The lowest of the low

twelveoone said:
No Miss Hynde, just pointing out, it is unclear from your answer...
Now Miss Hynde, if I remember correctly, this is the second time you refered to me as having as having some kind of problem.
Now Miss Hynde, if you wish to discuss something without the sarcasm, without the dismissive contempt, I am willing to do that.
You made a lot of quotations, but you didn't indicate what exactly was that you found so contradictory. I wasn't being sarcastic.
Lauren Hynde said:
You made a lot of quotations, but you didn't indicate what exactly was that you found so contradictory. I wasn't being sarcastic.

damn, isn't it almost dawn where you are?

a real night owl...'re not a vampire, are you? :)
PatCarrington said:
damn, isn't it almost dawn where you are?

a real night owl...'re not a vampire, are you? :)
Well, apparently I feed on negativity and the need to control. What do you think? :catroar:
Lauren Hynde said:
Do you realise that it was just proven that I didn't have anything to do with either of those three situations? Do you even realise what you are saying?

And for the record, I wasn't the one who attacked you in this thread, idiot. You came after me three posts in a row. The first two I ignored because I know the type of person you are, but when you accuse me of breaking Literotica's rules and of tampering with votes, you're way out of line.

You are not the victim here, pal.

well that's good cause I don't feel like a victum.

I apologize whole heartidly for causing such a 'ruckus'
my words were directed at lauren and should have been done so via PM, I say that for the expansion of the subject matter has grown like a bubble from bubble gum, I don't challenge lauren for breaking any lit rules. I think that was not what I implied but was too close to draw that line. Lauren handles a lot of affairs here at Lit and I am not sitting here saying she would not do this task honestly. Lauren makes the call on a lot of descisions and this is the way it has to be. I just KNOW that I will never now as then get a fair shake from lauren, and gave examples cause she said "back up what you say" so WE dug up the old shit and fondeled through it example.

And the tinsel shinned... the others sublime~

but, I will point no more fingers or claim Lauren is dis honorable at her JOB here at lit as so implied. I wanted to clear this up. I can point my fingers in a lot of directions but I am not saying Lauren broke any rules...

<clearing that up>
Du Lac said:
I will stand now... I wrote to Art and told him he was out of line. I will come right out now.. you are out of line. How did this come to threatening someone in their home enviroment? You did start with the harsh language. I will also tell you that whenever I see you on the boards it is only to argue. I think you thrive on negativity and the need to control.. you signature says it all.... YOU ARE OUT OF LINE. Art responded in a calm way... you are now threatening him. You are behaving insane and like a stalker. Get it together. You are a leader here are you not ashamed to be leading in such a fashion? What kind of person would do that ... threaten like that? Calm down and step back you are doing severe damage to yourself. What comes across is a fear ridden, angry and sad woman.
Detach and get hold of yourself

I've known Lauren for a long time. She was joking, I'm sure of it. She has a very ascerbic sense of humor you know and people don't always see that about her.

Lauren is the least likely person here to thrive on negativity, well except for me probably. She can be forthright, but that's just her style. No one should be put off by her disagreeing. She doesn't begrudge anyone their opinion, no matter how voraciously she argues her own. And she is the best kind of leader, imo, because she helps more people here than anyone realizes by offering critique, solving people's computer problems, putting a huge amount of time in and she does it without telling anyone. I have a lot of respect for that kind of modesty, for someone who does what they do for others without any expectation of anything in return, not even recognition.

I really think you've misread her. You know me and I'm a pretty straight shooter. Lauren is good people. I've seen that at least a thousand times since I've met her.

Personally, I think we should all stop worrying about the fucking votes and write poems. But that is my opinion and truely I say it to everyone here with respect (except for the "fucking" epithet, which is just rude, lol). Just learn from each other and remember this is a good place. It gives to us all. It gives us poems and inspiration and friendship. Sometimes even more. :)
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Lauren Hynde said:
You made a lot of quotations, but you didn't indicate what exactly was that you found so contradictory. I wasn't being sarcastic.
Then I won't be.

In that case:
Here a distinction is made between comments, and "traces"

"I leave a name when I comment, and I leave a trace when I vote,"

"so what I infer from this is that you vote 1's but do not leave a name, but rather a "trace", is that correct?"

"Of course. You can't exactly sign votes, can you, sweetie-pie? "

Here it is unclear, but leads one to believe, that no comment is made and a anonymous vote is made

"I have voted 1s and 2s before, and with good reasons. When I vote 1s and 2s, I don't do it on a whim, I do it because in my opinion as a reader, those are bad poems. I could write a long-winded feedback message and explain why I gave this poem and that a 1, but why should I waste another second of my time on bad poetry,"

Here you state that sometimes that no comment is made, but the vote is anonymous
"But if I am pressed for time, or - quite frankly - if I know that the author couldn't care less about the reasons of a low vote, I will vote the way I want without leaving a comment."

Here you state your name is always there

"When I leave public comments, it's because I have something to say - something other than "yeah, I voted". And I do it the same way I vote. The thermometer may read 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%, and my name is right there next to it in every occasion."
I understand better than you think. I know that Lauren gives much here at Lit and asks for little. I have been just like her in many ways just different situations. There was too much emotion here and I stuck my "I need to save everybody" nose in the middle. I am a Libra the peacekeeper and I yelled just as hard at Art as I did her. One of these days I will learn that sometimes you just will not be heard when it comes to people reacting on issues that are close to their emotions. Truth is they feed each other and that sometimes needs to be done.... negative or not...

I apologize if I pissed anyone off...I own my actions and even though I was trying to keep peace maybe I just added fuel to the fire. Hence I learn keep my fucking mouth shut and let them kill each other.. maybe there will be peace
damn is that a dream or a nightmare???

PS I agree write ... I think I said that very very early on when it did not become WW 3 here...

Angeline said:
I've known Lauren for a long time. She was joking, I'm sure of it. She has a very ascerbic sense of humor you know and people don't always see that about her.

Lauren is the least likely person here to thrive on negativity, well except for me probably. She can be forthright, but that's just her style. No one should be put off by her disagreeing. She doesn't begrudge anyone their opinion, no matter how voraciously she argues her own. And she is the best kind of leader, imo, because she helps more people here than anyone realizes by offering critique, solving people's computer problems, putting a huge amount of time in and she does it without telling anyone. I have a lot of respect for that kind of modesty, for someone who does what they do for others without any expectation of anything in return, not even recognition.

I really think you've misread her. You know me and I'm a pretty straight shooter. Lauren is good people. I've seen that at least a thousand times since I've met her.

Personally, I think we should all stop worrying about the fucking votes and write poems. But that is my opinion and truely I say it to everyone here with respect (except for the the "fucking" epithet, which is just rude, lol). Just learn from each other and remember this is a good place. It gives to us all. It gives us poems and inspiration and friendship. Sometimes even more. :)
Angeline said:
I've known Lauren for a long time. She was joking, I'm sure of it. She has a very ascerbic sense of humor you know and people don't always see that about her.

Lauren is the least likely person here to thrive on negativity, well except for me probably. She can be forthright, but that's just her style. No one should be put off by her disagreeing. She doesn't begrudge anyone their opinion, no matter how voraciously she argues her own. And she is the best kind of leader, imo, because she helps more people here than anyone realizes by offering critique, solving people's computer problems, putting a huge amount of time in and she does it without telling anyone. I have a lot of respect for that kind of modesty, for someone who does what they do for others without any expectation of anything in return, not even recognition.

I really think you've misread her. You know me and I'm a pretty straight shooter. Lauren is good people. I've seen that at least a thousand times since I've met her.

Personally, I think we should all stop worrying about the fucking votes and write poems. But that is my opinion and truely I say it to everyone here with respect (except for the "fucking" epithet, which is just rude, lol). Just learn from each other and remember this is a good place. It gives to us all. It gives us poems and inspiration and friendship. Sometimes even more. :)

thank you grasshopper

lauren can come to my front door if she likes I won't mind,
Du made some valid points...
actually several people made some points <grin>
not all of them brownie ones either.
Du Lac said:
I understand better than you think. I know that Lauren gives much here at Lit and asks for little. I have been just like her in many ways just different situations. There was too much emotion here and I stuck my "I need to save everybody" nose in the middle. I am a Libra the peacekeeper and I yelled just as hard at Art as I did her. One of these days I will learn that sometimes you just will not be heard when it comes to people reacting on issues that are close to their emotions. Truth is they feed each other and that sometimes needs to be done.... negative or not...

I apologize if I pissed anyone off...I own my actions and even though I was trying to keep peace maybe I just added fuel to the fire. Hence I learn keep my fucking mouth shut and let them kill each other.. maybe there will be peace
damn is that a dream or a nightmare???

PS I agree write ... I think I said that very very early on when it did not become WW 3 here...

You didn't piss me off.

Whenever I lose sight of stuff here, eagleyez looks me in the eyes and giggles and says "It's just Lit." He's a smart boy. ;)

PS ange if you read the story I posted about the inmates etc on this thread you would see that I know for a fact that there is Good in Lauren.... it is just sometimes we get lost in the emotional things... and take things so personal... I was trying in my most honest way to show that although it came across not as it was meant....
du~ :catroar:
Du Lac said:
PS ange if you read the story I posted about the inmates etc on this thread you would see that I know for a fact that there is Good in Lauren.... it is just sometimes we get lost in the emotional things... and take things so personal... I was trying in my most honest way to show that although it came across not as it was meant....
du~ :catroar:

I will...but tomorrow. I'm being paged. :D

Jesus Christ!!

Whats wrong with everyone these days?? So much energy being wasted. Go write, for gods sake- poems, not drivel!

Just for the record... Lauren, I could never doubt your integrity, and am apalled anyone else would. And this is not sucking up- thats not my style. Now your buddy, Charley?? That's another matter... *weg

j u s t k i d d i n g,
C h a r l e y !!!

(pink- just for you!)
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Angeline said:
You didn't piss me off.

Whenever I lose sight of stuff here, eagleyez looks me in the eyes and giggles and says "It's just Lit." He's a smart boy. ;)


just literotica drama baby

I am telling him that you told us that he giggles.

remind me tomorrow to do it
I am tired.

annaswirls said:
just literotica drama baby

I am telling him that you told us that he giggles.

remind me tomorrow to do it
I am tired.


he's cute when he giggles. :)

actually it's more of a hehehe. lol.

twelveoone said:
Then I won't be.

In that case:
Here a distinction is made between comments, and "traces"

"I leave a name when I comment, and I leave a trace when I vote,"

"so what I infer from this is that you vote 1's but do not leave a name, but rather a "trace", is that correct?"

"Of course. You can't exactly sign votes, can you, sweetie-pie? "

Here it is unclear, but leads one to believe, that no comment is made and a anonymous vote is made

"I have voted 1s and 2s before, and with good reasons. When I vote 1s and 2s, I don't do it on a whim, I do it because in my opinion as a reader, those are bad poems. I could write a long-winded feedback message and explain why I gave this poem and that a 1, but why should I waste another second of my time on bad poetry,"

Here you state that sometimes that no comment is made, but the vote is anonymous
"But if I am pressed for time, or - quite frankly - if I know that the author couldn't care less about the reasons of a low vote, I will vote the way I want without leaving a comment."

Here you state your name is always there

"When I leave public comments, it's because I have something to say - something other than "yeah, I voted". And I do it the same way I vote. The thermometer may read 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%, and my name is right there next to it in every occasion."

I couldn't have said it better myself, in fact I did not <grin>
Its not beaking the rules
it is an example of what would be considered unfavorable voting.
which is the topic of the thread
thank you 12
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Du Lac said:
the volcano has calmed ... lava is turning to obisidan... why don't we just let it cool and become the sacred glass in which to learn?

I learned let it be..

Geeez! In the time it took to edit something I got quoted!! Would you delete that post from your post, Du? Thanks! :rose:
Angeline said:
he's cute when he giggles. :)

actually it's more of a hehehe. lol.


like Scooby?

I want a duet audio poem
about tickle torture
on my desk in the morning

come on please?
twelveoone said:
Then I won't be.

In that case:
Here a distinction is made between comments, and "traces"

"I leave a name when I comment, and I leave a trace when I vote,"

"so what I infer from this is that you vote 1's but do not leave a name, but rather a "trace", is that correct?"

"Of course. You can't exactly sign votes, can you, sweetie-pie? "

Here it is unclear, but leads one to believe, that no comment is made and a anonymous vote is made

"I have voted 1s and 2s before, and with good reasons. When I vote 1s and 2s, I don't do it on a whim, I do it because in my opinion as a reader, those are bad poems. I could write a long-winded feedback message and explain why I gave this poem and that a 1, but why should I waste another second of my time on bad poetry,"

Here you state that sometimes that no comment is made, but the vote is anonymous
"But if I am pressed for time, or - quite frankly - if I know that the author couldn't care less about the reasons of a low vote, I will vote the way I want without leaving a comment."

Here you state your name is always there

"When I leave public comments, it's because I have something to say - something other than "yeah, I voted". And I do it the same way I vote. The thermometer may read 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%, and my name is right there next to it in every occasion."

I still don't see where is the contradiction. I say the same thing in all of them: I vote the way I vote, with the full spectre. When I vote, I may also leave a comment, or not. If I do leave a comment, my name will be there and you will see what I voted, be it 0% or 100. If I don't leave a comment, you obviously won't see it.

I really don't understand what's so hard to grasp.
My Erotic Tale said:
I couldn't have said it better myself, in fact I did not <grin>
Its not beaking the rules
it is an example of what would be considered unfavorable voting.
which is the topic of the thread
thank you 12
You just can't quit, can you? What exactly is an example of what could be considered unfavourable voting? Unfavourable to whom?

Are you saying that any person that gives a vote lower than 3 to a poem is a troll, even if he or she honestly believes that poem to be bad?
My Erotic Tale said:
I just KNOW that I will never now as then get a fair shake from lauren, and gave examples cause she said "back up what you say" so WE dug up the old shit and fondeled through it example.
Give with one hand and take with the other. You have no idea what Zen is about...

I have never treated you with anything less than complete impartiality and you know it. I was always courteous to you, both in the forum and in PMs - unlike you, who show one face in public and another in private. I helped you when you had the idea to setup the "Dueling Samurai" thread, I helped you with contest entries, not even bothering to sign my name when I responded as The Poets, I told you when this year's Survivor contest started and personally invited you to enter it. Do you remember what you said then? Because I do.

You dug up the old shit and went through it looking for an example and found nothing, and still you won't quit insinuating I have it in for you. Remember, you were the one who attacked me on this thread, three times in three successive posts, before I even so much as acknowledge you.

Not Zen, not Master.
Lauren Hynde said:
I still don't see where is the contradiction. I say the same thing in all of them: I vote the way I vote, with the full spectre. When I vote, I may also leave a comment, or not. If I do leave a comment, my name will be there and you will see what I voted, be it 0% or 100. If I don't leave a comment, you obviously won't see it.

I really don't understand what's so hard to grasp.

Thank you for the clarification.
My Erotic Tale said:
I couldn't have said it better myself, in fact I did not <grin>
Its not beaking the rules
it is an example of what would be considered unfavorable voting.
which is the topic of the thread
thank you 12

No Art, the thread is about anonymous leavings, either comments or votes. I have made my position clear, others have too.

I do not see things as black or white issues, and I have attempted to see the validity of their arguments.

This is something I do, comment, vote with name (or number). I don't like otherwise. That is all.
BooMerengue said:
Jesus Christ!!

Whats wrong with everyone these days?? So much energy being wasted. Go write, for gods sake- poems, not drivel!

Just for the record... Lauren, I could never doubt your integrity, and am apalled anyone else would. And this is not sucking up- thats not my style. Now your buddy, Charley?? That's another matter... *weg

j u s t k i d d i n g,
C h a r l e y !!!

(pink- just for you!)

LOL :kiss: I'm sure you know I rarely take anything seriously, except stupidity because it has the dubious potential to lower my IQ.

As for kissing ass, you know I would if I could, Boo - bend over! ;)

p.s. Fuschia is "really" hard on the eyes at this time of the morning! :eek:

I have only ever maintained that anyone leaving a 1, 2, or 3 should leave a why. At least I think I have, but am never beyond contradiction.
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