The Most Frivolous Thread EVER

Re: Frau Blau:

perdita said:
Breathing fresh air, thanks.

With time out for husbands and babies I finally finished my B.A. degree at 51. I took biology as the required science course. One day's discussion and lecture on the cardiovascular system brought up the subject of heart transplants. The professor explained the use and requirments of such a modern procedure. At the end a young woman raised her hand and asked, "And what happens to the donor?"

I can't recall the teacher's reply, only the silence before it and how my brain felt taking in the question.


Wasn't it in one of Doug Adams books...

"What happens if you're bitten by something deadly?

Well, I assume you die."
destinie21 said:
Today I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with 'Guess' on it. I said, Implants?

Best t-shirt I saw...on a really tall guy.

Front side said


back side

Weather's fine
Skin Head Hamlet

Semi-resurrecting this thread so everyone can enjoy the verbal delights of Richard Curtis's Skin Head Hamlet.

Larf as you Will. - Perdita ;)

In the final scene Fortinbras enters to find everyone dead.

Fortinbras: What the fuck's going on here?
Horatio: A fucking mess, that's for sure.
Fortinbras: No kidding. I see Hamlet's fucked.
Horatio: Yer
Fortinbras: Fucking shame: fucking good bloke.
Horatio: Too fucking right.
Fortinbras: Fuck this for a lark then. Let's piss off.

(Exeunt with alarums.)