The NEW UK Kink Thread

Went to a local farm (Well, I say local, local in this case is about 45 minutes to my x wife's house then 15 minutes to the farm) with Belle. Saw some recent calves (Calfs?), watched the cows use their automated scratching machine, had tea (me) or hot chocolate ( the ladies) and then spent FAR too much on lots of ice cream.

But its sooo tasty!!

Belle is now wrapped up on the sofa complaining about how cold it is up here!
Hello all

Been wonderfully distracted by Master for a few days :eek:. Slowly returning to everyday living mode.

Was lovely to see Mindfondler and his wife at a munch again. Really am planning on getting to LAM next weekend. Anyone going?


Aaww! Is there no-one you can snuggle up to? ;)

G and the small dog are running the course of a half marathon that's going on in our area today. G wants to run the whole marathon course also on, but its too long for little dog. They are staggering the start time so as not to get in the wY of real runners, but feel no guilt about joining in. We're hosts for part of it. G is brighter dressed than any one else I have seen so far, and is enjoying being hors concours, he has head phones on, and small dog: he looks like something camp from the eighties. On a hot day. :)

Loving imagining what this looked like :)
Had a four-hour photoshoot yesterday, and two today totalling eight hours. So very tired...
Took me 3 hours this morning to drive from Chesterfield to Coventry.... only to be told one of the other consultants had been there on Friday. Then a further 4 hours to get from Coventry to Heathrow because someone had ploughed their semi into the central reservation somewhere around junction 12.

I HATE the M1!

On the plus side, I got to see Belle at the weekend... and I get to see her today and tomorrow too. In fact she is here, NOW! YAY!!!
Malich, glad you can see your Belle :rose:

I have been feeling off again, worse than last week. Just a virus I think but is leaving me without energy. Have had to blow off some work commitments today and tomorrow, which I hate to do. And missing Master :( And feeling sorry for myself :eek:

Concentrating real hard on getting better quickly.
Are you eating well? Would it be worth taking a multi vitamin/min supplement while you recuperate?

Aaaww, thank you, I think I am eating ok. Yeah, might need to prop up the vitamins for a little while.

Shame I will miss you at LAM (one magic day we will both be there...). Sure to visit Daisy's stall : ) _Must_ get better by Sunday!
Morning boys and girls, and how are we all today? :) Isn't it quiet at the moment? Everyone winding down for Christmas I suppose, and no harm at all in that!!
Somebody has just nuked kippers in the microwave here :eek:. I’m not even going to try and describe what this place smells like now!!
Somebody has just nuked kippers in the microwave here :eek:. I’m not even going to try and describe what this place smells like now!!

I can smell it from here :eek:

Feeling a little bit better. Will see Master tomorrow night, so sure that will make me feel lots better :)
Morning all :)

Hi Elle, fairly wild at home last night too, certainly very wet. We're very open to the front and back, so when the wind gets up, the bins and the garden furniture tends to go walkabout :eek:.
Been wild and windy down here, taken all the guttering off the back of the house, and lifted a few roof sheets on the workshop, but so much better than those poor souls up in Cumbria - it must be a nightmare for them, 2nd time in ten years !!
I worked up in Cumbria for a number of years, and witnessed the damage cause in 05, mainly in the Agricultural world. Witht he state of farming at the moment the last thing needed was another session of flooding.

I really feel for my friends up there, especially so close to what should be such a happy time of year.