The "We Love the Lit Ladies" Lounge

Can someone post a blonde joke to dumb this thread down a bit so everyone else can feel a little more comfortable? :rolleyes:

I am actually surprised that you aren't in here arguing with us Rawr. I have every faith that you would give us a run for our money.
*that* was one thing i really enjoyed during my mfa - the off-time.

since almost everyone i knew was a writer, i got to ride this endless crest of energy - creativity and ambition and arrogance and experimentation. i perpetually miss the academic environment b/c no other situation i've been in has repeated that urgency and conviction.

Amen to that. Plus the sexual tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. My wife and I both miss that amount of sexuality flying around.
I'm too tired to read all that you guys are posting :rolleyes:

I am so tired myself that I cannot think of a subtle yet endearing come on here Rawr. Can you ever forgive me for not performing up to my normal standards?
damn. well, since you mention it, most writers i know (def some of my mfa profs, def most of my peers) are hypocrites and pricks. a large part of my current alienation from my own art stems from my disgust at how...dirty? artists' hands are. and that would naturally include my own.

as for the book--for myself, i know that peace and direction will ultimately come from a vision i patch together from all the scraps i gather...right now i'm in a try everything mode, simply to start rebuilding my sense of what i want, and what it feels like to build a vision.

sigh...if i had tits i'd be posting them by now to offset my verbal excess. :)

Being a good artist is difficult because you have to serve two masters. Your creative vision (a term I loathe, but I am too tired to actually come up with a good one) and your stomach. And honestly, the stomach is the better master. While the art you create won't be as true to you as you might want it to be when you serve the stomach, it is usually better art. At least from the perspective that it is more universal. It is the rare artist that truly only produces crap and makes a living out of it.

While I agree with you on the hypocrisies, I have been lucky enough to deal with people who were honest about their hypocrisies and, when they realized it, acknowledged them openly. It does create a much better environment.

As for me, I am so glad I don't have breasts. I would never leave the house.
A couple weeks ago, both of us slightly intoxicated, but not past the point of coherence.. a friend and I had a wonderful conversation about just how, as an "Artist" (He's a musician, and a damn good one at that, but his music is a bit... different.) you serve two masters. It was one master, your creative vision, and the other (admittedly more powerful) master, public perception and reception (or, in Constantine's terms... the "stomach")

Funny it was brought up again here, is all, heh.
A couple weeks ago, both of us slightly intoxicated, but not past the point of coherence.. a friend and I had a wonderful conversation about just how, as an "Artist" (He's a musician, and a damn good one at that, but his music is a bit... different.) you serve two masters. It was one master, your creative vision, and the other (admittedly more powerful) master, public perception and reception (or, in Constantine's terms... the "stomach")

Funny it was brought up again here, is all, heh.

I've been skipping past all the long messages in this thread, but for some reason I read this whole post. o_O
concerning the second part, i've known far more cowards than i'd like. but then, i can also be overly harsh--i think i scare ppl sometimes and help my environment degenerate.

re: the first part. interesting take. even more interesting that this recently came up for you too, shy.

just about a week ago i was talking with a friend about a similar topic - the notion that many forces are at work in a person (mind, heart, spirit, for instance) and that all of these may nourish, inform, and steer a person. i pictured a plant that sends down roots from every part of itself.

however, for each person one force dominates, and learns to suppress the others. how much energy and information is lost this way?

i guess this is a bit far afield from what you two were talking about, but when you speak of two masters, i realize i don't want any master - i want everything to cooperate, and all the messages to get through. idealistic maybe but i guess i want holistic life, holistic art. i think i'm also a bit delirious from fatigue. :p

According to Alexander Pope every man has a ruling vice or passion. Mine has always been eros (Can I just say that the Greeks are much wiser than us because their language has multiple words for the emotion of "love"). Sexual energy does more to inspire me and energize me than anything else in the world. I suppose that is why I like this site so much. Of course, Pope also says that women have two ruling vices or passions, and that is the Love of Money and the Love of Sway (influence), and that all women share those two. I feel like his 18th century misogyny is getting in the way there a little bit, but the base idea is sound.
According to Alexander Pope every man has a ruling vice or passion. Mine has always been eros (Can I just say that the Greeks are much wiser than us because their language has multiple words for the emotion of "love"). Sexual energy does more to inspire me and energize me than anything else in the world. I suppose that is why I like this site so much. Of course, Pope also says that women have two ruling vices or passions, and that is the Love of Money and the Love of Sway (influence), and that all women share those two. I feel like his 18th century misogyny is getting in the way there a little bit, but the base idea is sound.

Yo, Constant. How ya farin' today?