The seven types of Playgrounders

Now that was the second time today I nearly suffocated (this time on a cookie) and snorted my drink (hot chocolate this time) over my laptop.

C5MiGuy, thank you.
I'm really offended by the author's use of offensive generalizations. I'd be willing to bet he's also a Republican.

Just because I'm an 18 year-old, horny, bi-sexual, gummi loving slut doesn't give him the right to lump me in with Ravi and the like. Some of do need to have sexy Lit threads like the Pussy Fuck Room so that we can get enough hot monkey sex. There just aren't enough sexually starved married men in the lonely small town I live in.

Is it really so hard to just accept me as I am - to suspend your cynical disbelief for just a little while we get to know each other a little better? No instead the author and has chosen to appoint himself the arbiter of literotic style and to put me and my friends down. It seems to happen over and over again - the put-downs from female Litsters jealous of my copious sexuality and men who just can't handle women like me - confident in their own sexuality.

Well I've had enough of this discrimination and hatred. I'll take my charms back over to Fet-Life where they are truly appreciated.

That's exactly what I was thinking.
I'm a normal teasing horndog marking the desperate fakes. I hope to someday have pajamas like IHC but I while I like the drop seat flap I don't like footies.

Me either..they make my tootsies all kinda hot...:D
a very interesting thread......hilarious...way funnier than the text I received earlier!!!!!!

What about narcissists and their groupies. You left a whole group out, unless they are a subset of one of those listed???
What about narcissists and their groupies. You left a whole group out, unless they are a subset of one of those listed???

They would fall under Teasers and Desperates. I may need to ad another subset to the Desperates.
I'm really offended by the author's use of offensive generalizations. I'd be willing to bet he's also a Republican.

Just because I'm an 18 year-old, horny, bi-sexual, gummi loving slut doesn't give him the right to lump me in with Ravi and the like. Some of do need to have sexy Lit threads like the Pussy Fuck Room so that we can get enough hot monkey sex. There just aren't enough sexually starved married men in the lonely small town I live in.

Is it really so hard to just accept me as I am - to suspend your cynical disbelief for just a little while we get to know each other a little better? No instead the author and has chosen to appoint himself the arbiter of literotic style and to put me and my friends down. It seems to happen over and over again - the put-downs from female Litsters jealous of my copious sexuality and men who just can't handle women like me - confident in their own sexuality.

Well I've had enough of this discrimination and hatred. I'll take my charms back over to Fet-Life where they are truly appreciated.


I guess a subset is needed for the Alts of Fakes. A wannabe Fake whose main purpose on lit is to altercate with other Litsters. They have altered their identity so much that they now believe themselves to be a Fake and have altogether convinced others they are a Fake as well.

**PM me and come clean**;)
"Even if she is a macroencephaletic with severe eczema and psoriasis, that’s enough to get you hard and make you want to cum just thinking about her." LOL oh god.

This thread makes me want to go through and delete my first 50 posts.
Funniest son of a bitch I’ve ever come across on the ‘net. I’ve been online since the early days of AOL, and there’s only one or two people I’ve run into that have come close to being on the same level as this guy when it comes to humor. You sir, deserve your own group, and anything I say will simply fail to live up to the praise you deserve. If I had a vagina I would do whatever I could to stretch it to the point where I could fit your entire head into my womb and die a satisfied woman. You are my man-crush. Creepy PM coming...

Just one more conspiracy theory for you all . . .

Could it be that C5MiGuy is just another IHC alt?
Crap, I thought I was a normal...turns out I'm a marker. Ugh...I sent you a PM.

Really funny C5MiGuy...:D
I know I am a horndog, but I try to be normal.. I really do..

cockatar is that where virtual urine comes from