The Smexy Awards! Nominations and Discussion thread. Open to everyone!

ok random change of subject to re-lighten up the mood...and to make a few people stop and go "wait what?"

Fukensploogin, i love your sig *stares at jiggly wet boobies /drool*
Angel/Demon nomination:(not of my own)
Damnation and Vengeance

Thank you for starting this thread. I think its a great place for good writers to be recognized.

It's also an easier way to find good stories as opposed to the alternative of sifting through grisly one liners and other horrible writing that also gets mingled in with the good ones. I do look forward to reading some of those stories once finals are over! Thanks again.
However also in the spirit I'd like to nominate two for period pieces. Which is Calends of January Which is Witch Hunt

I'd also like to nominate Witch Hunt for Non-consent/reluctance. (Since it's really just that good, go read it people.)

There's also one of Fukensploogin's that I fail to remember about a party, involved a lot of drug use and a sort of BDSM feel. Should I find it I will nominate that for BDSM or Master Slave.

Also is there a most consistently good authour? Cause gagonthis has his craft down really, really, really, well.

And since he won't talk to me I just kind of want to give him props for that, and this seems like the place for it.

Totally off topic but I completely agree with what you said about Gagonthis. He is the first person I run to when I have a thread idea or need a good Rp partner. Hell, he's about the only writer I trust to give me substance with every post lol.


Sorry if my response earlier came off as harsh but I cannot stand when people decide to put in their snide remarks when they aren't needed. Like, why try to ruin everyone's fun because you dislike 'popularity' contests when clearly most people have nominated threads they weren't even part of.

Oh.... Hmmmmm there was one thread.... *goes off to find it*
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Totally off topic but I completely agree with what you said about Gagonthis. He is the first person I run to when I have a thread idea or need a good Rp partner. Hell, he's about the only writer I trust to give me substance with every post lol.


Sorry if my response earlier came off as harsh but I cannot stand when people decide to put in their snide remarks when they aren't needed. Like, why try to ruin everyone's fun because you dislike 'popularity' contests when clearly most people have nominated threads they weren't even part of.


I agree with all of this haha. Thats why i'm oddly specific about who i write with. And there's nothing wrong with being harch from time to time. lol.
I nominate the section of the confessional at the halloween party in the basement with the Angel and the Devil in the altar and the bedroom for the best angel and demon category :)
Totally off topic but I completely agree with what you said about Gagonthis. He is the first person I run to when I have a thread idea or need a good Rp partner. Hell, he's about the only writer I trust to give me substance with every post lol.


Sorry if my response earlier came off as harsh but I cannot stand when people decide to put in their snide remarks when they aren't needed. Like, why try to ruin everyone's fun because you dislike 'popularity' contests when clearly most people have nominated threads they weren't even part of.


It's cool. you got your own right to whatever you'd like to say. Though I disagree. Most people have nominated threads they're in themselves, or in their own circles. nothing wrong with it. sometimes they are the best threads for that purpose. Pride is a basic virtue too.

As is more people should try talking to each other. But I'm spouting my mouth off again on things don't need be said. If anyone wanted to talk to me they'd talk to me. It isn't like I'm hard to find.
This isn't a nomination but I think Fukensploogin deserves props for starting the smexy awards and doing it in such an organized way. :)
I'm not sure where to nominate this, but. I had a lot of fun in this thread:

The Sexy Ninja Academy

So... I would like to nominate it please *blush* ..If that's okay ^-^"
Well, the thread I am about to nominate is incredibly old, but I actually really, really liked it:

I nominate Love (or Lust) in the Neighborhood for:
Best Romantic Thread
Best Slave Thread
Best BDSM Thread
Best Swingers Thread
Best Threesome Thread
Best Cheaters Thread
Best Strip Poker Thread (New Category!)

And I guess that is it.
I also think that there should be a category for worth thread or biggest flop, because I'd nominate some of my threads for that...
I also think that there should be a category for worth thread or biggest flop, because I'd nominate some of my threads for that...

OH man, I have one in particular that I was in a LONG time ago, along with CT, Hikari and Armphid that I would totally nominate. *grins big*
Well, the thread I am about to nominate is incredibly old, but I actually really, really liked it:

I nominate Love (or Lust) in the Neighborhood for:
Best Romantic Thread
Best Slave Thread
Best BDSM Thread
Best Swingers Thread
Best Threesome Thread
Best Cheaters Thread
Best Strip Poker Thread (New Category!)

And I guess that is it.

Bluemage, thank you so much for the recognition! This was one of my top three favorite threads ever to write, so I'm flattered that someone got some enjoyment out of it. And damn, I guess it did certainly touch on a lot of categories! Haha.

You actually bring up an interesting question: does a thread have to be "active" to be nominated? What about old threads that either died off or just plain finished? I don't see that this question has been addressed anywhere.

Thanks again for the kind words :)
You can nominate older threads, because at least one that I know of isn't active anymore.
OH man, I have one in particular that I was in a LONG time ago, along with CT, Hikari and Armphid that I would totally nominate. *grins big*

Awww...are you talking about the ninja academy? That one had just...never lived up to it. Everyone was going in far too many directions and we could only keep people around for a few weeks before they would run off and not be part of the game anymore. I know it was frustrating to play, but it was incredibly frustrating to try and run, when every time I looked at it I just thought in the back of my head "I wonder if we still have enough players to bother with this."

But yeah, there is the Ninja Academy, every time I attempt Love Cuffs/Party Favors it fails miserably, my pokemon thread that everyone seemed interested in at the start, but no one stuck with...

Pretty much about 75% of the threads that I've started have sounded really good at the start, but then because of something ended up not being all that good, and not getting far enough to actually be good.
Awww...are you talking about the ninja academy? That one had just...never lived up to it. Everyone was going in far too many directions and we could only keep people around for a few weeks before they would run off and not be part of the game anymore. I know it was frustrating to play, but it was incredibly frustrating to try and run, when every time I looked at it I just thought in the back of my head "I wonder if we still have enough players to bother with this."

Actually, I nominated it.

And Hikari & Chronicle_Tenko weren't in it :p

The terrible award goes to something else.:heart:
Hey, thanks for the props, people! I appreciate it a lot!

A couple of things to address. First, I'll update all the nominations I haven't gotten to yet when I get home this evening.

Second, any thread on the Sexual Role Playing board is eligible for a Smexy Award, regardless of age. I know I have a couple that have been active for a couple of years, with some slow periods, of course, Holidaze being a good example.

Third, Gagonthis is an awesome writer, but I'm gonna have to say no to giving out Best Writer awards. As I said before, 1) I've got enough to handle just with the different thread categories and B) I think we should focus more on the stories than the writers, just to avoid this from turning into a popularity contest.

That being said, please nominate some more of Gagonthis' threads! The best way to give an awesome writer the recognition they deserve is to nominate a lot of their threads.

Fourth, while it would be VERY funny to have a Biggest Flop category, I think the Smexy Awards should focus on the threads that actually worked out pretty well. At least for a while.

Finally, I've decided that this should be an ongoing thing. I'll be constantly taking new nominations. Each month we'll have voting on a couple of different categories. Once we get through all of them, we can start over, but with all the categories we have right now, it'll take at least a year or more. That will make it easier on everyone, because we won't be voting on everything all at once. Serious, who has time to go through and read all those threads? Seems like overkill. So we'll take it nice and slow.

Thanks again everyone for the props on starting this thing! It's gotten way bigger and more popular than I thought it would, but I know it'll be worth it in the end.
Actually, I nominated it.

And Hikari & Chronicle_Tenko weren't in it :p

The terrible award goes to something else.:heart:

I run so many really bad games, it is hard to keep track of them. You should be more blatantly obvious about which ones I run that are bad. I'll probably agree with you.
I run so many really bad games, it is hard to keep track of them. You should be more blatantly obvious about which ones I run that are bad. I'll probably agree with you.

*laughs* But the thing is, I didn't mean the SNA at all as a bad thread! Really!

I nominated it because I had a lot of fun in it ^________^!!

The one that I was going to nominate as a flop was this Sailor Moon thread that redpowerborg did like eons ago lol.
I was going to nominate a Twilight thread I was just in. Haha, mermaids in a twilight thread XD