Things that made you smile today.

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Porn. Seriously-God I love watching women cum. How did we exist in a world before I could simply type in "female orgasms" and get 20 minutes of women cumming? It's a good time to be alive.
Knowing I only have to endure two days at work before I can enjoy a nice weekend after two long months.
That I realised that I hAve only 1 day before I break for vacation...2 weeks 1 day of absolutly nothingness...:)
My guy and his argumentative attitude. Seriously annoying, but right now endearing and challenging. Then again I'm argumentative. Hm.
Seriously, couldn't stop laughing for a full ten minutes after reading it.

wipes at eyes

Yeah, that was a good one.
A phone call from a sexy lady and a hug from a little angel... Brought two big smiles to my face.
What made me smile today?
Watching my husband sleep all be it in an awkward position on the steering wheel.
Makes me smile: While feeding him, he'll catch me looking down at him, and he'll stop to smile at me. And when I smile back...well, it just takes us forever to remember what we were doing. :)
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