The Smexy Awards! Nominations and Discussion thread. Open to everyone!

Is there a best Master/Slave? or does that fall into the category of bdsm...
Also what about best Harem?
And is there a best Angel/Demon? or is that in the category of... fantasy? It doesn't seem like d&d to me but I'm also not that familiar with d&d.

oops sorry ignore the master/slave question. I just saw the 'best slave' listed, don't know how I missed it the first time >.>
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Me too. That's why the Smexy Awards are based around the content of the thread and the quality of the writing. That's also why there are no categories for "Best Female Lead" or "Best Supporting Writer" or anything like that.

By the way, I got to say I didn't think this idea would get quite the reception that it has. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. However, I know there are a lot of other threads out there that are amazing and ought to be nominated. So I'm going to continue taking nominations until March 31st. So keep 'em coming people! More suggestions for categories are also welcome. Thanks again!

The inherent flaw is that people are just going to nominate their own threads. I think the amount of people who actually go and read other threads is fairly small. It's not going to accurately represent quality in any way, really.
But a number of people have already nominated other people's threads. Also, who cares if people nominate their own threads? This isn't really important, it is for fun. If you don't agree with the methods then just don't pay attention to it. It isn't like peoplle are going to go brag if they win or get some sort of prize.
Also, it comes down to a public vote so it's not as if the winner's are picked by a small amount of people. It won't matter who nominated because if it wasn't good it won't win.
Alright, sorry. I got a PM about some nomination so that's really the only reason I looked in. Otherwise I may never have even noticed.
The inherent flaw is that people are just going to nominate their own threads. I think the amount of people who actually go and read other threads is fairly small. It's not going to accurately represent quality in any way, really.

One of the main reasons I started this whole thing was to get people to start reading threads other than their own. There are a lot of really awesome stories that people are writing on this message board, but it's easy to get frustrated trying to find them, because, honestly, there's a lot of boring, cliche-ridden, poorly-written threads out there too. I'm quite certain that there will be a number of great threads that fall through the cracks and don't get nominated for a number of reasons, but so far, I think most of the threads that have been nominated are pretty damn good. Anyway, I just hope that this thread can help great writers find each other and create even more amazing stories together, regardless of who the winners are.
I'd like to nominate The Island by Karnelman and AmbrosiaCaress

It was one of the threads that got me hooked to this place, read along with it for months ;)
Not sure which category it would go into though...non consent/reluctance or romantic...?

Just want to say I think this is a really good idea...there are some excellent writers here and highlighting talent and getting people to read threads other than their own is always a good thing! :eek:
One way I gauge a Threads "Popularity" is to divide the number of replies into the Number of Views, anything that comes in at over 10:1 I consider to be a popular thread.
The inherent flaw is that people are just going to nominate their own threads. I think the amount of people who actually go and read other threads is fairly small. It's not going to accurately represent quality in any way, really.

i just recently found out about this thread from another user and the PM i got about being nominated, i have no clue what the thread is about but my previous post about wanting to throw in one of my threads is actually just because i think it is one of the better more evolved RP's ive done since ive been on Lit, and my Co-writer is a very talented writer that i am getting along with very well >.> now that i know what this thread is about i will be going through the pages of threads im currently watching and reading and nominate a few :)
The inherent flaw is that people are just going to nominate their own threads. I think the amount of people who actually go and read other threads is fairly small. It's not going to accurately represent quality in any way, really.

I agree, Ahren1. It's called the buddy system. You nominate threads from your "inner circle" of friends.

As to reading other threads? Most writers on this forum don't even bother to read posts by other writers in their own group threads so why would they take the time to read someone else's? (Unless they're desperately looking for stroke material, of course.)

Also, it comes down to a public vote so it's not as if the winner's are picked by a small amount of people. It won't matter who nominated because if it wasn't good it won't win.

I have some great beachfront property for sale in Arizona. Interested?

This "public vote" is one of the reasons that we no longer have a star system in this forum. One vote per member name - which means that if you have twenty member names, you can vote twenty times.

Skew you at the poll. :D
I read outside my particular group of friends and people.

A lot.

But usually I'm either looking for stroke material, (I just like well written stories damn it.) or more commonly I'm looking for other prospective writers, and I generally don't wander into anything that doesn't seem to be my general likes or wants or needs.

So I'd say fully a quarter of the SRP is poorly written, one line stroke fests. And of the remaining three quarters I think a third of that is some form of non consent or reluctance, or rape, or humiliation and rape, or incest, or some master/slave thing. None of that is my bag so I don't read it.

The other half I make an attempt at. Maybe a twentieth gets read. And that probably makes me one of the most prolific readers here on the SRP.

So Maid I agree with you. But in the spirit of fun, I've nominated two I'm in and one I just like, and generally think is one of the best examples of the genre I've read here.

To be fair the one I'm in and nominated has a lot of very talented writers and i think is a very good representative of it's genre too.

But I suppose I'm not fit to judge what's the best.

And a good thing too, I'd disqualify over half of the board for false starts.
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Alright, some of you people are acting like there is actually something on the line here. There is no prize, there is no special recognition. This is simply for fun. The majority of us know who the good and bad writers are here. We don't need a thread about an award to show us.

Simply grow up and stop acting like a child. This is for FUN. Something to pass the time. If you don't like what is going on here then simply don't look. Easy as pie.

Move on.
Agreed, I am here because it is fun to let loose. Sure I have my little restrictiosn but that's just me, I am simply here to enjoy myself and I won't berathe others for doing the same.
However also in the spirit I'd like to nominate two for period pieces. Which is Calends of January Which is Witch Hunt

I'd also like to nominate Witch Hunt for Non-consent/reluctance. (Since it's really just that good, go read it people.)

There's also one of Fukensploogin's that I fail to remember about a party, involved a lot of drug use and a sort of BDSM feel. Should I find it I will nominate that for BDSM or Master Slave.

Also is there a most consistently good authour? Cause gagonthis has his craft down really, really, really, well.

And since he won't talk to me I just kind of want to give him props for that, and this seems like the place for it.
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Alright, some of you people are acting like there is actually something on the line here. There is no prize, there is no special recognition. This is simply for fun. The majority of us know who the good and bad writers are here. We don't need a thread about an award to show us.

Simply grow up and stop acting like a child. This is for FUN. Something to pass the time. If you don't like what is going on here then simply don't look. Easy as pie.

Move on.

Agreed, I am here because it is fun to let loose. Sure I have my little restrictions but that's just me, I am simply here to enjoy myself and I won't berate others for doing the same.

I think everyone here is here to have fun. I've seen no blatant attacks. The closest to a real negative that I've seen was from Ahren1 saying

I dislike popularity contests.

And since he's still here I don't think he was specifically badmouthing anyone. If people feel the need to rationalise why they are here, or what they think is good, then let them. Don't tell people to Grow up and have fun, if they want to be petty (Again not something I've seen) let them be petty. There are no prizes that's true. But there is a special recognition, I think that's what we're doing by nominating.

So please no-ones picked a fight yet. Let's just keep having fun. Alright?
However also in the spirit I'd like to nominate two for period pieces. Which is Calends of January Which is Witch Hunt

I'd also like to nominate Witch Hunt for Non-consent/reluctance. (Since it's really just that good, go read it people.)

Just to point out...both of your links go to 'Calends...' :eek:
There were a couple of versions of Witch Hunt so not sure which one you meant...didn't want to post the wrong link on your behalf :)
I never meant it as in you had berathed anyone, I simply have some restrictions to my own rps, though I like to be open for suggestions, so I won't berathe others for what they want to rp, just what I myself am like, not comparing myself to anyone.
Just to point out...both of your links go to 'Calends...' :eek:
There were a couple of versions of Witch Hunt so not sure which one you meant...didn't want to post the wrong link on your behalf :)

it's actually the one in your sig. it's the only way i know how to find it. I'll edit. and thanks.
One of the main reasons I started this whole thing was to get people to start reading threads other than their own. There are a lot of really awesome stories that people are writing on this message board, but it's easy to get frustrated trying to find them, because, honestly, there's a lot of boring, cliche-ridden, poorly-written threads out there too. I'm quite certain that there will be a number of great threads that fall through the cracks and don't get nominated for a number of reasons, but so far, I think most of the threads that have been nominated are pretty damn good. Anyway, I just hope that this thread can help great writers find each other and create even more amazing stories together, regardless of who the winners are.

I agree totally man.

I also think there alot of different things out there that float people's boats as well.

I have been involved in some good rps(secret sins and extorting mom), and some not so good of ones.

Even if they don't get nominated there are some really good stories out there.

P.S. I love The Confessional.
Man, way to get overdefensive people... I just gave my opinion, and even apologized for it.
Wow....I don't understand why people are still going on about it. I get that people want to post their opinion and I know that sometimes mine is probably a little naive because I think that most people have the integrity not to vote multiple times with different usernames. I do know that it happens and there's nothing I can do about that.

This is just a really good idea for learning about awesome writers that I don't know, at least that's how I view it. I don't even expect to win any of the categories that I was nominated for. It's just something I'm having fun with by discovering people I may or may not want to start a thread with at some point.

I'm done with my somewhat little rant. I will not be posting in here again unless I have a nomination or something like that.
lol, I agree. I regret saying anything in response to what Ahren said because I think it may have started a chain reaction, but then again maybe not. Anyway, I have just one point, and that is that people here do read other people's threads. Since I started, I've receieved PMs from at least a dozen different people that I had never had contact with before and they said they had read some of my threads and wanted to start a rp with me. That shows me that a good number of people read other people's threads. I don't, but that is for two reasons. Time, because if I'm not replying to a thread of my own, I'm doing work for my classes, and second is because a lot of the threads going on have things in them that I really don't like, such as incest, which makes me sick, and some of the really brutal BDSM and stuff with slaves where the women are degraded and tortured so much that it is just horrible in my eyes.

Anyway, that's all I have to say, people read other people's threads, and if they don't, they probably have a good reason for it. And, just like Chaotic, any further posts in this thread will just be for nominating threads or maybe discussing nominated threads.
There's also one of Fukensploogin's that I fail to remember about a party, involved a lot of drug use and a sort of BDSM feel. Should I find it I will nominate that for BDSM or Master Slave.

Also is there a most consistently good authour? Cause gagonthis has his craft down really, really, really, well.

And since he won't talk to me I just kind of want to give him props for that, and this seems like the place for it.

I'm about 100% positive that the thread of mine you're talking about it "Good Morning Little Schoolgirl", which is linked in my thread. However, I don't think it really belongs with Master/Slave or BDSM, although it certainly has those elements, it's really more a story about college kids experimenting with some of those things. So I'm going to put it in the College category. And thanks for the nomination!

Of course, it could also be a scene in "The Confessional", though that has more of a devil/angel feel to it.

And as I noted before, I think the Smexy Awards should focus on the threads/stories and not individual writers, just because

A: I'm already overwhelmed enough trying to keep up with all of this, and

2: I think we should avoid the impression that it's some kind of popularity contest, because that's definitely not what this is about.
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I admit I was initially hostile because I've seen these sorts of things done on other RP forums and go horribly wrong. But obviously this forum is based around members being mature, so I'll trust that this is different. Sorry for arbitarily connecting it to something it wasn't, but it was sort of a kneejerk reaction to seeing "RP Awards."