The Sinful Vixen Burlesque and Bordello

"Nice to meet you, Ish.. I am called Rain... does Ish stand for anything? Just curious.. "
"Well it's short for Ismael, but I prefer Ish. also a pleasure to meet you too." He said to her smiling and then would turn his head around seeing someone focusing on him.
"What’s this about someone looking for a job?” She asked as she came up behind Logan. Her green eyes zeroed in on a young man standing at the bar, having a drink with Logan.

They hadn’t even been introduced yet and the man got a laser focused look from her after he spoke.

“….But I may want to be hired as a bouncer…..And I will not take any other job, I will take a bouncer job only…..Besides I am the type'a guy who wants to fit in, rather than being an outsider.”

She nodded to Rain for a drink. Her usual was a shot of tequila.

“ Well, that’s not how you’re going to fit in around here, Mister. Making demands when you haven’t been around here for very long, will get you nowhere and neither will busting into a private scene like you did. Yes, I saw it. We have cameras in our poker room. I just happened to see you go upstairs and I knew there were only two others up there so I wound the tape back. So, you want to fit in? Figure out how you’re going to do that then come back and see me about a job. As for promotions, young stud, you have to earn them and they don’t come easy here.”
"Well, I may have bitten off more than I could chew. Besides, I've been canned from working previous different clubs cause of my mouth and speaking my mind. And yes, I may have been a jerk about the two things. But I've learned from my own wrong doings." Ish said to her and then said. "I may would like a job here." He said to her was wondering what's in store for him.
She stopped, turned and looked at Ish, even from that distance he can see her narrowed eyes. With slow deliberation, she walked back and stood beside Logan, still focused on Ish.

“Speaking your mind is one thing. Being rude is another. You may want a job or you want one? You want to prove to me that you’ve learned something? You can wait tables. You do know how to wait tables, don't you? If not, Miss Rain here can explain it to you. Shouldn't be too hard. You take drink orders, get it from the bar and return to the patron with their order. Oh and be nice and respectful. I'd hate to see Logan have to throw you out on your ear so shortly after being hired. We officially open next week Wednesday. Everyone earns their pay checks around here. The rest is up to you."
She stopped, turned and looked at Ish, even from that distance he can see her narrowed eyes. With slow deliberation, she walked back and stood beside Logan, still focused on Ish.

“Speaking your mind is one thing. Being rude is another. You may want a job or you want one? You want to prove to me that you’ve learned something? You can wait tables. You do know how to wait tables, don't you? If not, Miss Rain here can explain it to you. Shouldn't be too hard. You take drink orders, get it from the bar and return to the patron with their order. Oh and be nice and respectful. I'd hate to see Logan have to throw you out on your ear so shortly after being hired. We officially open next week Wednesday. Everyone earns their pay checks around here. The rest is up to you."
Ish looked at her and then said. "I do want a job. Just name it, anything you want." He said to her and then would look down at his hand, holding his resume. "I mean, I will take anything a jobs a job. No matter what." He said to her but then when she said waiting tables he then spoke up, "Hang on, waiting tables? Is that the only job available at this moment?" He asked her since he was wanting to take any job possible at this point, hell anything he could take, he just wanted a job. "Also no, I don't...." He said, a bit embarrassed but he swallowed his pride only to take what he can get at this moment. "I don't.... Know how to wait tables."
She had brought her sister her usual shot of Tequila. For the moment, things were quiet, and she made her way over to where Logan sat, leaning on the bar across from him, her fingertips lightly circling little patterns on the back of his hand. She stayed quiet, watching the interactions...

<<I am being distracted with real life work, booo/hiss>>
Ish looked at her and then said. "I do want a job. Just name it, anything you want." He said to her and then would look down at his hand, holding his resume. "I mean, I will take anything a jobs a job. No matter what." He said to her but then when she said waiting tables he then spoke up, "Hang on, waiting tables? Is that the only job available at this moment?" He asked her since he was wanting to take any job possible at this point, hell anything he could take, he just wanted a job. "Also no, I don't...." He said, a bit embarrassed but he swallowed his pride only to take what he can get at this moment. "I don't.... Know how to wait tables."
She arched a brow as she waited for him to stop talking. She also held out her hand for what she presumed was his resume.

"That's the only position I have available right now. The job, like I said, is not hard. Rain can train you. So, do you want the job or no?"

Her voice held a little impatience laced with annoyance now. If people really need a job they don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Her hands went to her hips as she stared him down and waited for his answer.
Ish looked at her and then said. "I do want a job. Just name it, anything you want." He said to her and then would look down at his hand, holding his resume. "I mean, I will take anything a jobs a job. No matter what." He said to her but then when she said waiting tables he then spoke up, "Hang on, waiting tables? Is that the only job available at this moment?" He asked her since he was wanting to take any job possible at this point, hell anything he could take, he just wanted a job. "Also no, I don't...." He said, a bit embarrassed but he swallowed his pride only to take what he can get at this moment. "I don't.... Know how to wait tables."

He sighed as the boss came over and started railing on the kid, and for the most part he stayed quiet and sipped at his drink, his eyes drifting to Rain more then once wirh fervative glances, reaching over the bar and snagging an apron and dish towel from the counter he dropped it at Ish's hand, a smirk curling his lips

"I told ya youngin, we JUST opened, we are still fairly small and dont need much in the way of staffing, once we get busier, and more people start filtering in, then more positions will open us, and you DID just say you'd take ANY job, well, bus boy. Its a job"

He smiled, clinking his glass againat Ish's then downing the liquid in one swallow grinning "Mazel'tov" pushing off from the bar he clapped the kid on the back then headed off towards his new office to sort out security cameras and video equipment
She arched a brow as she waited for him to stop talking. She also held out her hand for what she presumed was his resume.

"That's the only position I have available right now. The job, like I said, is not hard. Rain can train you. So, do you want the job or no?"

Her voice held a little impatience laced with annoyance now. If people really need a job they don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Her hands went to her hips as she stared him down and waited for his answer.
Ish looked down and swallowed his pride accepting defeat and saying, handing her his resume. "Yeah, I guess so. I'll take the job." He said looking down and reluctantly said to her. Not trying to waste her time and nodded. "I want the job."
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Ish looked down and swallowed his pride accepting defeat and saying, handing her his resume. "Yeah, I guess so. I'll take the job." He said looking down and reluctantly said to her. Not trying to waste her time and nodded. "I want the job."
Ish had no way of knowing that the Madame of this establishment was testing him, in more ways than one. Nor would he, for a long time to come. She simply nodded her head.

"Very well then. Talk to Miss Rain when she returns. She'll tell you all you need to know. And Ish? She is Miss Rain to you."

Taking the resume he handed her, she gave it a brief one over but would look it over in more detail when she got back to her office. Pivoting gracefully on her heels, she started back the way she came. One of the kitchen staff was waiting to speak with her and she stopped. She let out a soft sigh, ran her fingers through her loose hair and nodded.

"I'll give our supplier a call and see what I can do. Would you have the kitchen send me some lunch please? Thank you, lovely. I appreciate it."

With a soft sigh yet again, DW made her way back to the office she shared with Ice and this time made sure to close the door. Crossing the room to her desk, she sat down and rested her head on the back of her chair. She wasn't sure how Ish was going to work out. If he thought any job assigned to him was below him, then he wasn't going to make it here. Everyone rolled up their sleeves and filled in where they were needed. That's just how it was. No one was above any job and when necessary, that went for the Madame and Ice.
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Ish had no way of knowing that the Madame of this establishment was testing him, in more ways than one. Nor would he, for a long time to come. She simply nodded her head.

"Very well then. Talk to Miss Rain when she returns. She'll tell you all you need to know. And Ish? She is Miss Rain to you."

Taking the resume he handed her, she gave it a brief one over but would look it over in more detail when she got back to her office. Pivoting gracefully on her heels, she started back the way she came. One of the kitchen staff was waiting to speak with her and she stopped. She let out a soft sigh, ran her fingers through her loose hair and nodded.

"I'll give our supplier a call and see what I can do. Would you have the kitchen send me some lunch please? Thank you, lovely. I appreciate it."

With a soft sigh yet again, DW made her way back to the office she shared with Ice and this time made sure to close the door. Crossing the room to her desk, she sat down and rested her head on the back of her chair. She wasn't sure how Ish was going to work out. If he thought any job assigned to him was below him, then he wasn't going to make it here. Everyone rolled up their sleeves and filled in where they were needed. That's just how it was. No one was above any job and when necessary, that went for the Madame and Ice.

(LI will absolutely be slacking whenever, wherever, and however he can. He's mostly here to abuse his position and be as absolutely lavicious and indulgent as possible.)

(But look at DW being all business! So collected.)

(And scary!)

(So scary! ;):ROFLMAO:)
(LI will absolutely be slacking whenever, wherever, and however he can. He's mostly here to abuse his position and be as absolutely lavicious and indulgent as possible.)

(But look at DW being all business! So collected.)

(And scary!)

(So scary! ;):ROFLMAO:)
(Now I see why you got me to run the place. Butthead and I'm NOT scary. Much. )
Ish had no way of knowing that the Madame of this establishment was testing him, in more ways than one. Nor would he, for a long time to come. She simply nodded her head.

"Very well then. Talk to Miss Rain when she returns. She'll tell you all you need to know. And Ish? She is Miss Rain to you."

Taking the resume he handed her, she gave it a brief one over but would look it over in more detail when she got back to her office. Pivoting gracefully on her heels, she started back the way she came. One of the kitchen staff was waiting to speak with her and she stopped. She let out a soft sigh, ran her fingers through her loose hair and nodded.

"I'll give our supplier a call and see what I can do. Would you have the kitchen send me some lunch please? Thank you, lovely. I appreciate it."

With a soft sigh yet again, DW made her way back to the office she shared with Ice and this time made sure to close the door. Crossing the room to her desk, she sat down and rested her head on the back of her chair. She wasn't sure how Ish was going to work out. If he thought any job assigned to him was below him, then he wasn't going to make it here. Everyone rolled up their sleeves and filled in where they were needed. That's just how it was. No one was above any job and when necessary, that went for the Madame and Ice.
Ish, although a bit stupid but not incredibly stupid would not have anyway of knowing she was testing. Nor did he, he was more of wanting to work here, and perhaps fit in. He knew he struck out in the conversation here. So his options were limited. He was willing to work and learned to keep his mouth shut, it happened at the Drunken Inn. The last establishment where he worked but as a bartender, look where it got him. Canned and evicted from his room there.

So in a way, he was happy to work here. And if he needed to buck up and fill in other places, if necessary.
Ish, although a bit stupid but not incredibly stupid would not have anyway of knowing she was testing. Nor did he, he was more of wanting to work here, and perhaps fit in. He knew he struck out in the conversation here. So his options were limited. He was willing to work and learned to keep his mouth shut, it happened at the Drunken Inn. The last establishment where he worked but as a bartender, look where it got him. Canned and evicted from his room there.

So in a way, he was happy to work here. And if he needed to buck up and fill in other places, if necessary.
Rain made her way out of the Security office with a wink to Logan, soft footfalls silently taking her back to the bar, where she found Ish sitting, obviously lost in thought.

Selecting a clean glass, she poured him another shot of the good bourbon and set it down at the bar next to him, she leaning upon that polished surface once more to talk with him.

"Hey Ish... I know Madam asked that you call me Miss Rain and I am ok with that, or just Rain." soft lips curling into a warm smile. "You will do fine here, and learn alot. Just watch, and do your job. If you have a question, ask me first, if I am not around, you can go to Madam or Logan. Waiting tables is alot like bartending. It's all about drinks here. Well..." she paused, winking at him... "not just drinks... I will be around and you can mimic what I do for the most part, but it is all about interacting, and knowing when not to interact and just watch. Remember, you can learn alot from just watching..."

With a cant to her head, she lay her hand to his shoulder gently... "one last thing, I am off limits except for 3 specific people. But that does not mean we can't be friends"...
Rain made her way out of the Security office with a wink to Logan, soft footfalls silently taking her back to the bar, where she found Ish sitting, obviously lost in thought.

Selecting a clean glass, she poured him another shot of the good bourbon and set it down at the bar next to him, she leaning upon that polished surface once more to talk with him.

"Hey Ish... I know Madam asked that you call me Miss Rain and I am ok with that, or just Rain." soft lips curling into a warm smile. "You will do fine here, and learn alot. Just watch, and do your job. If you have a question, ask me first, if I am not around, you can go to Madam or Logan. Waiting tables is alot like bartending. It's all about drinks here. Well..." she paused, winking at him... "not just drinks... I will be around and you can mimic what I do for the most part, but it is all about interacting, and knowing when not to interact and just watch. Remember, you can learn alot from just watching..."

With a cant to her head, she lay her hand to his shoulder gently... "one last thing, I am off limits except for 3 specific people. But that does not mean we can't be friends"...
"Just friends? Hopefully nothing less. Cause I already know when they say "Just Friends" they do say Nothing more. But I also add "Nothing less" cause I'm in the avenue for friends I guess." Ish smiled as he then said. "Bartending, terrific. The same job I did at my last gig except for the waiting part.." He said wondering what else is gonna happen since he was just a bit quiet and sipped his drink smiling.
The interruption drew his attention. But, pointedly, he didn't pull from her. Infact, as he looked over his shoulder to the newcomer (@HornyIsh69 ), he abruptly laid both of his hands on the delicate arch of her rounded hips. An instinct. Something primal. Buried deep down the instinct manifested itself with the strong, gentle way his broad palms took hold of her as though she might slip away if he weren't to hold her. And their game wasn't over.

"I'm afraid we've a bit of a wager going." He said. Then, with a subtle tuck of his chin towards the door. "DW and the others are downstairs, though. Mind closing the door on the way out?"

The man's departure, and the sound of the door closing in his wake, he looked back to her. She'd won again. And so, standing right before her, his hands began their steady work. The buttons of the Oxford parting one after another. Steady, and sure, under calloused fingers that moved with a dexterity their roughened condition didn't suggest he'd had. When, at last, he pulled it free. Shrugging it off to reveal a body sculpted by work, for work, and an admitted hint of vanity. Slabs of corded, hardened muscle on a broad-shouldered frame. Dark ink over his chest. A military insignia. Dates. All bounded by a Celtic Crucifix.

"You won that card." He offered. His hands returned. This time, though, they did not reclaim her hips. They landed on the card table on either side of her. Framing her, abruptly, in the space between his rugged arms. The heat between them cut through the cool that had come with his shirt's departure. It was tossed lazily onto another, nearby chair. And still, he leaned into her. Only this time his cheek brushed her own. The dark, short beard that was well-kept brushing her silken jawline before he leaned in and, this time, he offered his words directly against the delicate shell of her ear.

"The Aces. I propose we resolve it with an agreement. A condition. Each of it places on the other's undressing. My condition is that your stockings stay on until the very end. What do you say to that?"
The door had never registered to her, the focus of her being on the man she was tossing cards with. When his hands had settled on her hips she had stilled instantly finally coming back to her surroundings. Looking over his shoulder she watched the man depart her heart beating a rapid rhythm. The way he held her as if she would fade away from him made her shiver.

"I'm afraid we've a bit of a wager going." He said. Then, with a subtle tuck of his chin towards the door. "DW and the others are downstairs, though. Mind closing the door on the way out?"

His voice was not angry so much as authoritative, she was surprised the man just left. He had looked rather mean and she took a deep breath to settle her nerves and focus once more on the man before her. His gaze met hers once more, she had won the round her gaze dropping to his hands as he tugged and unbutton his shirt all at the same time. Her mouth went dry as her gaze slid over his taunt flesh, her hands clenched the table as she fought the urge to caress the tattoo and follow the path of the design.

She felt him move closer still once more trapping her to the table without even a caress. After he had tossed his shirt carelessly onto the chair as if he were home from a hard day at work and he was going to get ready to relax. Her eyes closed and she forgot to breath when his beard caressed her cheek the feathered caress sent a shiver along her flesh that she felt in her toes. The heat of his breath on her skin was like lava to her cool flesh, making her heart hammer in her chest and she finally remembered air was needed to live.

"The Aces. I propose we resolve it with an agreement. A condition. Each of it places on the other's undressing. My condition is that your stockings stay on until the very end. What do you say to that?"

Leaning back to search his gaze, "alright, my condition is when you're out of clothes we play one last time. Loser has to do whatever the winner says within reason." She bit her inner cheek continuing to grip the table trying to sound as confident as he seemed to be and hoping she was fooling him. She swallowed and reached for the cards waiting before she pulled her next card, to see if he would agree.
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Strange checked the directions; this was the place, no doubt about it. Looked nice. Can't be a cheap set up though, but it might just be worth a little investment, if the return is good. And nobody asks too many questions. Flipping up the collar of his raincoat to keep out the impending shower, he set off across the street to the door.

Maybe this time, he would finally catch up with her.
Stamping the first few raindrops from his mind range Gucci's, he opened the door and stepped inside. Lots of good quality wood and high end fittings. Very classy.

Strange unbuttoned the raincoat and walked over to the smiling young woman at the desk.

"Hi, is there any management around?"
Stamping the first few raindrops from his mind range Gucci's, he opened the door and stepped inside. Lots of good quality wood and high end fittings. Very classy.

Strange unbuttoned the raincoat and walked over to the smiling young woman at the desk.

"Hi, is there any management around?"
Stepping from his office he heard the call and weaved his way around the bar,, having changed into a black tshirt with "Security" stamped on the left pec the bartender handed him a glass of his usual bourbon "hey hows it going? What can i do for ya?"
Ish turned to see the new person walk in but just sat at the bar. He wasn't one to trifle with at this moment. He was just wanting to relax, enjoy his drink too. Sipping his bourbon cause it was so smooth and began to slowly sip more, enjoying it slowly.
Ish turned to see the new person walk in but just sat at the bar. He wasn't one to trifle with at this moment. He was just wanting to relax, enjoy his drink too. Sipping his bourbon cause it was so smooth and began to slowly sip more, enjoying it slowly.
He chucked the kid on the shoulder and nodded "good shit aint it? Had to fight like hell to get DW to approve the purchase cost. Top tier shit, gunna be a hot seller i think* he grinned
He chucked the kid on the shoulder and nodded "good shit aint it? Had to fight like hell to get DW to approve the purchase cost. Top tier shit, gunna be a hot seller i think* he grinned
Although he wasn't talkative at this point but he then nodded followed by saying. "Yeah, great shit. Wonder what else is new too?" Ish asked the bouncer as he was relaxing a bit.
Stepping from his office he heard the call and weaved his way around the bar,, having changed into a black tshirt with "Security" stamped on the left pec the bartender handed him a glass of his usual bourbon "hey hows it going? What can i do for ya?"

Ah, security guy, he looks perfect. Just the type that has a few secrets buried somewhere. Probably in concrete.

"Going good today thanks. I was wondering if the owners might be open to a little business deal? I don't want to buy in, just put some capital at their disposal for a modest return. Just to ease the cash flow during the start up."
Ah, security guy, he looks perfect. Just the type that has a few secrets buried somewhere. Probably in concrete.

"Going good today thanks. I was wondering if the owners might be open to a little business deal? I don't want to buy in, just put some capital at their disposal for a modest return. Just to ease the cash flow during the start up."

Crossing his arms over his chest he glares at the male and his frank appraisal*
*gives a sharp whistle for DW*
She heard the sharp whistle and grumbled.

"Going to have to talk to that man about whistling for me. What do I look like, his pet bitch?"

Finished with lunch, DW stepped out of the office with the intent to return her plate to the kitchen, but then she heard a stranger asking for management. Of course, Ice was still off playing somewhere. So, tag, she was it. Stepping up to the bar, she set the plate on the bartop. Looking to Logan, she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Listen Wolf, you could have just sent him to the office you know. Whistle for me again and I'll shove something between those lips of yours to keep them occupied."

She looked at the stranger, unfolding her arms first before extending her right hand with a smile on her lips.

"Hello. Welcome to the Sinful Vixen. I believe you wanted to talk to management? I'm DW. What can I do for you?"
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