Things you want to say to your significant other but won't

Please do not speak without thinking how bad it will sound, that way you will mot push my buttons until I too say something shitty back to you :D
I think we're dying a slow death and have for years. It hurts me more than I am able to express.
That you need to experiment. Sex is boring for me because its always the same. Literally. And you don't seem to want anything

That's so strange ... I would say the same thing. In my little corner of the world, it's typically the guys who say that ... but here on lit, it seems like there are a lot of women who have this problem. Good thing we all have each other on here, I suppose ;)
I can't be your lover if I have to act like your the f*** up.
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I miss who you were when we first started dating. You've spent so much time and effort trying to change me that I don't think you truly realized how much you've changed yourself.
My Lit screen name is password is *****.....enjoy looking around babe!
I've moved twice and given up two great careers for you....I'm done giving!!!
Its less about what you eat and more about what you don't eat.
That I would like him to actually use the ideas his doctor has given him to help him avoid premature ejaculation.

That's a topic I don't want to revisit but things are so quick it's not even worth it for me. It's a tough issue.
That as happy as I am with the mother you are, I wish you still tried as hard to be a wife.
I really need more sex then we are having. I want to explore the threesome with a bi female again and find the right one this time. I love you but, things need to be a bit more sensual in the bedroom. I love that your there for everything else but, this is important to me. I need this to make it all worth while in the long run of things. Life is short, we have to enjoy it while we can.~

I think maybe eventually you might have to realise you have the wrong boyfriend . . .

But to answer your question, I'd like to tell her that I would like, just once, to watch her have sex with someone else.[/

This is a long time fantasy of mine as well. I'd love for us to invite another man back to our place. All three of us understanding of what's going to happen. After we hang for awhile he takes my wife upstairs to our bedroom. I follow and watch for awhile but I know my wife and she'll want her privacy when she's getting laid. I'll listen from the hallway as he screws her.
I've moved twice and given up two great careers for you....I'm done giving!!!

Damn Ruby. You're a good woman. No advice. Just mad love for you. I know the drill but I can tell you, there is no better reward than when they "get it". Wishing that for you in the New Year from Texas.
Be YOU damnit! Don't hold back, don't think, don't think what I want just give me YOU! Now put your feet on the floor and bend over the bed!

Seriously...that's what I want to say.
My two cents

Also, would like to tell him to go down on me. I know he doesn't like doing it, but dammit I need it sometimes![/QUOTE

My two cents...any guy that doesn't go down on his women doesn't deserve her. We expect that from her so we should reciprocate.

Hey angeleyes613, if you were my wife you'd have you're pussy licked to orgasm every time we screwed.
That I would like him to actually use the ideas his doctor has given him to help him avoid premature ejaculation.

That's a topic I don't want to revisit but things are so quick it's not even worth it for me. It's a tough issue.
So I'm not alone. :(
Would you just show some fucking emotion other than anger? It doesn't make you less of a man!

I never said I didn't like oral...I don't like your oral cause you don't try!