The Official (Most likely) 2024 Literotica April Fool's Day Contest Support Thread!!!

I mean I was expecting mine to be scored badly. It’s about custard, for crying out loud…not meant to be taken seriously :LOL:
Anyone who can work a Maserati MC20 into a story deserves a 5 stars.

So I gave you 5 stars. I enjoyed that story immensely.
That's my (current) dream car.
Hey, they're our stories, we should put our dreams into them, right?
I think the joke might be on me. Do you know how hard it is to write a story about the Titanic in the middle of an Australian heat wave?

It was like my Valentine's Day story last year, which was set in the 'Big Freeze', the unusually cold British winter of 1962-1963. I was writing that one in an unusually hot January even by Australian standards.
The entries close in 10 days!
Laurel gets her vote in 17 days!
There's plenty of time to get a story together
I wondered if that would happen. It's too bad. People suck.

My entry is also my lowest rated story, so far, but only barely.
Same here. My "Fan Club" has attacked most of my stories and dropped my overall score average severely. However, Laurel gets the last vote.
This is a contest, with jockeying down scoring being done. You won't really know the true score it gets until the site does the last sweeps just before gauging and announcing the winners. Best to just hang in there until then and not assuming it's doing badly.
My entry went from 4.71 to 4.56 in the blink of an eye a couple of days ago. With over 100 votes. Either a sweep knocked out a lot of fives or someone has multiple accounts and voted my story down. That's a big drop to happen in a day. And two weeks into the contest, too. Oh, well...
My entry went from 4.71 to 4.56 in the blink of an eye a couple of days ago. With over 100 votes. Either a sweep knocked out a lot of fives or someone has multiple accounts and voted my story down. That's a big drop to happen in a day. And two weeks into the contest, too. Oh, well...
My entry was 4.8 the first day, and 3.2 the second, with a couple hundred votes on both days - only about 20 votes more. I wouldn't really try and guess how the voting system is coping at the moment.
My story has finally been uploaded, though still pending. Probably the strangest thing I've written (with the exception of Girl Cum perhaps), but now that I have it out of my system I can move on to something less trippy, which is the most important part for me as this entry 'held me hostage' for weeks! 😅 It's also my first Erotic Horror story, if Laurel allows it to stay there. It was hard to determine where it would be the best fit as it's all over the place.

For those of you struggling with your scoring; There's always a final sweep just before the end, so don't worry just yet! 💙
First version finished! And I even managed to sneak in an extra April Fool's joke at the end.
And submitted! The sequel to Too Late Not to Fuck that I had no intention of writing. Turns out, I just needed the right inspiration. Luckily, that little minx Sal came through.
My story has finally been uploaded, though still pending. Probably the strangest thing I've written (with the exception of Girl Cum perhaps), but now that I have it out of my system I can move on to something less trippy, which is the most important part for me as this entry 'held me hostage' for weeks! 😅 It's also my first Erotic Horror story, if Laurel allows it to stay there. It was hard to determine where it would be the best fit as it's all over the place.
Like I mentioned before, I'm really looking forward to reading it. I read The Wolf and the Lamb last night and loved it. I've been meaning to think of something useful to comment besides "Hot!" :)
For those of you struggling with your scoring; There's always a final sweep just before the end, so don't worry just yet! 💙
Yes, but in the meantime it's frustrating to see the scores depressed by tactical voting. If nothing else, it means fewer eyes on your story while it's still on the New lists.
Wow! That's a huge drop. But did you have fun writing it? Maybe you can take solace in that. 😊
That's like saying "it's the thought that counts."

My wife isn't very appreciative if I tell her, "I thought about buying you flowers, but then I decided not to."
So, now I'm looking at the numbers for my stories (I try not to, but sometimes that siren song of the acceptance of strangers is just too overpowering) and noticed that my April Fools' Contest story has gotten VASTLY fewer views and favoriting (zero favorites ☹️) than my Valentine's Day Contest entry, but comparable votes and comments. That leads me to believe that most of the votes and comments are from fellow authors and the "general population" have very little interest in this story. I'm guessing because it in in the Sci-Fi category and contains very little of my usual "cram as much sexy stuff in as possible" style. It looks like my highest rated stories are the ones with lots of sex. I have to remember that Literotica = erotic literature!!

In related news... I'm just finishing up a trilogy with absolutely no sexy situations! And on top of that, it's super heavy and emotional with very little action (the first entry is composed entirely of two people just talking)! And on top of THAT, I foolishly decided to make each of the three stories exactly 1,000 words. The 750 Word Challenge was fun, but my OCD likes the round number of 1K.

My feet hurt from all the bullets.
In related news... I'm just finishing up a trilogy with absolutely no sexy situations! And on top of that, it's super heavy and emotional with very little action (the first entry is composed entirely of two people just talking)! And on top of THAT, I foolishly decided to make each of the three stories exactly 1,000 words. The 750 Word Challenge was fun, but my OCD likes the round number of 1K.
You have totally subverted and redefined the traditional concept of a trilogy, being some daftly long thing that in truth demands more rigorous, more ruthless editors.

Your little trio of one-thousand word wordlets sounds absolutely adorable, an exquisite assembly of literary conciseness. You should dress them in matching clothes, like identical triplets.
Like I mentioned before, I'm really looking forward to reading it.

And I look forward to disappointing you, my friend. 😁

I read The Wolf and the Lamb last night and loved it. I've been meaning to think of something useful to comment besides "Hot!" :)

I am honoured. Thank you for the compliment. It means a lot. 💙

I'm guessing because it in in the Sci-Fi category and contains very little of my usual "cram as much sexy stuff in as possible" style. It looks like my highest rated stories are the ones with lots of sex. I have to remember that Literotica = erotic literature!!

I think it genuinely has less to do with the content of the story, and more to do with the category choice than you even realize. Sci-Fi is a hard sell, and that goes doubly for a one-off story. It's one of those categories that you really benefit from creating one long, continuous tale - much like an actual book, though you can certainly upload one chapter at a time. But even some of the stand-alone stories on the top 250 list doesn't have a lot of views. Many are sitting at less than 5,000 total after several years of being uploaded. And if you browse the "most popular" stories in that category, you'll see a lot more long-running series than in pretty much any other category. In conclusion, the few readers of Sci-Fi and Fantasy on this site are often in it for the long haul. ☺️
I'm guessing because it in in the Sci-Fi category and contains very little of my usual "cram as much sexy stuff in as possible" style.
What @Devinter already said. Plus, 2.9k views (based on the story's page, which usually lags behind the actual number) and 25 comments is actually amazingly impressive for SF/F. My latest story in the category, published only a few days after yours, has 2.1k views and only 2 comments.

SF/F readers don't demand huge amounts of sex, in my experience. They prefer story and worldbuilding. If the sex flows naturally from the tale, so much the better.