber troll comments 100 to 1, and that includes here on the threads. that is the case for many reasons, too many to get into.

they may feel good, but are they?

they may encourage you to write, but do they encourage you to improve? or do they lead you to believe that there is no great urgency to get better?

they may be politically correct, but in my mind they do real damage.

trolls are easy to deal with – blow off steam, curse and rant, turn off the voting mechanism when you post.

blind praise is not easy to deal with, since one’s first instinct is to not only like it, but also believe it.

that makes it far more sinister (unintentionally, of course), in my opinion, no matter how kind-hearted the intent was.

and saying “i’m not competent enough to give constructive criticism” doesn’t hold water. can a person be ‘not competent’ enough to give criticism, yet competent enough to give praise?

no poem is perfect. no writer is perfect. trying to find imperfection or areas for improvement in another’s writing will not only help them, but also make the commenter a better writer as well.

personally, trolls make me snicker. blanket praise is what boils my blood.


I am slowly but surely Muckin my way through this thread. I can only take it in very small doses. I am not trying to be a Bitty. Just I hate confrontations and arguments. But I have roamed across this comment.

I have to add, I echo Pat's thoughts on the * Praise * Issue. As someone who loves to write, I really DO appreciate being critiqued in an honest manner. I do NOT need, or want someone to * spoon feed * me for my ego ... or friendship. I may never be a * Great * poet, but what I can be is someone who strives to learn and do better. Thank You for listening yet again to my rambling ...

Happy Writing ~

Me ~

RhymeFairy said:
I am slowly but surely Muckin my way through this thread. I can only take it in very small doses. I am not trying to be a Bitty. Just I hate confrontations and arguments. But I have roamed across this comment.

I have to add, I echo Pat's thoughts on the * Praise * Issue. As someone who loves to write, I really DO appreciate being critiqued in an honest manner. I do NOT need, or want someone to * spoon feed * me for my ego ... or friendship. I may never be a * Great * poet, but what I can be is someone who strives to learn and do better. Thank You for listening yet again to my rambling ...

Happy Writing ~

Me ~


Originally Posted by PatCarrington
let’s assume for a moment that all poets who submit poetry here want to improve their writing (for those that are just sharing, what I’m about to say has no bearing).

i’ve been here for a year. there have been countless threads crucifying trolls…yes, they suck…yes, anonymity is cowardly…everyone agrees, except them.

but they’re easy to recognize, and therefore they should be easy to ignore, since you know what they are.

i have seen some, but not nearly as much complaint about a common problem here that is far more widespread - and that is the amount of blind praise that is passed around.

comments of blanket praise outnumber troll comments 100 to 1, and that includes here on the threads. that is the case for many reasons, too many to get into.

they may feel good, but are they?

they may encourage you to write, but do they encourage you to improve? or do they lead you to believe that there is no great urgency to get better?

they may be politically correct, but in my mind they do real damage.

trolls are easy to deal with – blow off steam, curse and rant, turn off the voting mechanism when you post.

blind praise is not easy to deal with, since one’s first instinct is to not only like it, but also believe it.

that makes it far more sinister (unintentionally, of course), in my opinion, no matter how kind-hearted the intent was.

and saying “i’m not competent enough to give constructive criticism” doesn’t hold water. can a person be ‘not competent’ enough to give criticism, yet competent enough to give praise?

no poem is perfect. no writer is perfect. trying to find imperfection or areas for improvement in another’s writing will not only help them, but also make the commenter a better writer as well.

personally, trolls make me snicker. blanket praise is what boils my blood.


Not to point fingers but I was confronted with (at one time)
a member saying I gave this blanket praise and my comments are superficial. I think alot of the comments, my self included are made by people who don't have the knowledge to tell another how to reconstruct their poems. Or a better structure. And I don't know that the public forum is the place for aunty muses to disect them openly either. But thats another subject. Feedback would be a more suit able place for that, my opinion.

I also think Eienstien said it best, "we should progress with repetition" or we should not do it. We all get better, I would hope, I saw my wife (Ninja Nookie) write poems for years and they seemed the same over and over. She started reading others poetry and 'Bam' her style changed and she was published. I use to read all the poems every day for a long time, wicked gave a few sites to visit in a thread that was very enlightening for structure, verse, prose and even my fav...ballad/ode. You tend to grow.

what makes my blood sex...oh wait, that's blood pressure. I really don't get upset with one votes here and there. I find a troll to be the one that targets a poem once it reached the top list and stays. But that is all the politics of a motivation I don't understand so I don't worry about the numbers and let the comments be the true teller of a poems worth.

There are some great sites for helping new poets and some that are pretty tough, this site has a tough audience. I have tried to be the yin to the yang and inspire and encourage the new poets, and it boils my blood to see so many leave for a lack of praise where you claim a blanket of praise. It is the critics harshness that turns many away.

The soil here is like that of the desert, only the strong seed survives.
Lauren Hynde said:
Anonymous voting and participation is fundamental because most readers that matter are not registered. They're not your buddies who will give you a 5 no matter what crap you write. They're the hundreds of anonymous readers who have no idea who you are but happen to see something online that grabs their attention. Those are the people whose opinion matters. Many of them might very well be skitterish enough about participation in an adult site to begin with, with fucktards like you running around, and you want to force them to register so that they can give their opinion about your work? Your not only an incredible asshole, you're an incredibly selfish asshole.

This doesn't matter whether it was directed to me, it was repeated, and I felt it needed to be addressed.

Most places I've seen or heard about you have to register to vote. And as far as "fucktards" go, I, from time to time as I come across it, I will post some of their "opinions".

Apparently, I can not get on this forum with out registering to participate. Anonymous voting from unregistered, strikes me as a non-issue anyway, looking at my numbers, views to unassigned votes it must be around 1%. Their opinion when they chose to voice it does not matter much, at least in this case.

I look for a handfull of names, their names, their votes, their comments. And I leave mine, when I vote, when I comment, so that everyone can see. They can decide from that if I am an asshole.

As far as opinion goes, Lauren, both you and I know how easily that can be manipulated, what matters most is critical thinking.
Good afternoon, everyone

Before I forget and postpone this again {this stuffing too much in too little time before going to work is getting to be a bitch}I want to thank Pat C. for giving Me, in particular, such depth and validity in your reply regarding "blanket praise". I realize I am guilty of it - IN A PUBLIC COMMENT - quite often if not all of the time. But I am a discerning person and DO know when a work reads where there is some need/room for improvement. When that happens, I will send a private feedback to that author or in an IM chat, give My two cents' worth in the hopes that both they AND I may improve; the author with My suggestions {usually grammatical and spelling as I feel is My forte`} and then, in return, getting another take of the work direct from the horse's mouth that I may have otherwise not seen. dcpoet44 is a prime example of the aforementioned feedback/chat. In most cases, I benefit as much from the additional insight of the poet/author as they do from My suggestions; a win-win situation. If the author of said work doesn't get a feedback from Me, but a vote and comment only, it is with the conclusion that I have nothing to add, suggest, or question. Sometimes, like Lauren has mentioned, I simply and only vote because of outside factors - time constraints, personal matters taking precedence, etc. I, too, agree and understand it is an injustice to the poet/author to blanket them with praise {well chosen words, Pat <smile>} as alone and without the additional "one on one" feedback/chat, I have then helped to smother their growth; not expand it. This method works for Me as I feel uncomfortable criticizing someone in the open, but once again I will say this is just a Laura/Wanton Vixxxen thing. I feel I get as much accomplished by encouraging in public and suggesting in private as others do only in the public arena. Not saying it's better {other than for Me} - just another tact.
And one more thing, Pat~ I want to thank you for being the perfect gentleman in your replies on this thread; especially those replies addressed directly to Me early on. Although I'm SURE {laughing now} I was grating on your nerves and patience at times, you always emitted through your words the decorum befitting your talents and expertise. I am truly appreciative of that as well as your opinions and points you shared with Me. We may never agree on all of the subject matter presented here on this thread, but you have given Me food for thought that may otherwise never have been fed My brain. Thank you.
And now, I'm off to Microsoft Word to work on My novel - before heading off to work- work. There's never a dull moment in the life of a Domme. <wink>
Have a good day all !!! :rose:
Wanton Vixxxen said:
Before I forget and postpone this again {this stuffing too much in too little time before going to work is getting to be a bitch}I want to thank Pat C. for giving Me, in particular, such depth and validity in your reply regarding "blanket praise". I realize I am guilty of it - IN A PUBLIC COMMENT - quite often if not all of the time. But I am a discerning person and DO know when a work reads where there is some need/room for improvement. When that happens, I will send a private feedback to that author or in an IM chat, give My two cents' worth in the hopes that both they AND I may improve; the author with My suggestions {usually grammatical and spelling as I feel is My forte`} and then, in return, getting another take of the work direct from the horse's mouth that I may have otherwise not seen. dcpoet44 is a prime example of the aforementioned feedback/chat. In most cases, I benefit as much from the additional insight of the poet/author as they do from My suggestions; a win-win situation. If the author of said work doesn't get a feedback from Me, but a vote and comment only, it is with the conclusion that I have nothing to add, suggest, or question. Sometimes, like Lauren has mentioned, I simply and only vote because of outside factors - time constraints, personal matters taking precedence, etc. I, too, agree and understand it is an injustice to the poet/author to blanket them with praise {well chosen words, Pat <smile>} as alone and without the additional "one on one" feedback/chat, I have then helped to smother their growth; not expand it. This method works for Me as I feel uncomfortable criticizing someone in the open, but once again I will say this is just a Laura/Wanton Vixxxen thing. I feel I get as much accomplished by encouraging in public and suggesting in private as others do only in the public arena. Not saying it's better {other than for Me} - just another tact.
And one more thing, Pat~ I want to thank you for being the perfect gentleman in your replies on this thread; especially those replies addressed directly to Me early on. Although I'm SURE {laughing now} I was grating on your nerves and patience at times, you always emitted through your words the decorum befitting your talents and expertise. I am truly appreciative of that as well as your opinions and points you shared with Me. We may never agree on all of the subject matter presented here on this thread, but you have given Me food for thought that may otherwise never have been fed My brain. Thank you.
And now, I'm off to Microsoft Word to work on My novel - before heading off to work- work. There's never a dull moment in the life of a Domme. <wink>
Have a good day all !!! :rose:

you're welcome. :)

your desire to make the whole voting structure better is noble, moreso since it was never about only you but the system is general.

i just think we're all better off if we just write and provide encouragement (but not false praise ) to each other, and constructive criticism, of course.

eve has it right, perfect, in fact. she always tries to say something nice, but never leads a poet to believe the poem is good if she doesn't think it is. and she points out fault with suggestion for improvement, not harsh words.

but "what a great write" is as useless as "this poem sucks." what's the difference between them, other than one of manners?

let the one-bombers do what they do. really, what difference do they make?

ignore them and they'll probably go away. and if they don't, who cares anyway?

that's my attitude about it.

My Erotic Tale said:
...encourage the new poets, and it boils my blood to see so many leave for a lack of praise where you claim a blanket of praise. It is the critics harshness that turns many away.
if one insists on walking home with bloody knees after the first fall, they'll never learn how to ride the bike, will they.

we're adults, not children. as such, we should have learned by now how to accept and benefit from criticism instead of responding with hurt feelings, or how much growing up have we done?