The Official (Most likely) 2024 Literotica April Fool's Day Contest Support Thread!!!

My story is done at a little over 8,000 words. I'm not sure if the surprises and the ending will be well received but it's different enough overall from my usual happy endings that it leaves me a little cold inside. I'll reread it once more tomorrow evening and make any final edits before submitting.
Not a happy ending, but is it a meaningful ending? Does somebody grow by the end of the story, even if it is painful?
Not a happy ending, but is it a meaningful ending? Does somebody grow by the end of the story, even if it is painful?
Not sure if it's meaningful, but I think it will be memorable. As for the question about growth, definitely, though whether it's enough may be open-ended too.

I failed to mention that it's going to be in Loving Wives so it will definitely be painful (for me) and probably not very competitive but I'm hoping it will attract more readers than my Valentine's contest story that was a contender.
Despite being done and happy with it yesterday, I spent nearly two hours rewriting, editing, and editing it some more today. At about 8,800 words in the LW category, it's in Laurel's hands now and will be in the readers' crosshairs in a few days.
A grammatical question.
April Fool’s or April Fools’ ?
Most resources suggest the latter. And if it is more than one fool, the latter would be correct.
Trionyx, thanks for asking that. Oops! I pulled my story, did a couple of quick corrections, and resubmitted.

Edit: It's now been approved for release on Wednesday, March 6.
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Mine's out! It is longer than I expected it'd turn out. (over here for the curious...)
Though, I don't tend to do very well in competitions.
My only submission for the Apri Fool's Contest has just dropped. It's called THE GET BACK and tells the story of four suburban couples, the things that go on behind closed doors, and a poorly planned prank that backfires. Like all my work, expect several twists and turns and expect intensity above all. After this is a website dedicated to erotica, and I always understand the assignment.

If you've read my work, you may be familiar with my graphic style. I live to describe the parts of sex most writers gloss over with an adjective. If there is a sound, a wet spot, a stain, or a smell, I take pains to describe it. Real sex is hot, sweaty, loud, and climactic; erotica should be as well if it wants to read real.

For new readers, welcome to the Trilbyvers. You're going to like it here.
My first April Fools Day story this year - 'The Tale of the Too Close Twins' - was published two days ago. It's premise was an unusual one - an Incest/Taboo story about a twin brother and sister too close for comfort (in itself not unusual for Literotica stories) - but narrated by a uninvolved third party, their friend who sees odd things happen but doesn't know if something strange is going on or if he is imagining things. This story premise isn't one you would see every day, and it has a neat little twist at the end. The IT readers don't seem to like it very much, with low scores and three of the four comments to date highly negative, the only positive one saying it was well written and they enjoyed my detailed descriptions of Sydney, Australia where it is set.

Oh well, at least I tried something different. So if you want your own story to win, don't worry I'm not going to beat you with this one, nor will my second story given it is going into Loving Wives...
The IT readers don't seem to like it very much, with low scores and three of the four comments to date highly negative, the only positive one saying it was well written and they enjoyed my detailed descriptions of Sydney, Australia where it is set.
I'll make it up to them with my twincest April Fool's Day entry.
I wrote a short chapter for my series after a custard related “discussion” on the UK Liters thread. You can read it here: Yellow Belly - yes, it’s about the use of custard…!
The IT readers don't seem to like it very much, with low scores and three of the four comments to date highly negative, the only positive one saying it was well written and they enjoyed my detailed descriptions of Sydney, Australia where it is set.
My tale got the worst score I've ever received, by far. So I really wouldn't worry about it much.
I just finished #2 and submitted it. "I Don't Do April Fools" should be up in a couple of days.
My tale got the worst score I've ever received, by far. So I really wouldn't worry about it much.
This is a contest, with jockeying down scoring being done. You won't really know the true score it gets until the site does the last sweeps just before gauging and announcing the winners. Best to just hang in there until then and not assuming it's doing badly.
Yeah, I watched with some amusement as my entry, which had a middling-Hot score after the tenth vote, received three 2s and a 1 in the space of about an hour. I suppose at least some of those will get swept, and I wonder if the people throwing out the 2s believe that they're less likely to be tossed out. Frankly, given the number of contestants versus the number of prizes, voting a 4 is handicap enough.
Yeah, I watched with some amusement as my entry, which had a middling-Hot score after the tenth vote, received three 2s and a 1 in the space of about an hour. I suppose at least some of those will get swept, and I wonder if the people throwing out the 2s believe that they're less likely to be tossed out. Frankly, given the number of contestants versus the number of prizes, voting a 4 is handicap enough.
In the Winter Holiday, it was all 3s.
My tale got the worst score I've ever received, by far. So I really wouldn't worry about it much.
Sorry, shakna, but that sounds familiar. Mine in LW is tied for my lowest score ever, by far, with my previous story in LW (which inspired this one).

Oh no, my next story, coming soon, is in LW too! Oops!
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