The Nerd Herd!

Hey cats. I didn't know if y'all were aware, but if you commit to an annual subscription for WoW right now, you get a shit ton of awesome benefits like Diablo III, a mount, and guaranteed beta key for the next xpac. If you play and are going to continue playing, something to think about!

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Rant incoming: Okay, so I was recently booted from my world of warcraft guild along with a few of my very good friends. The reasons stated were varied and it's rather unclear as to the ACTUAL cause, but there were a few common ones that I'd like to address:

One reason was that I was apparently "flirting inappropriately" with some of the married guild members.

So, apparently a few of the guild members took it 100% serious when I told them things like "I think your voice is so cute. You and I should have babies, then we'd have the cutest-voiced babies in the world!"

Okay, so, if you are stupid enough to take that seriously, here's what that means. I don't know your name, where you live, anything about your personality or even what you look like. You could be a bloody axe murder for all I fucking know. But I want you to leave your significant other, abandon your children, leave your family, quit your job and abandon your house...leave behind everything you know and out to Oklahoma and come to my house, climb up my stairs into my bedroom and have sex with me and get me pregnant. Then, stick around for nine bloody months while your child grows inside me, then drive me to the fucking hospital when my water breaks and hold my hand while I squeeze out your fucking kid.

I'm sorry, but if you are so fucking stupid as to think I am 100% serious when I say that, I don't want to be your friend, because you are so moronic I'm shocked your brain functions well enough for you to remember how to breathe!

Two: My personality is "too bubbly" and many of the guild members don't like being in ventrilo with me because I'm "too nice".

Okay, who the hell is such a miserable bitch that they can't stand someone who has been NOTHING but sweet, generous, caring and friendly to them? Really? I'm TOO FUCKING NICE to be a part of your guild? The person that decides they don't like me because I'm "too bubbly and nice" is the same person that has had multiple people go to the guild leader with complaints because they were openly hostile and rude, yet because they're a regular raider, they get away with murder, and the girl that's "too nice" gets booted.

So the guild leader has his priorities like this: Gear first, the HUMAN BEINGS in his guild last.

I have single handedly carried that guild for the last 12 levels, and contributed thousands of gold, a LOT of materials and gear and TIME and HELP to that guild. I have been PERSONALLY responsible for more people joining said guild because of my "too nice" and "too bubbly" personality being a beacon for people who LIKED the fact that I was friendly, helpful and generous with my time for them, and genuinely wanted to be their friend.

Yet the people who have been openly hateful and hostile to the non-raiders in the guild are the ones who were kept, and the "too nice" people were booted, because to the guild leader, THAT is the "healthy guild environment".

So, here's the long story short, people. Don't be friendly. Don't be generous with your time and help. Don't be YOURSELF, a perky, bubbly loving person who genuinely cares about your guildmates and the guild. Be an openly hostile, hateful bitch who raids regularly in your guild, and you can get away with murder.
Rant incoming: Okay, so I was recently booted from my world of warcraft guild along with a few of my very good friends. The reasons stated were varied and it's rather unclear as to the ACTUAL cause, but there were a few common ones that I'd like to address:

One reason was that I was apparently "flirting inappropriately" with some of the married guild members.

So, apparently a few of the guild members took it 100% serious when I told them things like "I think your voice is so cute. You and I should have babies, then we'd have the cutest-voiced babies in the world!"

Okay, so, if you are stupid enough to take that seriously, here's what that means. I don't know your name, where you live, anything about your personality or even what you look like. You could be a bloody axe murder for all I fucking know. But I want you to leave your significant other, abandon your children, leave your family, quit your job and abandon your house...leave behind everything you know and out to Oklahoma and come to my house, climb up my stairs into my bedroom and have sex with me and get me pregnant. Then, stick around for nine bloody months while your child grows inside me, then drive me to the fucking hospital when my water breaks and hold my hand while I squeeze out your fucking kid.

I'm sorry, but if you are so fucking stupid as to think I am 100% serious when I say that, I don't want to be your friend, because you are so moronic I'm shocked your brain functions well enough for you to remember how to breathe!

Two: My personality is "too bubbly" and many of the guild members don't like being in ventrilo with me because I'm "too nice".

Okay, who the hell is such a miserable bitch that they can't stand someone who has been NOTHING but sweet, generous, caring and friendly to them? Really? I'm TOO FUCKING NICE to be a part of your guild? The person that decides they don't like me because I'm "too bubbly and nice" is the same person that has had multiple people go to the guild leader with complaints because they were openly hostile and rude, yet because they're a regular raider, they get away with murder, and the girl that's "too nice" gets booted.

So the guild leader has his priorities like this: Gear first, the HUMAN BEINGS in his guild last.

I have single handedly carried that guild for the last 12 levels, and contributed thousands of gold, a LOT of materials and gear and TIME and HELP to that guild. I have been PERSONALLY responsible for more people joining said guild because of my "too nice" and "too bubbly" personality being a beacon for people who LIKED the fact that I was friendly, helpful and generous with my time for them, and genuinely wanted to be their friend.

Yet the people who have been openly hateful and hostile to the non-raiders in the guild are the ones who were kept, and the "too nice" people were booted, because to the guild leader, THAT is the "healthy guild environment".

So, here's the long story short, people. Don't be friendly. Don't be generous with your time and help. Don't be YOURSELF, a perky, bubbly loving person who genuinely cares about your guildmates and the guild. Be an openly hostile, hateful bitch who raids regularly in your guild, and you can get away with murder.

I know you put a lot into your guild, but I don't see why you'd want to be in a guild run by a guy like that. We have a lot of guild drama, but at least our GL doesn't go ousting people. Really for any reason. even when he should :rolleyes:

What server are you on? I have an EXCELLENT guild recommendation if you're on Fenris

Yes yes i know. FENRIS. apparently it has a bad rap. I HAVE NO IDEA> I just play around school when I have the time and don't really care 9_9
So, here's the long story short, people. Don't be friendly. Don't be generous with your time and help. Don't be YOURSELF, a perky, bubbly loving person who genuinely cares about your guildmates and the guild. Be an openly hostile, hateful bitch who raids regularly in your guild, and you can get away with murder.

Who the hell wants to be associated with people like that. Sorry that you were booted, but you are better off. This is a perfect example of no good deed goes unpunished.

Karma will bite them in their ass. :)
wow sux, tf2 4eva

Who the hell wants to be associated with people like that. Sorry that you were booted, but you are better off. This is a perfect example of no good deed goes unpunished.

Karma will bite them in their ass. :)

Karma will get them. *sage nod* It's just a matter of time.

Several people left because they thought kicking me was a dick move. I hope the guild splits right in two because of it.
Yeah that's terrible to hear, I can't believe people act like that but I agree with what most are saying here that you can do better and I'm sure more people will leave the guild over time...
Let pain and destruction reign upon said guild!

Maybe this will distract you: Lord of the Rings' Battle of Isengard, rendered in 22,000 (!) Legos...

I mean, come on. That's cool.

Oh. My. God.

That was so cool. I'd like to give whoever made that a victory BJ.

No spoilers please - it'll be a month or so before I can get to it. But is it worth it?

No spoilers honey. I promise, in this entire thread. :)

It is 100% worth the money. Absolutely, positively worth every penny.
It's been a while since I put funny pictures up for y'all. Here you go!






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I think I can make that...*runs off to go try* :D

For real, that was pretty awesome!

Oh. My. God.

That was so cool. I'd like to give whoever made that a victory BJ.

No spoilers honey. I promise, in this entire thread. :)

It is 100% worth the money. Absolutely, positively worth every penny.