The Most Frivolous Thread EVER

Ogg, I have a medieval text (obviously not a first edition), a handbook for young wives. Very interesting of course, and lovely writing.


p.s. I hope your lilfe is not passing before our eyes by way of your AVs.
perdita said:
Ogg, I have a medieval text (obviously not a first edition), a handbook for young wives. Very interesting of course, and lovely writing.


p.s. I hope your lilfe is not passing before our eyes by way of your AVs.

I have several books about advice to young women. Chaucer is a good start but I like Brantôme: Lives of Fair and Gallant Ladies.

Here are a few chapter headings:

Of Ladies Which Do Make Love, and Their Husbands Cuckolds

Concerning Old Dames as Fond to Practise Love as Ever the Young Ones Be ...

Concerning Married Women, Widows and Maids: to Wit, Which of These Same Be Better Than the Other to Love


PS. My Avs (except Henry VIII) are not likely to get much older than the current schoolboy one. I was wearing a new Rugby shirt (the third that season) because the old one had been destroyed in the previous match. This was a pre-match photo.
oggbashan said:
Concerning Old Dames as Fond to Practise Love as Ever the Young Ones Be ...
Now that I would love to read.

Thank you for taking the anxiety out of my viewing of your past. Looker of a young man, btw.

Og's AVs

oggbashan said:
My Avs (except Henry VIII) are not likely to get much older than the current schoolboy one. I
Dear Og,
I still prefer the AV in which you wear the cake on your head.
oggbashan said:
Don't worry. MG. Cake on the Head will return.


Was that you on 'Dead Ringers' last night Ogg, playing Henry VIII?

Mlle: again, thanks for this thread. Having a very bad a.m. in SF. your Trova

Don't know if this is true, don't know if it will offend, don't care; made me laugh. My brother in Vienna sent it to me from a gossip mag a few years ago. FYI, Pia Z. was a very short and busty bimbette who married a very rich man who produced movies for her. She was NO actress.

When Pia Zadora played Anne on stage in The Diary of Anne Frank, she was so bad that when the Nazis came to the house, audience members shouted out, "She's in the attic!"
Her husband, remarking on the age gap, is also quoted as saying:

"It will be good when she has a child, she'll have someone nearer her own age to play with."

perdita said:
When Pia Zadora played Anne on stage in The Diary of Anne Frank, she was so bad that when the Nazis came to the house, audience members shouted out, "She's in the attic!"
Now THAT'S bad acting. The audience is similar to Philadelphia sports fans. They'd boo a cure for cancer.
More wise words from my personal bedside bible, "Parlor amusements and Social Etiquette", as published by the Christain Herald in 1895:

"Dress is a safe index of character, and few dress really well that would not be considered persons of culture."

"Nowadays, with a few exceptions, men wear the hair very short, and the exceptions are not to be found among men of taste. a man with a beard that reaches down over his chest, or a mustache so long as to be in the way, is a disgusting object to look upon."

"Pinched-toed shoes are an abomination."

Hope that helps everyone out there on the road in this journey we call "life".
Very Important Information

MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
"Pinched-toed shoes are an abomination."

Over here, we refer to them as "Mosquito Hunters" - coz they're so narrow in the front that you might accidentally stab a mosquito to death when you're out walking.:(
Here is one of the aformentioned Pity The Fool Haiku's

I pity the fool

Who Don’t know who Mr. T is?

mohawked Adonis . :p

Yes, Edge. Dear god. So hot, such a grin....such a dumbass. God, they were about to give you a serious push, you ass!!



Far from being base
Wrestling is just opera
far larger than life

A dazzling opus
With physical arias
in place of vocal

Literal it's not
willing suspension is key
to see the glory

I have to check out your site...I'd been wanting to create one myself.

Nice one, Destinie. You get a nana. :nana:


T, thou art a MAN!
Alchemists might well envy
That well-endowed neck

Haiku 2 from the collaborative cycle "I Pity the Fool"

Or maybe...I pity the haiku...
T is a "bad ass"
but TV couldn't say that
He went by "B.A"

In a related note, my boyfriend once had a dream that he was every member of the A-Team- and to quote him "I was kicking ass."
gauchecritic said:
Was that you on 'Dead Ringers' last night Ogg, playing Henry VIII?


I do not reveal where I will appear as Henry VIII in advance. Each time I have to shave off part of my beard and dye it. Personal appearances are only given after a special invitation and a promise of free beer.

I pity the fool

Oh A-Team. A -team
how I miss thee oh so much
Mr. T Comeback

edited to add

I cannot write haiku
I am a pitiful fool
Mr. T pity me .
Last edited:
Now I've read all up and down this thread but nobody ever explained where the doggone dangeroos were!

I *get* it that they're dangerous, but *where* the heck were they keep'n 'em?

And don't say you'll tell me tomorrow, after four times I don't fall for that one anymore...

Op_Cit said:
I *get* it that they're dangerous, but *where* the heck were they keep'n 'em?

Right next to the "restloons," of course!
Op_Cit said:
. . . nobody ever explained where the doggone dangeroos were!
I *get* it that they're dangerous, but *where* the heck were they keep'n 'em?

As J. P. Barnum would have explained it: :eek: “ This way to the Egress > ”