The UK Kink Thread

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made it here alive for the most part. totally knackered though. might be a high sugar day.
Sorry to hear you got turned down Mal but you have to be pretty zen about these things. People have their own shit to deal with and on dating sites (even kinky ones) there's no point taking anything personally. I'm sure that if you begin to put yourself out there again it won't take too long to meet someone kinky who you click with... or two someones, if that's your bag ;) Though why you'd potentially want to deal with double the PMT etc is beyond me. Makes me wonder whether you're a closet maso :p

Have a good day off Lally. :rose:

I've got the niece today :) She's one and on the way to being fully mobile. I swear she can stretch to twice her height while my back's turned if there's something dangerous in the vicinity. Think I'll take her to the park to go on the swing and feed the ducks if it stays dry enough.

Good luck in London Daisy. I only ever go near the place when I absolutely have to. Perfect your commuter zombie stare and take no prisoners.
Bloody London traffic! *grumbles* I was 5 mins late for my appointment which put me in a very stressed mood! But all went very well and I am home with my feet up now, scoffing pizza :)

How old is the neice, Seven? My kids are still young, everything has to be child proofed! Any luck yet? X

Lally, good to have a natter earlier ;) and thx for everything!! Xx

Mal, safe trip home, will catch up later :) x
Seven - you'll need eyes in the back of your head for the one year old. And a nice bottle of wine chilling in the fridge for later :D

Enjoyed the chat, Daisy! Glad all went well :D

Hope Mal's having a good day.

I am currently trying to tidy the daughter's bedroom which resembles a bomb site. So far, I've found an ipod touch, a set of house keys with school locker key, £3 in change, two itunes vouchers and one topshop voucher. I'm rapidly losing the will to live....if it wasn't for the interesting conversations I'm having today with friends, I'd leave home.
But the good news is I've just come across a box of they'll be gone by the time she gets home :devil:
But the good news is I've just come across a box of they'll be gone by the time she gets home :devil:

You gotta hit the girl with the mantra "you snooze, you loose!"
My 6yr old isn't too bad, I lean quite hard on both of them to look after their own space, because I will go in there with a bin liner if they don't! Evil, yes, but it never happens twice!

Feel like totally vegging out tonight, the weather just got thundery and muggy. I don't think it will storm for a while tho.

Got to pick lil boy from club in a bit, more traffic :(
Well, despite some site based Issues and being late home it wasn't a bad day.

Glad the rest of you are having some fun... for given definitions of fun :)
Morning all.

Sorry you've had a bad night, seven - must be something about this thread.

Woken up with my neck, shoulders and back in spasm - my head's thumping. So off now to find the painkillers - busy day ahead :(

Hope everyone else is doing better. X
Sorry to hear you're in pain. :(

We're going to need a thread exorcism at this rate, this is getting ridiculous!

Hope everyone's day improves.
In the meantime, here's some uncensored breakfast porn.

Lally, is this back and neck stuff still fallout from the accident? I would highly reccoment a really good osteopath, go the cranial route, they will get you sorted :)

Seven, what's going on with the sleep? Are you stressed hun? *hugs

How's Mal? X
Morning Daisy :)

Yes, I think it's the remnants of the whiplash aggravated by moving stuff around yesterday, moving beds on my own, all the things I'm not supposed to do - so it's self-inflicted really :(

I had a series of physiotherapy sessions after the accident, but you're probably right - I could do with going back and getting all the knots worked out again. It's easing off now that I'm moving around.

Sure a bacon sandwich would help more though!
I could use some naughty food :)
There is an italian deli close by that does the best bacon, it costs a fortune, but the flavour is to die for!
Mal is well. I did have a naughty bacon and sausage sandwich this morning while sat waiting for me early morning meeting.

Now there is the house to semi-rebuild and then onwards to paperwork!
I had a bacon and cream cheese bagel for lunch, not quite the same, but yummy all the same!
More drama at work, along with backstabbing and indecision. So fed up with it all! It has gotten to the point where it is making me ill.
I had a bacon and cream cheese bagel for lunch, not quite the same, but yummy all the same!
More drama at work, along with backstabbing and indecision. So fed up with it all! It has gotten to the point where it is making me ill.

Well that's no good :(

Well that's no good :(


It wasn't bad....really....I suppose..... Ok yeah a crusty roll with hot bacon smothered in sauce would have been better!

Bacon is supposed to be good for breakfast. Thanks for pointing me to this thread.

Greetings, fellow Brits.
Howdy pardner ;)
Glad you found us, we send out search parties to round up straggling Ukers :)
Welcome to the friendliest thread on lit! Pull up a chair, have a bacon buttie and a cuppa and tell us about yourself!
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