The Smexy Awards! Nominations and Discussion thread. Open to everyone!

Decided not to make it later?

That's been the plan for awhile now. Only two categories at a time. So this will be an ongoing thing.

Just a couple more days for nominations before I'm no longer accepting nominations for Romance and Vampire/Werewolf. I know there are a lot more threads in both categories out there that deserve to be recognized for their excellent writing!
Can you nominate a thread you are part of?


Yeah, that's all explained in the first post of this thread, where all the nominations are also listed. A lot of threads have been nominated by the writers who wrote them, which is perfectly fine if you ask me. Nominate away! You can always send it to me in a PM if you're feeling shy about nominating your own thread, I won't tell anyone ;)
no just temporarily suspended XD
What for? Failing to come to a full stop at the end of a thought? Inability to curb while parallel plotting? Writing under the influence of an uncontrolled sentence? And how long is the suspension? I need my licence to work, you know.
/i've tired to get a three-way going. But i can never seem to get the people to do it.

I'd love a sexy sleep-over three-way but nooooooo :p
Just a thought... What are we 'voting' for? as in if I read through these stories to come to a voting decision, should I simply focus on the werewolf/vampire/romance aspect? or should I read for a 'cohesive whole' and vote for something that gives the best 'impression' of the topic?

Is it okay to vote if I couldn't get past the first 5 posts of a story? or must I go through the entire thread? (some of those are really really long...)

Is it okay to vote based on a 'first impression' basis? if so then we wouldn't be comparing 'romance' but rather a comparison of writing technicalities, style and the ability of the writers to capture ones attention in the first few posts.
Just a thought... What are we 'voting' for? as in if I read through these stories to come to a voting decision, should I simply focus on the werewolf/vampire/romance aspect? or should I read for a 'cohesive whole' and vote for something that gives the best 'impression' of the topic?

Is it okay to vote if I couldn't get past the first 5 posts of a story? or must I go through the entire thread? (some of those are really really long...)

Is it okay to vote based on a 'first impression' basis? if so then we wouldn't be comparing 'romance' but rather a comparison of writing technicalities, style and the ability of the writers to capture ones attention in the first few posts.

All good questions. I would hope that you take the time to read the threads in their entirety, which is why I'm allowing voting to go on for a month, and we're only doing a couple categories at a time. Reading and enjoying other peoples' threads is the whole reason I started the Smexy Awards in the first place.

As far as voting criteria are concerned... I'm not going to set out a standard or anything. Personally, I'm looking for originality, interesting characters, good plot and pacing, and most importantly, for me, is how those things all come together to create truly beautiful/explosive/dirty/Smexy fuck scenes. Is the sex driven by the story? How well do the writers build up the sexual tension between characters before the bedroom scenes start? How much did it all turn you on?

Of all the threads you read, which were you most impressed by overall? Which is your favorite? Which one will you go back and read again and again? Which thread made you really want to work with its authors?
I have a question. What are you going to do with the catagories that only have one entry? Declare them winners of it by default?
I have a question. What are you going to do with the catagories that only have one entry? Declare them winners of it by default?

We'll just wait to vote on those categories until we get more nominations. This is going to be an on-going thing, so there will be plenty of time for more nominations. I may also read those threads that are sole entrants in a category and see if they might better fit somewhere else. In the case of the incest threads, for example, there's only two threads that are not bro-sis, so we may just have to change it to "Best Incest Thread" instead of having all the different categories under incest. Might be able to lump "Slave" and "BDSM" together as well. Hopefully, though, we'll just keep getting lots of nominations and start to fill these categories out.
Just wanna say, good luck to all my fellow nominees in both the Romantic category and the werewolf/vampire category
I recently found one of my older threads that kind of died off. I miss it a little, since I had so much fun writting it.

Best Father/Daughter
