Breast Feeding Fetish

This is a sci-fi story but a very good one. The author's long gone but their stories are up ... if you know what to search for. If anyone likes MGE stories I have most of them saved from 10 years ago and I can guide you on what to look up.

I would've preferred linking Quicksilver_'s Pastebin but the story is long retired from there, as are many of mine since we don't have paid accounts.

Milking a cow girl is so sexy.
Bonjour, je viens de tomber sur votre forum sur l’allaitement. Enfin un endroit où en parler. J’habite la Belgique et j’ai l’impression que le sujet est tabou en Europe. Ma femme et moi avons 4 enfants, ils ont 15,12,5 et 3 ans. Après chaque naissance, j’ai eu la chance de goûter et boire le lait de ma femme. Le moment le plus merveilleux était la naissance du dernier, ma femme à allaité plus longtemps notre enfant et à eu beaucoup plus de lait que pour les 3 autres. Mais après le sevrage du dernier, ma femme n’a plus jamais voulu avoir du lait pour nos relations sexuelles. Je vous avoue que depuis 3 ans, je suis frustré car je n’arrive plus à assouvir mon fantasme depuis. Je regarde des vidéos pornos avec des femmes allaitantes pour compenser, mais ce n’est pas pareil. Si quelqu’un pouvait en discuter avec moi svp.

I admit i often fantasize about someone breaking into my home, breeding me then coming back to relieve the pressure in my now swollen breasts. 🥵😻
I’d love to fulfill this fantasy for you
Bonjour, j’ai bu mon café ce matin, mais il manquait un quelque chose à l'intérieur. Du lait maternel, est ce quelqu'un aurait du lait à verser dans mon café demain matin ? Le souvenir des tétons en érections qui perlaient de lait et jaillissait du lait, me font bander.
Confession: The first time I mentioned this to a partner was in bed as we were beginning a Sunday morning workout.

She asked what I was thinking about and throwing my usual caution to the wind, told her. She froze up a bit (I think she thought I was suggesting she become pregnant, like now), but to get back on track I explained it was "complicated" (looking back: as if getting your partner pregnant isn't?).

I explained it wasn't an infantilization thing, no RP, but that I always wanted to do things that gave a female body pleasure and I knew that having her breasts sucked did.

"Imagine if they were doing what they were made for, though. Since you were [REDACTED] for the most part they've been more work than fun, keeping them hidden, wrapped up, them being sore, maybe even making you self-conscious. When they're full of milk, they're full because you want to feel something new about being a woman, of KNOWING why they're there."

At this point, I felt I was making a fool of myself and disengaged, literally. She reached for my hand and put it back on her tit and said to tell her more.

I admit, I felt the need to get a little more steam built up in her before I continued blathering, so I just silently fondled and sucked both her nipples.

Then I dropped my bomb. Tried.

I said there was something else, too, maybe a little dirty. I don't know how to describe the look in her eyes when I said that except that I knew I would be in more trouble if I stopped and didn't tell her now versus telling her the vilest thing she could imagine. I put my hand on her pussy and started to finger her gently as I spoke. She was very wet. We were in Buffalo, so the Niagara Falls jokes wrote themselves with sex fluids.

I explained that there's a real similarity between a boy's cum and a girl's milk: Both of them come from inside the body for the sole purpose of being given to another human being, hopefully (I was on a roll) to express love and devotion. (I couldn't use the "c" word, commitment.) You don't ever get it back, it's for someone else.

BOOM! She pushed her hips up, grabbed my hand to keep it EXACTLY THERE DO NOT MOVE.

If I would have realized what just happened I would've taken a nipple back in my mouth real quick, but that would have been nothing more than the cherry on top.

Further discussion of this topic (and discovering to our mutual delight that she could orgasm just from "vigorous breast stimulation") allowed me to drop the bomb that actually HADN'T gone off. I was going to tell her that as I would suck her tits, I would imagine they were full and uncomfortable almost painfully so and that was something boys dealt with all the time, elsewhere (😁) and I was looking forward to her feeling the same need to "let go" into a mouth ready to accept what needed release. Maybe, I was going to suggest, she might have a little more sympathy or whatever.

Turned out that she had always really believed "blue balls" was bullshit guys made up to get a quick hand, etc., from a girl and that everyone knew it and just played along. My explanation made sense to her and she thought it was sexy and made her feel more--the word was "responsible"--for "taking care of you" and that she felt all melty inside when she thought of me caring and taking final responsibility SOMEDAY if that something we're ever a problem because she didn't know any boy ever did think along those lines.

Long post, I know. Sorry. But because it made her think differently, I thought I'd share with the girls here who might not have big brave boys like I was who'd say all this. (🤣)
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Please forgive me for not reading the entire thread, but I was wondering if anyone ever attempted to take a drug, or supplement to induce lactation rather than having is brought on by a pregnancy? I’ve heard rumors in the past that massaging of the breasts and suckling could induce it, kind of wondering if that could work after a hysterectomy? Not exactly the sort of subject you bring up with your doctor. At least mine anyway 😝
Please forgive me for not reading the entire thread, but I was wondering if anyone ever attempted to take a drug, or supplement to induce lactation rather than having is brought on by a pregnancy? I’ve heard rumors in the past that massaging of the breasts and suckling could induce it, kind of wondering if that could work after a hysterectomy? Not exactly the sort of subject you bring up with your doctor. At least mine anyway 😝
There have been threads about that. Try "My Milky Journey" (I think it was in the How To or HT Cafe sections). Or see if there's anything in "The Blank Manual"
This whole concept of your partner " breast feeding " sucking and enjoying the act is so intimate and such a turn on! But for me I think that the reason I love this is becoming a big kink of mine.
I would love to drink your mommy juice while I finger you.
It's kinda embarrassing but I get so turned on when breastfeeding my twins
I don't think you're alone in that. It just seems that way since I'm guessing most women are, like you, embarrassed by it and therefore don't mention in or admit to it.
Thanks. Wasn't sure given the topic of the thread. You're in a very fortunate minority. Apparently only about 15 percent of women can cum from breast stimulation alone.
Oh wow. I haven't yet but have been. Mmmmmm. Brought to close
Oh yes. I see I haven't been reading carefully. You did say "almost". Something to work towards then. Have your almost times been from self stimulation or at the hand... or mouth of a partner. Inquiring minds need to know. :)