The Smexy Awards! Nominations and Discussion thread. Open to everyone!

Gee! I'm so flattered! *fans self* It's such an honor just to be nominated.

I'd also like to nominate me and Armphid under Best Sci-Fi Thread for Star Wars: Swords of the Force

This is a great idea, btw. Makes me feel better about actually giving a crap about plot and all :)
I know right. Makes caring about stuff other then just the sex awesome.
I would like to nominate Captain Awful for best parody thread, even though it is currently dead and in the process of being revived. Parodies are awesome, and while the thread wasn't all about the sexy, sexy action it was still pretty good.

I'd also like to nominate Feldae Royal Court (both Part Une and Part Deux) For all of the following:
Best Furry Thread,
Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Thread,
Best Contest Thread,
Best Princess Thread,
Best Story.
I would like to nominate Captain Awful for best parody thread, even though it is currently dead and in the process of being revived. Parodies are awesome, and while the thread wasn't all about the sexy, sexy action it was still pretty good.

I'd also like to nominate Feldae Royal Court (both Part Une and Part Deux) For all of the following:
Best Furry Thread,
Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Thread,
Best Contest Thread,
Best Princess Thread,
Best Story.

Okay, I'll give you furry, and i'm adding in Princess and Contest categories, but that's it!
I want to nominate Fuken and White_Jade's thread Holidaze for Best Brother/Sister Incest. That's some good stuff. Two thumbs and a third thing way up. ;)
Um if there's a comic book thread, It may be cheating since I'm in it, but Borne Of Legends is easily the most story filled comic thread and the best ensemble in general, since the original Teen Titans thread Jeffinator did way back when.

And c'mon it's in the emmy's and golden globes you need to add ensemble thread, for massive groups.

So comic thread nomination,
Borne of Legends.

Borne of Legends.
fuken-san, is your siggy gif from the movie, Cool Hand Luke?
fuken-san, is your siggy gif from the movie, Cool Hand Luke?

It's been so long since I've seen Cool Hand Luke, I honestly don't remember. You'd think I'd remember something as smexy as that, but I have failed. I think I might have been stoned the last time I watched it. Which means it's time for another viewing. I sure hope it is, though. If you're recognizing it, Lady, it probably is. I just found it out there in the wilds of the interwebs.
This is a fantastic idea. I love it.

I think a couple things would be for some writer awards.

Here is a thread I find enjoyable to read its.The New CEO

I would like to nominate it for Best Office and Best Newbie (Though maybe not either writers first but very earlly in their writing.
I wouldn't normally nominate myself for anything, but I've had a great time writing one thread that would probably best fit into the Romantic category. I just have to nominate it. Bethothed (meant to be Betrothed, I think, strange word, not sure exactly how to spell it.) written with LittleSprite2. Warning, it is long, and going longer all the time since we are entering a second half/generation.

I still think that there should be a category for good threads that never really took off.
I'd like to nominate princess' vampire thread, Lost Love
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