The Outlook

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I, little one, am the measure of propriety. I've seen you galavanting around with your sisters

*nods* True, true. They inspire me too. But please don't take offense. I didn't mean you inspired me to be naughty by the example you set. Only that you inspire naughty thoughts within me by your utter scrumptiousness. :cattail:
Your feet, I want to be at your feet. Don't all girls want that?

Do you think I want all girls at my feet?
well, sadly, it is time for me to be off
perhaps we'll meet again
an inscrutable smile...rising...vanishing
*Laying down my quill with a satisfied sigh, then stretching my arms up over my head, working all the kinks out. Another post done, and this one flowed easily and came out as something I can be satisfied with. It didn't feel forced. And that's such a good feeling! :)
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