The O & M Spa

Jumps a little, then grins, looking up at her. "Hmm... hello there..."
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Leans his head back on the edge of the tub to look up at her. "How are you today?"
"That's good." Kisses your cheek while massaging, pressing against you from behind.
He shifts forward to give her room to slide into the hot tub behind him, enjoying the feel of her skin against his. Reaches back and runs his hand up and down her thigh. He cranes his head back to kiss her lips.
lets myself slip in the hotub, in a one piece swimsuit and presses against you, kissing back, deeply.
Decides he's more interested in her than the massage, and shifts again, pulling her around onto his lap, making it far easier to kiss her as he slides his tongue into her mouth, hands moving up and down her body, exploring.
smiles and kisses back, wrapping arms around your neck and then breaks kiss for a moment. "I'm wondering if we should move this to the actual SRP forum. Since it's gotten more sexual." Giggles a little and then kisses again.
"Hmm.. it does seem to trend that way," he reaches down and cups her ass as if for emphasis and winks. "Is that your way of asking me to start an SRP with you?" He chuckles.
giggles again. "Maybe. Just thought it was more like one and didn't want you getting scolded for it being in the wrong forum." Kisses your neck lightly.
Leans his head back as her lips go to his neck. "Mmm... makes sense.... Would you like to come up with a story, or should I just relocate the spa?" He runs his fingers down her spine.
"relocate. I like it the way it is right now, maybe though, if you want you could make it private." Sucks on your neck lightly before rising up and kissing your lips again.