The Sinful Vixen Burlesque and Bordello

Rain realized... she was running very late for checking on the bar. Logan had a way of doing that to her... With a giggle, she shook the sleepyhead... "get up... Ish is looking for you" while she slipped on her black dress and boots and headed out to the bar.

"Hey Ish, Logan should be right out" She winked prettily at him

Pulling her hair back into a long, dark pony tail, she appears before SV with a smile curling her lips, and cheeks flushed pink.

"I'm here Sis..." grinning...

"Nice to see you SV... what may I serve you this fine day?"
"Good evening, it's Miss Rain, isn't it? Bourbon for me please. Is there a floor show tonight, or will I have to wait for the official opening?"
Rain realized... she was running very late for checking on the bar. Logan had a way of doing that to her... With a giggle, she shook the sleepyhead... "get up... Ish is looking for you" while she slipped on her black dress and boots and headed out to the bar.

"Hey Ish, Logan should be right out" She winked prettily at him
"Well hey there." He returned the wink but pointed two finger guns up and put them down. "Tell him to take his time, I'm in no rush honestly." He said to her while she headed over to the bar. So Ish leaned his back on the wall to await for the occupant of the office to give him the uniform.

The young outlaw bikernessman Mercenary was in a red tee shirt, faded dark blue jeans and black combat boots. He would wait and wait a bit.

(Outlaw bikernessman Mercenary, really Ish? Well what else was I gonna say lol?!)
"Ah of course, Ma'am." Ish said, nodding and then would then head over to the area where Logan's office would be, but he would actually knock first instead of barging in. "Mister Logan, it's me. The youngin with the harsh attitude yesterday. Well still the youngin but with a better tone and mood. DW said you have the uniforms here."

He said knocking once, just waiting for a small reply. He would wait patiently since he was in a better mood anyway.

A low growl as he felt Rain stir beside him, his arm clentching around her waist, wanting to pull her closer but she squirmed free, muttering he tried to roll over only to have her nudge him again, grumbling he sat up, yawninf as his eyss went to Rains naked form, eyeing with hungrily before her words sunk it, sighing he cursed DW, getting him back for whistling at her last night, "BE OUT IN A MINUTE" he bellowed as he tugged on a clean shirt and his pants, marching to the door he cracked it open blinking at Ish

"Mornin, " he glanced around his office and spotted the box on his desk, kissing rain as she scoots out and into the bar, he opens the box thst was left, digging through the shirts he grabbed a few XL's and a 2 XL looking them over and nodded happy with the way the logo turned out this time he offered them to Ish "here ya go man, "
"Good evening, it's Miss Rain, isn't it? Bourbon for me please. Is there a floor show tonight, or will I have to wait for the official opening?"
With a soft nod... "It is a good evening.. and just Rain please... works for me. I do not believe floor show is available yet. Still working on getting the dancers and... others... hired. But we do have plenty in the way of bourbon for drinking. Do you have a preference?" she focused her dark eyes on him, a smile curling her pinkened lips...
She heard Logan up and about in the nearby security office and her eyes quickly trailed over to him for a moment, watching him thru the open outer door, then back to SV...
A low growl as he felt Rain stir beside him, his arm clentching around her waist, wanting to pull her closer but she squirmed free, muttering he tried to roll over only to have her nudge him again, grumbling he sat up, yawninf as his eyss went to Rains naked form, eyeing with hungrily before her words sunk it, sighing he cursed DW, getting him back for whistling at her last night, "BE OUT IN A MINUTE" he bellowed as he tugged on a clean shirt and his pants, marching to the door he cracked it open blinking at Ish

"Mornin, " he glanced around his office and spotted the box on his desk, kissing rain as she scoots out and into the bar, he opens the box thst was left, digging through the shirts he grabbed a few XL's and a 2 XL looking them over and nodded happy with the way the logo turned out this time he offered them to Ish "here ya go man, "
"Much Obliged." Ish said nodded and then began to head to the restroom and then finally began to put the shirt on over his shirt and then smiled. "Now we're in business." He said smiling and headed out of the bathroom into the main area of the place to sit down.
Closing the door to the office he returns to the small apt, in the back, hoping in the shower to help wake up after his late night, he dressed and slipped his boots on once more before leaving the office and heading out to the bar, he needed to speak to DW about a few potential concerns and camera upgrades, running his hand through his beard yawning
Closing the door to the office he returns to the small apt, in the back, hoping in the shower to help wake up after his late night, he dressed and slipped his boots on once more before leaving the office and heading out to the bar, he needed to speak to DW about a few potential concerns and camera upgrades, running his hand through his beard yawning
She could not help but let her gaze watch him as he sauntered out to the bar, and giggling lightly at his yawn..
With a soft nod... "It is a good evening.. and just Rain please... works for me. I do not believe floor show is available yet. Still working on getting the dancers and... others... hired. But we do have plenty in the way of bourbon for drinking. Do you have a preference?" she focused her dark eyes on him, a smile curling her pinkened lips...

"Rain it is then. And whichever bourbon you recommend please."

Good style , good staff. I like this place, it's going to do well. Bartender looks cute too, but something tells me that's a fire I don't want to burn my fingers on.
"Much Obliged." Ish said nodded and then began to head to the restroom and then finally began to put the shirt on over his shirt and then smiled. "Now we're in business." He said smiling and headed out of the bathroom into the main area of the place to sit down.
The night had past. She had gotten some sleep so she wasn't feeling bitchy. There was a box of cleaning supplies on the floor. She plucked a few things from it before opening the door and heading for the bar area. Her eyes scanned the room and spotted Ish sitting down. She stopped, took in a deep breath and slowly let it out before she walked over to where he was sitting.

"Ish, you're not going to be my trouble baby, are you? You wouldn't like me, if you are. Look, you're an employee now. There is no sitting down on the job unless you are on lunch or a break, got it? Here."

She thrust out the supplies she had taken from the box in her office.

"If you don't have drink orders to take, then you can be polishing the tables and if you get that all done before you leave for the day, see Miss Rain. Maybe she has a few odd chores that need done."
Rain winks at him... before turning to select a sparkling rock glass from the shelf. She then reaches up, having to go to her tippy toes, the soft silk of her midnight black dress riding slightly up the back of her smooth thighs... she gently grasps the Makers Mark Private Barrel Select Bourbon. Breaking the seal with a twist, she pours the smooth amber liquid into the glass... and slides that glass to SV...

"For you Sir SV" her voice a melodic cadence that softly whisps past his ear.
The night had past. She had gotten some sleep so she wasn't feeling bitchy. There was a box of cleaning supplies on the floor. She plucked a few things from it before opening the door and heading for the bar area. Her eyes scanned the room and spotted Ish sitting down. She stopped, took in a deep breath and slowly let it out before she walked over to where he was sitting.

"Ish, you're not going to be my trouble baby, are you? You wouldn't like me, if you are. Look, you're an employee now. There is no sitting down on the job unless you are on lunch or a break, got it? Here."

She thrust out the supplies she had taken from the box in her office.

"If you don't have drink orders to take, then you can be polishing the tables and if you get that all done before you leave for the day, see Miss Rain. Maybe she has a few odd chores that need done."
"Me, a trouble baby? Far from it ma'am." Ish said as he would get up, and chuckled. Although she was serious about the employee thing, he was too but he kept his mouth shut, so he got up from the seat and heads over to the bar area to see what was needed to be done. "Relax Ish, there's no need to bite back."

He then headed to the area to get table polishing and the cloth he would be using. He would then wiped the place he sat at. He was somewhat annoyed but bit his tongue and kept a happy face.
The night had past. She had gotten some sleep so she wasn't feeling bitchy. There was a box of cleaning supplies on the floor. She plucked a few things from it before opening the door and heading for the bar area. Her eyes scanned the room and spotted Ish sitting down. She stopped, took in a deep breath and slowly let it out before she walked over to where he was sitting.

"Ish, you're not going to be my trouble baby, are you? You wouldn't like me, if you are. Look, you're an employee now. There is no sitting down on the job unless you are on lunch or a break, got it? Here."

She thrust out the supplies she had taken from the box in her office.

"If you don't have drink orders to take, then you can be polishing the tables and if you get that all done before you leave for the day, see Miss Rain. Maybe she has a few odd chores that need done."
Rounding the back side of the bar with a tablet in hand, he jotted down notes, hearing DW's "pet bitch" voice he grins, "Hey Dee, if ya have a minute?" he said as he moved to her, nodding to Ish with a lip twitching in amusement he looks back to her "Everything looks good, theyre a couple areas in the upstairs wings i think could use a little more lighting, or a better camera or two, everything seems to be suitable for now, just not happy with how grainy some of the cameras in the darker areas are, maybe switching them over to a Night Vision capable version would help cut some of the grainyness, of adding a strip of lighting down a hallway or two, what are your thoughts?"

he held the Mobile Tablet up to show her the current camera lay out as he had it tied into the buildings security so he could monitor from anywhere, he pointed out a spot hear the back corner, a spot in the parking lot behind the building and one overlooking the outside decking and lounge area that had some minor static fluctuations
Rounding the back side of the bar with a tablet in hand, he jotted down notes, hearing DW's "pet bitch" voice he grins, "Hey Dee, if ya have a minute?" he said as he moved to her, nodding to Ish with a lip twitching in amusement he looks back to her "Everything looks good, theyre a couple areas in the upstairs wings i think could use a little more lighting, or a better camera or two, everything seems to be suitable for now, just not happy with how grainy some of the cameras in the darker areas are, maybe switching them over to a Night Vision capable version would help cut some of the grainyness, of adding a strip of lighting down a hallway or two, what are your thoughts?"

he held the Mobile Tablet up to show her the current camera lay out as he had it tied into the buildings security so he could monitor from anywhere, he pointed out a spot hear the back corner, a spot in the parking lot behind the building and one overlooking the outside decking and lounge area that had some minor static fluctuations
(Her pet bitch voice? Oooo, just you wait)

Her attention was caught by Logan as he put his tablet under her nose. She blinked and let her eyes focus in while she listened to him then nodded.

"Get it done, Logan. Order what you need and have it billed to the Vixen. If you feel it needs doing, then do it. Just don't go overboard on charges or I'll take it out of your pay," she teased.

Her eyes followed Ish around and she softly sighed again. It wasn't anything she could see, but she felt it, down in her bones. The young man had an attitude. He said all the right things, didn't sass back but there was something....

"We have a couple of shops in town that carry our account. I'll get you those names when I get back to the office, ok? Otherwise, is everything ok? Your quarters comfortable? Oh! And make sure there are no hidden cameras in the dungeon please? Privacy is so important here."
(Her pet bitch voice? Oooo, just you wait)

Her attention was caught by Logan as he put his tablet under her nose. She blinked and let her eyes focus in while she listened to him then nodded.

"Get it done, Logan. Order what you need and have it billed to the Vixen. If you feel it needs doing, then do it. Just don't go overboard on charges or I'll take it out of your pay," she teased.

Her eyes followed Ish around and she softly sighed again. It wasn't anything she could see, but she felt it, down in her bones. The young man had an attitude. He said all the right things, didn't sass back but there was something....

"We have a couple of shops in town that carry our account. I'll get you those names when I get back to the office, ok? Otherwise, is everything ok? Your quarters comfortable? Oh! And make sure there are no hidden cameras in the dungeon please? Privacy is so important here."
Ish saw her staring at him as he was doing everything like wiping the tables down. He kept being more hyper focused on the task at hand by wiping the other tables too, keeping a small good rhythm since it wasn't as busy as they thought.

He then got to the 5th table and then wiped it down. He moved the napkin dispenser, salt/pepper shakers and ketchup bottle like he did with the previous four tables. While then, he would head over to the wipe cloth area and put the dirty wipe cloth in the correct area. And grabbed 2 fresh clean ones so he didn't have to make many trips. "Now on to table Number 6."
(Her pet bitch voice? Oooo, just you wait)
"Get it done, Logan. Order what you need and have it billed to the Vixen. If you feel it needs doing, then do it. Just don't go overboard on charges or I'll take it out of your pay," she teased.
"We have a couple of shops in town that carry our account. I'll get you those names when I get back to the office, ok? Otherwise, is everything ok? Your quarters comfortable? Oh! And make sure there are no hidden cameras in the dungeon please? Privacy is so important here."
He nodded at her words, a smile tilting his lips as she continued to look around as everyone cleaning and setting up, then drew his eyes back to her then to his tablet as she surveyed his set up "right, i can do that, and you mean this was suppose to be a paid job?" he teased her with a wolfish grin "i have a shop in mind with decent prices, ill contact them." Smiling he nodded "yes, the apt attached to the security offices if big enough, i dont need much room, we slept like the dead last night " he said referring to Rain and himself "and the sound proofing seems to have been installed properly" he gave her a wink, his shoulders stiffening slightly at the mention of the dungeons and he surreptitiously flicked his finger of a spot on the tablet and nodded "yea, no problem" he grinned, flashing her a hint of fang, his gaze roaming the bar he watched Rain move around, stocking the bar for a minute before he turned back to DW and nodded
Once more she took her attention away from Logan as she watched Ish work for awhile. Impressive so far. She glanced back at her security.

"Is that all you needed to see me about, Logan?"

She glanced at her clipboard while running her fingers through her hair. She had interviews for the Burlesque show to interview on Monday and still needed to do a final interview for the pole dancers as well. Would her list never end? It would and she knew that but it didn't feel like it. When Wednesday rolled around, she'd be nervous as hell. There were people milling about now, during their soft opening. The liquor was selling well. Mostly the top shelf bottles too. That pleased her. She'd have to check with Rain to see if there was anything she needed before next Wednesday. She had been approached by someone already with a proposition and it hadn't been Strange this time and the proposition had been sexual but with the sweetest smile on her lips, she had turned him down. Right now, she more business than pleasure and would be until after they opened.
Once more she took her attention away from Logan as she watched Ish work for awhile. Impressive so far. She glanced back at her security.

"Is that all you needed to see me about, Logan?"

She glanced at her clipboard while running her fingers through her hair. She had interviews for the Burlesque show to interview on Monday and still needed to do a final interview for the pole dancers as well. Would her list never end? It would and she knew that but it didn't feel like it. When Wednesday rolled around, she'd be nervous as hell. There were people milling about now, during their soft opening. The liquor was selling well. Mostly the top shelf bottles too. That pleased her. She'd have to check with Rain to see if there was anything she needed before next Wednesday. She had been approached by someone already with a proposition and it hadn't been Strange this time and the proposition had been sexual but with the sweetest smile on her lips, she had turned him down. Right now, she more business than pleasure and would be until after they opened.
his brows lifted from what he had been gazing at on his tablet, then blinked looking up

"oh, errrr, no, think thats it, just have to remove that camera from your room..." he quipped, giving her a smirk and a wink as he made his way to the bar, grabbing 2 glasses and some whiskey he moved to Ish "here ya go, figured you'd like a drink. you missed a spot "he teased, pointing to the flawless table top Ish had just wiped down and grinned at him clapping him on the back "dont worry, you wont be a bus boy long if things start rollin, we will be making an announcement soon that will hopefully start bringing in patrons, hell, you could even end up an escort if you find a good clientele, " again he chuckled before turning, his eyes searching the first floor, tables set, check, lights an an amiable level, check, Mate shaking her check.... he shrugged, oh well, cant be perfect he thought finding a table in a dark corner he focused on his tablet again, tweaking settings to the system as he continued learning the new routine
Strange waited patiently in his hotel room, not wanting to rush the issue. He'd go back later and hopefully agree the deal. Once that was done, his money would be safe and if he needed to walk away for a while, he could. The next thing to do was to find the dealer and the car.
It would seem he was early.

Quite early, given the state of things, what he could only assume was management and employees going about the task of readying the place for proper business. He supposed the made the young waitress who attended him deserving of a bit more than a simple thank you. He slipped her a twenty as he accepted the coffee she brought him, which had her bowing slightly at the waist before taking off again to see to other matters. Perhaps he should have come at a more opportune time. Then again, it wasn't often anyone saw the slow awakening of a business such as this. He supposed that was enough of a reason to continue his quiet observations.

He was halfway through his cup when the waitress came back around for the usual round of asking if he had everything he needed. A smile and a gentle assurance that he was fine was more than enough to start her off again. A moment hesitation, the strong desire to avoid causing a scene or drawing attention, then a soft call to draw the waitress back and ask after the management. To apologize for arriving early and availing himself of the facility before it was quite ready. The woman practically babbled at him that it was no trouble at all, hopefully not believing that she'd caused any problems, but he insisted anyway.

At the managements convenience of course. He didn't want to place them at a disadvantage if they'd things to see to of more pressing concern.
It would seem he was early.

Quite early, given the state of things, what he could only assume was management and employees going about the task of readying the place for proper business. He supposed the made the young waitress who attended him deserving of a bit more than a simple thank you. He slipped her a twenty as he accepted the coffee she brought him, which had her bowing slightly at the waist before taking off again to see to other matters. Perhaps he should have come at a more opportune time. Then again, it wasn't often anyone saw the slow awakening of a business such as this. He supposed that was enough of a reason to continue his quiet observations.

He was halfway through his cup when the waitress came back around for the usual round of asking if he had everything he needed. A smile and a gentle assurance that he was fine was more than enough to start her off again. A moment hesitation, the strong desire to avoid causing a scene or drawing attention, then a soft call to draw the waitress back and ask after the management. To apologize for arriving early and availing himself of the facility before it was quite ready. The woman practically babbled at him that it was no trouble at all, hopefully not believing that she'd caused any problems, but he insisted anyway.

At the managements convenience of course. He didn't want to place them at a disadvantage if they'd things to see to of more pressing concern.
he'd just set his glass of whiskey down when one of the young waitresses approached him, looking up he smiled and nodded as she took his glass, looking hesitant he raised his brows, she mumbled softly there was someone looking for management, he nodded as she took his empty glass and he rose, cracking his back as he twisted at the waist, stretching, he made his way through the bar area, cracking his neck he made his way to the table the waitress indicated

"Greetings, waitress tells me you wish to speak to Management? Mind if i sit?" he asked
"Not at all. Please, be my guest. Or, I suppose, I shall be yours."

It was said lightly, if a bit more forced than he'd meant to be. But talking with new people, particularly people in some position of authority, always had him feeling not quite himself. Old habits dying hard, he supposed, after having it drilled into him time and time again in a previous life. But that was neither here nor there, and the man who'd come to answer his request was, at least from a half-hearted guess, head of security. Or at the very least the guardian of whomever might be someone who'd bother to talk to him. Either way, one didn't sass the guards, lest one invite far more trouble than it was worth. His new companion was certainly capable of playing the part, large imposing frame and the sort of stare that would unsettle the general population. It certainly unsettled him, at least enough to have him finding difficulty getting himself to speak.

Still, one did what one must, and he'd brought this on himself.

"I apologize for the inconvenience, I'm sure you've better things to do than humor a random patron. Particular one who's arrived before the doors are truly open."
She had gone home, gotten something to eat then returned to see to the evening at the Sinful Vixen. She took the opportunity to change her clothes as well. This evening she chose a sequined blouse tucked into a pair of black slacks. She wore a pair of red high heels. She had made her way to the bar earlier and ordered Jameson. Straight. She was sipping it, while she went over some paperwork in front of her. Her heels were hooked on the rung under her bar stool.

So, decision was made. Whatever it was that Strange was proposing, they were going to do it. If there was any trouble, Logan would handle it. She knew he was more than capable. There were things about him that many may not know. She was still unsure, but decided to go forward to it. They would see how it worked out.

Somewhere behind her was Ish, who had busted his ass all day and his shift was about to end. She had to give him credit and so far, he was passing her tests with flying colors but there were still days yet to come. She hadn't seen Mo yet, so apparently he hadn't discovered the secret passageway between here and the Mansion. Thank Heavens. However, there were quite a few secret passageways in her home and she was worried he might have gotten lost.
"Not at all. Please, be my guest. Or, I suppose, I shall be yours."

It was said lightly, if a bit more forced than he'd meant to be. But talking with new people, particularly people in some position of authority, always had him feeling not quite himself. Old habits dying hard, he supposed, after having it drilled into him time and time again in a previous life. But that was neither here nor there, and the man who'd come to answer his request was, at least from a half-hearted guess, head of security. Or at the very least the guardian of whomever might be someone who'd bother to talk to him. Either way, one didn't sass the guards, lest one invite far more trouble than it was worth. His new companion was certainly capable of playing the part, large imposing frame and the sort of stare that would unsettle the general population. It certainly unsettled him, at least enough to have him finding difficulty getting himself to speak.

Still, one did what one must, and he'd brought this on himself.

"I apologize for the inconvenience, I'm sure you've better things to do than humor a random patron. Particular one who's arrived before the doors are truly open."
the man reeked of fear and he arched a brow as he stared at the man, his forearms resting on the table, his hands clasped together, his nose twitched as he scented the air, his black amber gaze unblinking as he watched the male Fidget, canting his head slightly, managing to keep a straight face when he wanted to grin. Sitting back he motioned to a waitress with 2 fingers and she nodded, bringing over two glasses filled with amber liquid, he pushed the glass to the man, then took a drink from his own "No inconvenience at all, so what brings you to Vixens? job hunting?" he inquired