The Smexy Awards! Nominations and Discussion thread. Open to everyone!

It's been so long since I've seen Cool Hand Luke, I honestly don't remember. You'd think I'd remember something as smexy as that, but I have failed. I think I might have been stoned the last time I watched it. Which means it's time for another viewing. I sure hope it is, though. If you're recognizing it, Lady, it probably is. I just found it out there in the wilds of the interwebs.

*fingers crossed* ^_________^:heart::heart:
I'm very glad to see HookerBoots with a nomination. She's one of the best writers we have on here, and I'm happy to see her recognized for it!
I'm very glad to see HookerBoots with a nomination. She's one of the best writers we have on here, and I'm happy to see her recognized for it!

Agreed. I'd like to nominate her for the absolutely STUNNING job she did as Sailor Mars in my original Sailor Moon: Ten Years Later thread, but I don't think there's an award for Best Female Lead
I'd like to re-nominate Captain Awful under the Best Comic Book Story category. While it isn't actually based on a comic book, it is super heroes, and a joke about everything that comic books are.
I dislike popularity contests.

Me too. That's why the Smexy Awards are based around the content of the thread and the quality of the writing. That's also why there are no categories for "Best Female Lead" or "Best Supporting Writer" or anything like that.

By the way, I got to say I didn't think this idea would get quite the reception that it has. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. However, I know there are a lot of other threads out there that are amazing and ought to be nominated. So I'm going to continue taking nominations until March 31st. So keep 'em coming people! More suggestions for categories are also welcome. Thanks again!