The *Shape* Of A Woman’s Breast

A few of us could help you, hell, we could all be on those and never actually see each other.

We should have to get periscopes to see over those mountains! And there would be a lot of tired mouths afterwards. ;)
High on her shoulders


One of my favorite shapes. Where the muscle at the top of her breasts blend directly into her shoulder. High up on her chest. And of course swelling out into round firm beauties, nipples pointing upwards. For me, it doesn’t get any better than this!
Good catches, good descriptions. #1 is especially attractive; #2 could be described as buxom, or (in an older woman) 'stout'.

Stout...that's an even better description. Kudos. They also look dose enough that they will maintain form. The more fluffy variety tend to spill everywhere. But really, those are fun too.
Loaves of Bread


Shaped like freshly baked loaves of bread, soft and plump.
Liking this “horn” shape quite a lot.

I'm never sure what to call this look—"Horn of Plenty?" I don't usually feel myself attracted to breasts this full— but in her case (and I don't just mean the setting) there is something so archetypally plentiful in the offering. . .

Side By Sides


Placed so close together, touching, large, nipples and aureoles still in that puffy stage. No doubt they rub together when she walks.
Set Far Apart

In contrast to an earlier picture of a set of breasts placed close together, here is almost the complete opposite.

Set far apart, pointing in opposite directions, petite, minimum handfuls. Or mouthfuls for that matter. :)
Battleship Turrets


A classic. Hard to take your eyes from those massive swollen aureoles, big enough to be tits in themselves. And nipples that could poke your eye out. Imagine how those would feel pressed against your chest.

That 'reach for the sky' shape...

Geez that looks EXACTLY like a girl i worked with years ago. She had to change tops... She and i were talking... So she obviously knew i was there... She did a quick check to make sure no one else was coming... And... Off with her blouse. She was wearing a tank underneath.. And holy fuck... Her tits were exactly like that ^^^^^. Nipples rock hard and pointing to the sky. My mouth went dry. Lol. I loved that she let me see that. Cool chick.
Speaking of 'Reach For The Sky'...


Hers are firm, strong, hold their shape while she is lying back. Like two moguls side-by-side. Delicious!
Cool idea for a thread.👍

It's fun to pick out the breasts that most closely resemble my own, and my friends'.