Think of the children!!!

That sex-is-for-procreation argument comes up in my SS class whenever the subject of gay marriage or really, gay anything comes up. I have always put two questions out there:
  1. My sister and her husband have been married for upwards of 20 years and have no children, only cats. Nor do they intend to have kids. Is their marriage less valid for all that?
  2. I have been in menopause since '99. Does this mean my husband and I have to quit having sex?

Somehow, there's never been a satisfactory answer...
SlickTony said:
Somehow, there's never been a satisfactory answer...
So do you actually get answers, or do your questions pretty much shut everyone up? :)
HaHa, I'm getting my Letter to the Editor printed!!

Here's what I wrote (very much what I wrote in my opening post in the thread)

I just read your article in [name of local paper] regarding the opening of the [Toy Store]...and just about laughed my head off! A zillion bars within the same ward are fine, but sell a few sex toys and the PC police start screaming "think of the children!!"

I'm also appalled that [Alderman] is requesting sales records. Who cares if sex toys and videos are 10, 20, or 100% of their business? Who are they hurting? Certainly not the over-18 adults who might be seeking a little extra fun in their sex lives! And certainly not the children who might walk past and see, oooh, underwear in the window. Those same children see more licentious behavior, not to mention drunken and rude behavior, at a [baseball team] game. And they see more lingerie in a Victoria's Secret window.

One of the neighbors interviewed stated this was "America, not Nazi Germany." Well, you know what? This is America and this is the way Americans are becoming: see Christian right wing which opposes sex in all its forms except for procreation in marriage. If we are ok with harassing these store owners, it's because we are becoming more and more dictatorial about what goes on in peoples' private lives.

I say let the [Toy Store] thrive! My only complaint is they didn't put it on [street] in place of one of the 10,000 useless nail salons or overpriced women's boutiques.

And received this back from the Managing Editor:

[LadyJeanne]...can I have your last name to run with your letter to the
editor?..I normally don't use them without a full name.

By the way, our editorial from last week pretty much agrees with what
you said in yor letter ([local paper], June 29th)
I'm not understanding why he is asking for your full name, or why he only prints with it. Papers here will print something with 'name withheld' :rolleyes:

Though that is great, and of course it's creating more of a stir over this 'horrid' shop so they will get more customers. :D

If I was going to open up a porn store, I think I'll have to do it near you for the free advertising. ;)
The store that I mentioned earlier in the thread was robbed the other night. Apparently a masked gunman was waiting for the lone female employee as she left for the evening. He made off with $200-$300 and the employee's car.

I'm sure the people who oppose the store are thinking that the owners got what they deserved for promoting nonmarital sex or whatever. :rolleyes:

Funny, though, as someone pointed out in an otherwise-poorly-written-and-argued letter to the editor in today's local rag, the pastor who so vehemently opposes this "couples store" apparently had no problem with the previous owners using the building as a carryout.
Eilan said:
The store that I mentioned earlier in the thread was robbed the other night. Apparently a masked gunman was waiting for the lone female employee as she left for the evening. He made off with $200-$300 and the employee's car.

I'm sure the people who oppose the store are thinking that the owners got what they deserved for promoting nonmarital sex or whatever. :rolleyes:

Funny, though, as someone pointed out in an otherwise-poorly-written-and-argued letter to the editor in today's local rag, the pastor who so vehemently opposes this "couples store" apparently had no problem with the previous owners using the building as a carryout.
I'm not sure that I follow this. What sort of business was carried out in the building before this? Was it a carryout dildo deli or were they selling some other kind of sinful goods?
that might be the first time the phrase "carryout dildo deli" has ever existed in any human language.

dear god, let us hope so!

silverwhisper said:
that might be the first time the phrase "carryout dildo deli" has ever existed in any human language.

dear god, let us hope so!


franchise, anyone?
midwestyankee said:
I'm not sure that I follow this. What sort of business was carried out in the building before this? Was it a carryout dildo deli or were they selling some other kind of sinful goods?
Alcohol is sinful.

The previous owners used the building as a carryout. I think they had issues with selling alcohol to under-21's, and the business was shut down. The building was sold to the woman who opened up the dildo shop. :)
Scalywag said:
I'm not familiar with the term 'carryout' (other than take-out food) but I'm guessing it's some sort of liquor store.

Around here we have convenience stores that are drive-thru. Literally you drive right into the building (and out of, of course) and they bring your purchases out to you. They're always getting in trouble for selling beer to minors.
bobsgirl said:
Around here we have convenience stores that are drive-thru. Literally you drive right into the building (and out of, of course) and they bring your purchases out to you. They're always getting in trouble for selling beer to minors.
What she said. Basically, it's a small convenience store that doesn't sell gas.

We also put sauce on our hot dogs, not chili! :D
Scalywag said:
But then, you've probably never seen a state-owned liquor store at a state-owned 'safety rest area'. so I guess we're even.
That would make it easy for the state troopers to cite people for DUI and open container!
Scalywag said:
I've never seen a drive through convenience store.

But then, you've probably never seen a state-owned liquor store at a state-owned 'safety rest area'. so I guess we're even.

here in my little part of ohio, they have "drive through" carryouts..they pretty much look like a hangar or a barn, you drive into the building, someone comes up to your window, you tell them what kind of beer you want, flash an id, and they bring your beer to your car.

lubbock, tx, which sells no alchohol or beer in their grocery stores or gas stations has an infamous strip outside the city limits (the dixie chicks actually sing about it on their latest album) that is full of these drive through beer and liquor barns. (you can buy liquor by the drink in a restaraunt but you have to go outside the city limits to get it any other way.)

having lived in virginia, i am also very familiar with ABC stores---state liquor stores where hard liquor is sold; beer and wine can be sold in convenience stores and grocery stores.
Scalywag said:
I've never seen a drive through convenience store.

But then, you've probably never seen a state-owned liquor store at a state-owned 'safety rest area'. so I guess we're even.
Missed The Blues Brothers, eh?
Ohio used to have state-owned liquor stores. I'm not sure if they still do or not.
Scalywag said:
Here in NH, the state owns all liquor stores, and also several wine specialty shops. Beer and wine can be purchased at just about any supermarket or convenience store.
In OH, I've seen state liquor stores; there's also a convenience store in our town that's a state liquor agency--one section of the store contains higher-proff alcohol that's separate from the rest of the beer and wine. Or so my husband says.
Scalywag said:
Well, I remember the fact that I saw that movie, but not much else about it.
Try this as a memory jogger.


Late this afternoon, a couple of fresh-faced young people approached my husband on the sidewalk in front of our post office. They were seeking signatures for the anti-obscenity campaign that some local churches and various community leaders are trying to organize.

My husband said, "I'm sorry. I don't have time to explain to you why you're wrong. Have a nice day."

So far 700 signatures have been collected, which seems to indicate that the majority of people in our county are opposed to anything that sells obscene materials. Or so they're saying.

I'm confused, though. Our county has a population of just over 30,000. Last time I checked, 2% does not a majority make. :rolleyes:
eilan's husband quoth
i'm sorry. i don't have time to explain to you why you're wrong. have a nice day.
i'm going to use this at the next available opportunity.

with great joy. :>
