My friend Jerm (jerome, but nicknames are fun) wears a t-shirt he made with iron-ons that says, "I'm only Ugly On the Outside." and I love him for it.

I've got one I scrawled on a white t-shirt that says: "I'm With Flaccid! *arrow pointing down*" It makes me giggle, in the mirror.

DeepAsleep said:
My friend Jerm (jerome, but nicknames are fun) wears a t-shirt he made with iron-ons that says, "I'm only Ugly On the Outside." and I love him for it.

I've got one I scrawled on a white t-shirt that says: "I'm With Flaccid! *arrow pointing down*" It makes me giggle, in the mirror.


in my punk days I had a picture of W C Fields with an arrow drawn through his head
underneath i had
when people asked i said it meant
eat shit and die

i also had one with the japanese characters that translated to " eat me"
i got some giggles from asian women
One of the best shirts I ever saw was block text saying,


I'm not sure why that one cracks me up so bad, but it does.
DeepAsleep said:
One of the best shirts I ever saw was block text saying,


I'm not sure why that one cracks me up so bad, but it does.
I have one that says:
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day.
Teach a man how to fish
and he'll blow all the grocery money on graphite rods and buzz baits.
*Catbabe* said:
Buzz baits would have an entirely new meaning 'round this place.
So would blowing money!

That's why I never wear a shirt around here. :D
A Challenge...

I have an idea, kids!

Criticism is mean but it is going to happen.
Let us all, the poets of Literotica, do the following.

Call it the Anti-Valentine's Day Challenge.

Write a poem, it does not have to be bad or good, just write one.
Submit it to literotica.
After it is live a day or do, post a really negative comment on it anonymously.
Then lets all watch and see who gets the most snowballs shot at them for dissing the poem.


I have a poem, I post "This is almost as good as the cereal box I read at breakfast this morning. But the box was more entertaining" as a negative comment on it, anonymously of course.

Then I will wait to see how many posts I get for saying such a nasty thing about a literotica poet.

So who is in?
post a bad comment on your own poem! I love it!

um, won't everyone know who did it if it is a challenge? :cool:

it if it is I did not know I could use four such tiny words in a row like that. There should be a rule. :D

lindiana said:
I have an idea, kids!

Criticism is mean but it is going to happen.
Let us all, the poets of Literotica, do the following.

Call it the Anti-Valentine's Day Challenge.

Write a poem, it does not have to be bad or good, just write one.
Submit it to literotica.
After it is live a day or do, post a really negative comment on it anonymously.
Then lets all watch and see who gets the most snowballs shot at them for dissing the poem.


I have a poem, I post "This is almost as good as the cereal box I read at breakfast this morning. But the box was more entertaining" as a negative comment on it, anonymously of course.

Then I will wait to see how many posts I get for saying such a nasty thing about a literotica poet.

So who is in?
lindiana said:
I have an idea, kids!

Criticism is mean but it is going to happen.
Let us all, the poets of Literotica, do the following.

Call it the Anti-Valentine's Day Challenge.

Write a poem, it does not have to be bad or good, just write one.
Submit it to literotica.
After it is live a day or do, post a really negative comment on it anonymously.
Then lets all watch and see who gets the most snowballs shot at them for dissing the poem.


I have a poem, I post "This is almost as good as the cereal box I read at breakfast this morning. But the box was more entertaining" as a negative comment on it, anonymously of course.

Then I will wait to see how many posts I get for saying such a nasty thing about a literotica poet.

So who is in?

Your example is sad but true for some I've seen. But that is not criticism. We have enough of that dumb stuff happening anyway.
I dont know...sort of sounds like dropping a bic lighter into a roaring volcano, more fuel to the flaming trolls' fire. good luck, yall :confused:
Maria2394 said:
I dont know...sort of sounds like dropping a bic lighter into a roaring volcano, more fuel to the flaming trolls' fire. good luck, yall :confused:

you are right of course, but I am housetraining my dog, and I thought of all kinds of good digs to leave on my own poetry :) of course, there might be so much consent I would wind up in tears :eek:
My Erotic Trail said:
This would put us back to the statement to only take to heart those critiques by those with "Credentials" ....for all else are simply 'critics in training' or honest opinions of how the poem made them feel.

Ange listens to Senna because of his credentials? I would cast his comment in delete and not think twice about it. For there are way to many polite members here willing to help with a volley of friendly communication.

and I put Tara in the same list as Senna, 1201, sack and........those I do not listen to because they lack social skills and do not communicate well with others that are not at their level of elitism.

jackpot - tale spin
I count four slanders here
do you know the difference between integrity and being a sociopath?
should I go slap four averages on your sorry ass?
My translation on this is they must have objected to something you said, or it is just a cheap shot to pump up your standing as defender of the ignorant's right to remain that way. Is this zen or something?

I just read this whole thread, Flyguy - good stuff - just my opine.
Tathagata said:
in my punk days I had a picture of W C Fields with an arrow drawn through his head
underneath i had
when people asked i said it meant
eat shit and die

i also had one with the japanese characters that translated to " eat me"
i got some giggles from asian women

I REALLY really miss the monkey :(

I really do

monkey, monkey, where are you?