The Wallflower and The Star Athlete (closed for Poprockz)

Did she see a look of bashfulness on her face? Was she feeling what he was feeling? He knew he had to find out, but not scare her at the same time.

At the that moment, a steamy sex scene appeared on screen. His semi hard-on was now a raging hard on. The combination of the scene on screen and the beyond gorgeous woman on his bed was almost too much. He just hoped it was not too obvious.

'I was not expecting such a steamy scene for a rom-com', lauhing a little, trying to ease his own tension.
"I wasn't either," she replied, hyper-aware of his presence next to her. Olivia glanced over at one point and noticed the prominent bulge in his pants. Of course she averted her eyes quickly, but found herself thinking about what it might look like. It was odd, while she had the urge to flee out of embarrassment, she also felt drawn to him and wanted to know what it might be like to touch him, though this only made her more flustered.

She couldn't deny that the scene had gotten herself a little worked up too, and she imagined there was a small, damp spot in her panties at the moment. "Have you dated much?" Olivia asked to fill the silence. Well, the silence between them as the woman on screen moaned in between the sheets.
Her question got him curious. Where is going with this?

'Um, not since my high school girlfiend. I've found it hard to make genuine connections, which is all that gets me interested'. That and a seriously gorgeous face and body!

'How about you?'
She found it surprising that he hadn't dated more than that, but she supposed he also led a busy life. "I went to a high school dance with a guy once, but that didn't end well," she replied, shrugging. "Other than that, not really."

Olivia swallowed, finding the situation somehow more awkward than before. "Do you want some snacks? I could go get us some more snacks."
'Hold on, you mean to tell me you've never had a proper boyfriend? Sorry, but I find that hard to believe. I mean, have you met you?'

He knew he was now at risk of exposing his true feelings. But at this stage, he almost wanted her to know.
She looked at him, a bit confused. "Yeah. Have you met me?"

What did he mean? Maybe she had a nice face, but she didn't dress well, she was always busy, she didn't interact with people normally... what made him think any of that made her prime dating material?
Her reaction angered him a little. It showed him how little she thought of herself.

'Olivia, you are the most genuine, authentic person I have ever met. You care about others, you have preserved to make something of yourself, despite all the obstacles put in front of you. Any man would be lucky to have you.

And you're beautiful - in the most classical of senses. But you don't flaunt it like most girls in our generation, which just makes you even more beautiful'.

He had said all of that as a reflex - he hadn't meant to say all of that. And now there was a deafening silence in the room, the movie forgotten.

What the fuck did you just do?
She stared at him after his speech, a bit at a loss for what to say. Her cheeks burned and she felt like there might be a few butterflies in her stomach. The way he talked... it almost seemed like he might have feelings for her. Olivia couldn't fathom that, especially since he had a host of other options lined up.

"You're really sweet, Adrian." she chuckled awkwardly, "if you keep saying things like that though, I might end up getting the wrong idea..." The woman scratched the back of her head.
Adrian had to be sure before making any move.

'What idea would that be, Olivia?'

He met her gaze, holding it. He wanted her to see the genuine affection she had for him.
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Oh shit, was he really going to make her say it out loud? She had to steel herself and swallow once more before replying hesitantly, "I might misunderstand and start thinking you were interested in me... Like, as in more than a friend."

Her eyes didn't avert from his, as it seemed like those handsome green pools were holding her in place. He looked at her with something she didn't see very often.
Words couldn't convey what he was feeling anymore, only action could. He reached up and cupped her face, bringing his lips close to hers. He stopped short, studying her face for any doubt or resistance. Seeing none, he brushed his lips against her with a quiet intensity, tenderly parting her lips with his.

He pulled back, searching her eyes for how she felt.
'I am interested in more, Olivia'.
She almost couldn't believe what was happening as his hand lighted on her cheek. While she could have shoved him away or rolled out of bed, instead she simply sat there as his lips came in to press against her own. They were warm and sent a spark through her, and she realized that she had very much wanted the kiss as well, though the realization scared her. She was hesitant about crossing that line with him when it was such unfamiliar territory, but her fear was only trumped by her longing for that connection.

"Are you sure?" was the only thing she could say as she looked back at him. Olivia didn't know why she needed to ask, but it had been the first thing on her lips since his pulled away.
Adrian smiled,'I have never been more sure', leaning in for another kiss, longer this time. Her lips tasted sweet, felt incredibly soft. Kisses like this belonged in the movies, but it was, happenng to them. He cupped her face again, holding her tenderly.

His heart was soaring - not only had she not pulled away from him, but it could feel her desires in her movements back at him. Was this risky, considering everything? Absolutely yes. Did he care right now? Not one bit.
Despite her nervousness, she found herself drawn into that next kiss. It made everything else seem far away like they were the only two people who mattered in that moment. Olivia kissed him back, her own lips pressing to his, then pulling away slightly before pushing back against him. One of her hands went to his chest and she rubbed him gently. Was this really happening? Was Adrian really interested in her? All evidence pointed to "yes."
Feeling her hand on his chest was exhilarating. As they continued to kiss, his own hands went through her hair and down her back. She felt amazing in his hands, his hard on from the movie now the hardest he had ever felt it. But he knew he had to move slowly. They were 'just friends' an hour ago.
He pulled back from the kiss, smiling at her, 'I didn't think I would be doing this when I woke up this morning!'
His hands lit a fire in her as they migrated on her body, and she was almost tempted to rub his thigh. She resisted that though, knowing that it might be a little too forward for where they were right now.

"Neither did I," she admitted, "today started out as the worst day I've had in a long time, but I'm happy with how the day ended up." Olivia was quiet for a moment before continuing. "There was one time that I was homeless and a guy I knew took me in. We weren't dating, but he'd have me pay what I could and suck him off every now and then to make up the difference. I feel like he helped me because he wanted something from me, which I'm used to. But with you it felt like you helped me because you genuinely wanted to help. Thank you..." she finished softly. "That's one of the reasons I like you- you genuinely care about other people."
Adrian could easily have reacted angrily to the comment of sucking off some guy to 'pay' rent, but he knew that would accomplish nothing. Considering what he had heard about Olivia's background, it was one story after another of people taking advantage of her. It made him sad and angry at the same time.

'I'm sorry that happened to you. I can promise you now, I will never, ever do that. I like you too much, and I do genuinely want to help'.
She looked a bit troubled before speaking again, "I know you wouldn't. But... I can't help but feel a little worried. Like... what if we do try to see where things go. If we end up dating and then go through a bad breakup, I don't want you to feel like you still have to let me stay here. I don't want you to feel guilted into taking care of me so like... if things don't work out, just let me know if you really want me out and by that time I should have saved enough money to find somewhere else, okay?"

Olivia didn't want him to regret taking her in, nor did he want to feel guilted into either dating her or letting her stay because of their relationship at the moment.
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‘Woah Olivia, slow down. Who says we would break up? Unless you want to admit now that you murdered someone in your past, I cannot see any reason. Let’s just take it slow, one day at a time. I’m in no rush, are you?’

It was clear that all the abuse Olivia had endured to this point had taken its toil. She was fragile emotionally and Adrian would need to navigate being with her intimately very carefully.
"I mean, I did murder the dance floor in a club one time, but that's a story for another day," she chuckled softly. "I guess you're right, there's no rush. If it works out, it works out. If it doesn't, it doesn't." Olivia leaned over and put her head on his shoulder, hoping that it was okay. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to this sort of thing."
He smiled, stroking her hair once she had her head on his shoulder.

‘I’m not exactly Mr. Experienced either, so let’s discover how we work together, together. All I want is for you to be happy, and know I have no ulterior motive. All you need to know is that I just want genuine affection in return’.
"Okay..." she sighed with a small smile. "I can work with that." Olivia closed her eyes as she felt the hand on her head. That gentle stroking felt really comforting, and soon she felt much calmer.

Tilting her head slightly, she extended her neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "So um... would it be okay if we kept things on the down low for now? I don't want my parents coming after you for money or bugging you for info." There was that, and she also the fact that she was worried about how them being a couple might affect his image.
Feeling her soft lips on his cheek was possibly the most intimate feeling he had ever felt, to that point.

Smiling at her request,’Absolutely, if that helps you feel more comfortable, I am happy to be your little secret’, said as half a joke.
The sound of him being her "little secret" made her simultaneously uncomfortable and turned on. Uncomfortable because she didn't want him to think that she would ever be ashamed of being with him, and turned on because it made them sound like lovers in the shadows.

She donned a playful smile and a French accent and said, "I do not want to hide you, Jacque, but ze world cannot understand ze fire between us!" A laugh followed her little joke, and she hoped at some point she would be able to come out about them without worrying about what would happen to him.
Adrian burst into laughter at her little joke,’The fire burns the brightest in the shadows!’

He pulled her in for another kiss, slightly more intense now that they had confessed their feelings for each other. It took all he had not to take her there and then. He hoped he would earn her trust so he could one day.