The New Poems List

What I liked

from 7-14 & 7-15:

AOHell by Chicklet
America Online is a horrible thing
Makes me weep when I hear its ring
Signing on is a pain in the butt
Nearly makes me want free of my Internet rut

**Being a fellow AOL'er, this is PRICELESS!**

Skin Beneath Foam by Rybka
skin beneath the foam,
Take thou wench, of witchery
Make me of the war

she said

underneath my bed
Holding wonder, how easy
clamorous gulls soar

She had me with the title.

Super Heroes in Tights by Elda Furry


Holy cocks, Batdick!
The Penguin's packin'
He's swingin' his stick
Listen to him laughin'

I'm laughing, I am soooo laughing.

My Oral Talent by WickedEve
Name's Penelope Goodbody
Bitchin' babe, not too shoddy
Trained in the fine art of fuck
Proficient in styles of suck

The WickedOne says "vote" damnit!
~if I do not vote, do I get a spanking?~

Thanks for the mention on the poem. I removed that thing about voting to show your support of my quest to be the best cocksucker in a 5 mile radius from my home. lol I got an email from anonymous calling me "cockqueen" or "queencock" or something. So I removed my little joke. lol

By the way, I'll let Elda know that someone read her stupid super hero poem. She'll be tickled! :D
Eve, you're a hussy. You know you love my poem.
Nakedangelina, thank you!

Hey! Has anyone, besides kdog, noticed that smithpeter is back?
@ night

There's something good in my fur,
Dear Elda

I enjoyed your hero poem and even voted something.
What is good in your fur?
Would I need floss?
Re: Dear Elda

smithpeter said:
I enjoyed your hero poem and even voted something.
What is good in your fur?
Would I need floss?
Possibly a blow torch. Or needle nose pliers.
(I'll have to send you a private message telling you what's good in my fur. ;) )

Smithpeter, welcome back!! It was so good to see your name of the New Poems List again.

WickedEve, I thought your comment was hilarious. Anyone that reads your poetry knows that you do not standardly put comments like that in your poetry postings. There are some people with no sense of humor. Then again, there are some people that are just plain mean and ugly. Okay, getting off my high horse now...
Anonymous sucks.

Elda, you're welcome, I enjoyed the hell out of it.

for smithpeter

stiff limbed
you walk into my head
a vixen of vulgarity,
naked limbs,
hands on too full hips
thrusting forward
asking, no, telling me,
reprimanding me,
for not indulging
in their saltiness
I taste you on my full lips
a lick of saltpeter
a pulsating punishment,
provoked into suede green platform heels.
I am desire,
where I stand.

I like your art. And your radon girls.
hee! thanks. glad to be here. this site is very arousing. nice to see you are listening intently. :eek:
I'm loony for alliteration!

by Rybka ©

Lonely laughing lunatic

Devious deep diver

Maudlin midnight maniac
Murderer of the mists

A wild, woeful, wonderful read! Check out the rest of this poem.
on Loon

Wow Rybka--
What a great read. I'd like to here it outloud from you. I like wild whickering. That struck a chord with me.
Glad you liked it and it finally got posted. - Of course the image and the Latin name got chopped as usual. :( It was supposed to start something like this:



(Gavia immer)

Lonely laughing lunatic

Devious deep diver

Maudlin midnight maniac
Murderer of the mists

This poem is one of a series, not all illiterative, about wildlife. All are supposed to have a sketch and the scientific name just below the title.

Regards, Rybka
Here is one I liked

Since I just received a kudo, I would like point out a submission that I wish I had written. It is a 5 in my book. I refer to Waiting by just pet
The cramped galley is littered with the dust of closed memories
of smiling quakers, clabber girls, and red-haired cherubs
Dust-powdery, the shelves, lined with faded blue geese silhouettes
stack his sustenance for future glories:
cartons, cans, and canisters
rows and rows
of string bean almandine, Norway bristling, and cream of wheat

A table braces the north wall
sporting a solitary cane-back chair,
its cushion long forgetful of its youth.
Rich brocade tapestry of burgundy and teal
now balding
bleeds kapok and dignity,
wheedling verbal complaints with each fraying human encounter

It is full of beautiful and imaginative imagery, and the metaphors are fresh. I might change it with a tweak here or there, but heck, I did not write it. I just wish I had. ;)

Regards, Rybka
Re: Here is one I liked

Rybka said:
Since I just received a kudo, I would like point out a submission that I wish I had written. It is a 5 in my book. I refer to Waiting by just pet

It is full of beautiful and imaginative imagery, and the metaphors are fresh. I might change it with a tweak here or there, but heck, I did not write it. I just wish I had. ;)

Regards, Rybka
Love it! I didn't even see this one. I'll definitely go vote on it now. :)
New - 7-29-02

Ones that caught my eye. - Judo ;)
A little long, but a nice song

's late at night and no one else is home;
you're feeling down, so you reach for the phone.
Baby, you can cry on my shoulder...
And when she feels so bad
It makes me feel so sad
Baby, you can cry on my shoulder...

You Can Cry On My Shoulder
by MyEros333©
Mmmm...I miss Paris. Thanks to this first-time poet.

Walked down from Montmarte with a nonchalant air

Was on the Pont Neuf I saw her standing there

Clothes by Bon Marche showed all she'd got

Man, her Savior Faire made me real hot

Chic Chantelle from the Place Pigale

With a je'nais se que je adore

Chic Chantelle

Chic Chantelle
by uglybob©
Step right up, folks!

I lay a tantalizing spread
Puckered between two loaves of bread
Starved customers come in all night
Cramped seating, the fit is tight

Ass open for business
by Elda Furry©
A moment of familiarity

the butt in flinging
a sky fire work
all brilliant like its
human launch pad

by smithpeter©
More to come to catch up the thread. July 30th is not present, but 31 and August are. Care to assist? - Judo ;)
Glad you did the new poems! Ealier today, I spent about an hour going through the new ones from the past few days. I had all the links cut and pasted, the post was ready and looking pretty, and then just as I was about to hit submit reply, my 3 year old pulled the plug on the computer!!! lol

I haven't read today's new poems yet, but I must say something about yesterday's.

In a day where there were a lot of really good new poems (I'm thinking that smithpeter alone posted 4 of them, so we know there's 4 great ones there - you have to read compass headings and evening - and the precious Fellatio Fandango by nakedangelina, for example) there were two poems by the same author that soared high above any other:

She Mulls Her Reasons to Believe
by Angeline ©

Let me love you with my mind,
lay my logic before you and guide you
to cerebrations of symbols
that embrace your inferences and
illuminate your meditations.

Too Marvelous for Words
by Angeline ©

Papa Jo plays jazz
in clean white socks and soft shoes,
so he can muffle the bass drum
and let the hi hat shimmer four four.
Drive it steady and don’t drop no bombs,
but carry it on carry it on swinging,
so the bells can blare and the axes can moan,
and the bones can swoop, and it all fits together
like a crazy syncopated puzzle,
pumping blues in a piston-smooth copacetic ride

Angeline's mastery of rhythm is mindblasting and her word usage is just too marvelous for words. And never once does she loses sight of the message, never once fails to touch something deep inside. Please read the rest, vote and send her feedback!
English Haiku

Considering the recent discussion about what is "Haiku", and you are using:
White blouse unbuttoned,
barely baring your nipple
ripe and wanting touch.

Here is a shorter version:

Blouse unbuttoned,
barely baring nipple
wanting touch

Regards, Rybka
In Praise of the Hynde

Lauren, I love you
you're too too too fine
Nice boob on your AV
Your mind is divine.

Lauren, you're gorgeous
You're really so sweet
Praise me more baby
I'll kiss your damn feet.

Someday you'll be famous
The Queen of Architectury
I'll still be eatin hot dogs
Earnin jack, writin poetry.

You bitch, you're perfect
Now gimmie a peck
Thanks for the mention
I'm mailing the check.

Je t'adore, Ms. Hynde! Thanks for the good words, the consistent support, and especially that kind offer to take the 10-year old off my hands.


Nice one ryb

Blouse unbuttoned,
barely baring nipple
wanting touch

Perhaps : *wicked grin*

Blouse ripped wide open
exposing hardend nipples
needing pinch

No nipple pinching! At least no nipple pinching unless I'm the pincher. I'm very protective of Ms. Lauren's nipples.

I like your shortened version...alas I wrote the current version long before there was so much debate over what is and what is not "technically" haiku.

A mere fancy for LH...for being so sweet to a newbie virgin.

A little late, but.

I can't believe I missed this one on the title thread.

Exploring Romp by smithpeter

you allow him to enter
your name in his mouth

I see it roll and fall out
with other things
of yours
from his face

He says things sometimes that objectively seem backwards, but somehow they make sense.
Green Eyes
by Mr. Unsexy ©

I look deeply into your beautiful green eyes
Utterly mesmerized by the vision
Arrested by your eyes of hazel
That hypnotizing shade of brown
What I'd give to lose myself once more
In your deep blue eyes
Yes, I remember those grey eyes well
Okay, I remember them vaguely
Fuck it, I remember your tits

I really liked this one. :D
Two new ones that I like

There were a good number of poems worth reading posted today. I won't mention the works by this poetry forum's regular contributors, since they are usually well worth reading, but here are two by authors that I have not read before. I consider them both to be at least 4 s.

Why?! by gvmethestars

At Forty by halfnhalf

If you have they time, they deserve a read [and a vote].

Regards, Rybka