The New Poems List


Thanks for the recommendations. I really like At Forty.

KM, Green Eyes by Mr. Unsexy is a hoot! (Or should I say a hooter... lol)
Re: Two new ones that I like

Rybka said:
There were a good number of poems worth reading posted today. I won't mention the works by this poetry forum's regular contributors, since they are usually well worth reading, but here are two by authors that I have not read before. I consider them both to be at least 4 s.

Why?! by gvmethestars
Great idea (not new but still). The starts quite well: the 2.. 4.. 6.. 8.. 10.. 12.. 14.. 16.. 18.. 20..   Then 22.. 24.. still ok. And then 25.. and it is not readable/edible anymore, hopeless. I tried to force myself to read it, it is just not possible, too boring and useless and it pushes me away, all that talk-talk-talk, very unpoetic, unanything.

How do U rate such a poem? What standards should one use. Poems devoid of anything got 5s, interesting poems got 1s and 2s. Voting on Literotica for poems is meaningless.

This poem reminds me of a simple, beautiful song (a great poem too) by Bulat Okudzava: blue baloon. My command of English is not good enough to translate well even such a simple song. Perhaps U, Rybka, may do it? Or one can try Google/Internet.

Thank U, Rybka, regards,
Re: Two new ones that I like

Rybka said:
There were a good number of poems worth reading posted today. I won't mention the works by this poetry forum's regular contributors, since they are usually well worth reading, but here are two by authors that I have not read before. I consider them both to be at least 4 s.

Why?! by gvmethestars

At Forty by halfnhalf

If you have they time, they deserve a read [and a vote].

Regards, Rybka

(I have left the first one alone but) I voted 5 for "at forty". :)

Thank U, Rybka, again (BTW, I am getting tired of "U & r". I am about to quit these short expressions. It is a pity though that they r not standard :). Starting with the next post, no more "U & r" from me. I don't know about poems. It depends. Occasionally "u" or/and "r" works real well, in a pleasant way.

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Senna Jawa wrote:
(BTW, I am getting tired of "U & r". I am about to quit these short expressions. It is a pity though that they r not standard :). Starting with the next post, no more "U & r" from me. I don't know about poems. It depends. Occasionally "u" or/and "r" works real well, in a pleasant way.

I will use single sign homonymns in poems for effect, but I find their use in ordinary writing to be affected, not effective [no offense intended]. - Emoticons bother me a bit also, but they do serve a useful function since it is often necessary to clarify the emotional content of the written word; particularly those of a writer that you do not know very well. - Now if we can just get Blarneystoned to drop the "HaHa". :)

I always enjoy reading your comments, as well as your poetry. [By the way, your most recent poetry posts are in very small font size again.]

Regards, Rybka
Re: Hey!

lickmyboot said:
No nipple pinching! At least no nipple pinching unless I'm the pincher. I'm very protective of Ms. Lauren's nipples.

I like your shortened version...alas I wrote the current version long before there was so much debate over what is and what is not "technically" haiku.

A mere fancy for LH...for being so sweet to a newbie virgin.


Who said i was pinching her nipples, I was pinching mine to the thoughts of hers :p
Originally posted by Rybka I will use single sign homonymns in poems for effect, but I find their use in ordinary writing to be affected, not effective [no offense intended].
I seriously thought about English adopting U E Eir Em. And "r" would be also nice. With "E" plus derivatives English would be more expressive. But I don't have much energy for any causes. (I made up a new language a couple of years ago but the crazy start-up company for which I worked had folded on me. It was depressing).
- Emoticons bother me a bit also, [...]
I instinctively dislike the eye winking emoticon ;-) and I never Use it. I have to admit that some nice people use that wink-emoticon routinely.
I always enjoy reading your comments, as well as your poetry. [By the way, your most recent poetry posts are in very small font size again.]

Regards, Rybka
Thank you, Rybka, for your good words. I saw too that my new submissions showed in (a very) small font. I didn't change anything. I guess, Literotica did. This inconvenience I can understand, I can go around it again. But Literotica has imposed on me titles for my poems, or rather they have botched up the ones which I have provided. I am very disappointed because it is not an issue of a technical mishap (as with the size of the font) but of an ugly attitude. I think that it is Koran which says:

&nbsp give a man power and he will make angels cry.

I am considering withdrawing my poems from Literotica. I don't want to do anything in a rush though. Also, with so much work, I would need to back up them, which means quite an effort after having 111 submissions. I had about three times that many poems at one site in the past and I withdrew them when I was censored for no reason at all. I lost some poems and translations in the process then. It's tiring.

Literotica HATES titles!

Senna Jawa wrote:
But Literotica has imposed on me titles for my poems, or rather they have botched up the ones which I have provided. I am very disappointed because it is not an issue of a technical mishap (as with the size of the font) but of an ugly attitude.

You are not alone. If you try and paste your poem, as opposed to uploading it for the webmistress to post, it will get screwed up more often than not. The automatic program does not work very well. It often chops the top or bottom off of my submittals, changes symbols, etc. It almost always changes my spacing and quite often the title. - I have given up complaining.

I would suggest that the changes in our work are not because of an "ugly attitude", but rather due to an attitude of indifference, and or a lack of understanding of poetry. Improving the poetry posting computer script apparently has a low priority.

Regards, Rybka
Re: Literotica HATES titles!

Rybka said:
I would suggest that the changes in our work are not because of an "ugly attitude", but rather due to an attitude of indifference, and or a lack of understanding of poetry. Improving the poetry posting computer script apparently has a low priority.

Regards, Rybka
Why would they change all lower case titles to versions having the first letters of their words in upper case? Why do they bother? Why do they go out of their way to hurt poems? Why can't they leave them alone?
After all, I am NOT posting say child pornography, they don't need to interfere. I am just trying to integrate the titles of my poems with my poems and with my style.

why lower case?

Senna Jawa wrote:
Why would they change all lower case titles to versions having the first letters of their words in upper case? Why do they bother? Why do they go out of their way to hurt poems? Why can't they leave them alone?

No argument from me, but that is due to the programing not a conscious judgement every time. - Very little HTML coding is allowed, not even center or left justification, nor even color.

Regards, Rybka
Re: Hey!

lickmyboot said:
No nipple pinching! At least no nipple pinching unless I'm the pincher. I'm very protective of Ms. Lauren's nipples.

I like your shortened version...alas I wrote the current version long before there was so much debate over what is and what is not "technically" haiku.

A mere fancy for LH...for being so sweet to a newbie virgin.

I'm always sweet to smart and sexy newbie virgins! ;)

(Thanks for the protection)

I think both versions are lovely and there's no such thing as a «not "technically" haiku» -- it's your prerrogative to change any form in any way you see fit.
Re: Re: Hey!

Lauren.Hynde said:
it's your prerrogative to change any form in any way you see fit.


        your nipples
        and your butt
        is hot

end of SONNET
Actually: Senna, that was pretty funny. Lauren, you know I love you, but I am actually with SJ on this one. Some things are difficult to define (haiku, tanka, virtually anything that is designed for a foreign language. (try to write a iambic pentameter in Japanese)), but what SJ gave you was definitely not a sonnet.

Anyhow, at the risk of sounding like a smithpeter ass kisser, which I am not, here is another one of his that I like.

LIke Smoke

in the morning
we yawn unlike the sun
it is fast
we are slugs
If he wants to call it a sonnet, it's a sonnet -- maybe no-one else thinks it's sonnet, but that will only make it a BAD sonnet. ;)
Thanks for the mention christcat! It was one of those that turned to silliness half way through and I just smiled & kept on writin'!
Two Good Poems

Here is a poem on a very overdone theme, but for some reason it seems fresh. As if a new eye and tongue have come upon an ancient worn coin. Around Every Corner Is You by shanier.
You’re not all I lost.
As good as you are, you
are only a man--
torn from me in pieces
of a whole in which
I had total faith
(pieces I called friend,
brother, twin, lover,

The second one I really liked was Paper Doll by WickedEve. WE's work is always wonderful. In this one she discusses ordinary life from a novel perspective.

I need simplicity,
need my life pre-cut,
ready to wear.

There are several other interesting reads, but these two appealed to me the most. - Both are worth a read and a vote.

Regards, Rybka
Just checking out all the new poems from the last few days and I ran across this one:

At The Alter
by HomerPindar ©

She stood before the alter, slowly revealing her skin.
She knew him to be a thief, a seducer and a liar.
She stood inside the chapel, her thoughts turned deep within.

Very nice villanelle!
Hey, _Land

Elda Smut Slut
by _Land ©
Eldas the queen of tasteless smut
She makes me a whore, a useless slut

I wander in and out of her thread
stroking mindlessly, my engourged head

I just read her Poem "Im not nice"
I have to confess she has my vice

From there I went to her "Ass"
I almost came on my second pass

Her one on "instant gratification"
certainly helped with my masterbation

Imagining "sexing up her pretty pussy hole"
stroking harder my hard purple pole

Finally reading "puSSygaSmS and cockploSionS"
My orgasmic release from her penned notions

Ahhhh yes Elda my Smut Slut
Im glad your legs are never shut

Tasteless smut? What's tasteless about an ass open for business? The taste is rather frisky. And sexed up pretty pussy holes are the cheese whiz on your ritz. puSSygaSmS and cockploSionS blow me away with a burst of flavor. Instant gratification of throbbing thrusting taste budding. Just remember, I'm not fucking nice!

btw, my twat's been snatched! Call super heroes in tights!

1 elda, 2 fucking guys
by oxalis ©

so we met at this place
it was kinda dirty
with bugs
and your butt stunk
so we went back to her place
a hotel room
me and Mitch and her
Mitch was a bitch

he has this HARD-ON all afternoon
he was hiding a lint brush down his pants
she had this real awesome
glass thing that looked like my cock
i laughed when you compared your cock to the big glass thing
no it looked like Mitch's cock
lint brush!

movement to slumber
fancy lettering
sometimes I think that if my
cock and posterior was not so
purfect I would not get any pussy
at all never
you've never ever

Mitch has big bugger lips
like Mick Jagger wagger
got 'em stuck in a glory hole for 3 hours

then the glass thing comes out
it is like a part of a meter
in length
things look bigger when you're... little
she does it whole
and Mitch is in the bathroom
having one of those movements
you and the burrito always move him

so I move closer
she is divine like a church
on Sunday or Wednesday
does not taste like chicken either
tastes like a piece of heaven and you ain't gettin' through the pearly wet gates