The Rape Fantasy

Was the link removed or did you forget it?

tail_teller said:

Proud, by Tail_Teller

Seeing that blondefun had opened the doors, I wanted to tell a real dark tale. But see if I could do it with a bit less physical brutality and more mindfuck. The 'prurient' detail, like cup sizes, is minimized. The question remains can something dark have any erotic impact at all. Again, the question of what a 'rape fantasy' looks like. My own modest effort of indeterminate merit.

Excuse the self-promotion, but I did think the contrasts might be relevant to the discussion.

Which work for you, and how, by way of turn-on, if there is any?

I know this is not the point of your post, but it's a pet peeve of mine which I see everytime this topic comes up.

The stereotypical rape of being attacked by a stranger in a park is NOT how most rapes by and large happen, and not all of them are by stereotypical ugly dirty rapists. And often they are not the extreme of super violent encounters (not that they can't be, but many are not). This kind of thinking is dangerous. I am not saying that they *never* happen this way, but most rapes (as most crimes) *are* commited by someone the victim knows (and often trusts) Where do people get the idea that it's not a 'real' rape unless you rip her clothes to shreds in a public place and cause her to bleed? A real rape can be subtle, he takes you in a room and pushes himself on you. You say no, but are afraid to call out any louder, because you don't want anyone to know what is happening. You push him away but he forces himself on you. Realizing that it's no use fighting, you let your body go stiff and pretend that it's not happening. That folks is just as much rape as a man with a gun in an alley. And I had a similler thing happen to a freind of mine who was raped in her bedroom while I was downstairs in the house.

back to a Fantasy Rape (the topic of this board)- a fantasy rape can also be subtle or overt. Whatever *your* rape fantasy is, it is a rape fantasy if it involves being taken without your consent. If it involves being "convinced" midway through, then it's *probably* a ravishment fantasy (depending on the details). Some women *do* have real rape fantasies NOT just ravishment or bodice ripper fantasies. Doesn't mean they really want to be raped, it means they really fantisize about being raped.

Additionally I hate it when someone says, "You don't really want to be raped [duh], you want to be ravished [no I don't]. Personally, I prefer a rape fantasy to a ravishent fantasy. The ravishment fantasy scares me more, because it leads people to believe that "if I just start without her conscent she'll really get into it" I would say that I've probably been 'ravished' a few times, and I did not like it, even though I do like the guy to do most of the work and convince me, I still retain the right to mean no when I say it. Trying to bypass my consent in the hopes of some romantic gesture is only going to piss me off, and I don't enjoy it in fantasy either.

Now that might not make much sense to some, but there it is.

Netzach said:
I guess we could, I guess we could really enforce language till only people in relationships pushing the edge of consensual non-consent can claim to be "raped" as part of their relationship (and obviously this STILL differs from getting suprised by someone you've never seen while opening your front door or going through the park)

I have a new story up, "becca's Rape Fantasy" , that's based on an actual fantasy I acted out with a offering it here as an example of one way to do this
I will add the cautionary note that I acted something like this out with another friend who'd been thru a rape some years before & it went to a VERY ugly place for both of us...careful treading is required in either case
In the example given in the story, she coulda stuck the knife from the veggies in me OUCH
But if you play it right it can be good :D