wildsweetone said:
i'm not sure it's right that you should own up to having such a thing sitting in the corner of your room.
I don't. I have a Bakongo Nkondi Fetish on my porch, though. :D
WickedEve said:
I don't. I have a Bakongo Nkondi Fetish on my porch, though. :D

that doesn't surprise me. i bet you even have a spare box of nails too, just for those special moments.

wildsweetone said:
that doesn't surprise me. i bet you even have a spare box of nails too, just for those special moments.

I'm suppose to drive nails and blades into it, and explode gun powder in front of it, but I don't keep the figures long enough. About a year ago, I sold a big one to a porn star/devil worshipper. He sent a cool breeze my way. Last I heard, he had a poem of mine on his satan newsletter. Oh well, you have to keep the customers happy.

(I'm not kidding.)
this is the most schizophrenic thread i've ever seen.

do continue . . . please.

i hope you get to keep the copyright.

you should make those Fetish figures yourself (or do you already?) and sell them off. sounds like a few people around could do with one on guard.
DeepAsleep said:

Sometimes, I just want to kick all of you in the face. Because I love you.

If that turned me on, does that make me a pervie?
Poetry feedback and discussion forum?? This is what you guys do to each other??

I read the entire thread. Maybe there should be a change in the voting system or some adults should grow up. :rolleyes:
there's always a new position waiting 2be

WickedEve said:
Nothing can make you a perv if you're already one.


the erotic potential of pores is frequently over-looked

(his mark)testbigger testsiz 7 - sounds about rightdark green test
goldustwoman said:
Poetry feedback and discussion forum?? This is what you guys do to each other??

I read the entire thread. Maybe there should be a change in the voting system or some adults should grow up. :rolleyes:

out of the mouths of babes...

no offense intended.

wildsweetone said:
out of the mouths of babes...

no offense intended.


I didn't participate so no offense taken. The funniest thing written on the thread is the schizophrenic comment from TheRainMan. It fit well.
goldustwoman said:
Poetry feedback and discussion forum?? This is what you guys do to each other??

I read the entire thread. Maybe there should be a change in the voting system or some adults should grow up. :rolleyes:
Who are your "you", and who are you? Try to be constructive. Write a comment on a poem, or a poem, or about the usage of some artistic devices... something related to poetry. (Your post is a transparent, cheap attempt to sound important). Stick to poetry on a poetry board.
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TheRainMan said:
You two sound like you're married.

I've been married for almost 18 years. This doesn't come close. The two others in the thread are an entirely different story. But since it appears that way to you, I'll be sure not to peep in again. :)
goldustwoman said:
I've been married for almost 18 years. This doesn't come close. The two others in the thread are an entirely different story. But since it appears that way to you, I'll be sure not to peep in again. :)

I didn't mean for you to go. You are welcome here.

Senna's lovable. Stick around, you'll see. :)

He grows on you.

Oh. . . this is a poetry board. . . Ok . . . ah hem <throat clearing>

Senna grew on her,
like he was a colony of E. coli
and she, a flank
of room-temperature Canadian beef.

Ok . . . that probably wasn't a good example . . . I was rushed, you know.

Anyway. . . welcome. :rose:
a logistic question

How do I keep goldustwoman away from my PM box? If all it takes is to click here and there once or twice then I'd like to do it.
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What kind of message?



I don't believe that you're that much older, because you act that much younger.

Fucking anus face.

Yay, too drunk to care! Ooh, ooh, maybe I'll send a PM and someone will post it to prove how much more mature they are! Fuck you.
Senna Jawa said:
How do I keep goldustwoman away from my PM box? If all it takes is to click here and there once or twice then I'd like to do it.
Have you tried the ignore list? Not sure it works for PMs, but it stops posts from peeps you don't want to read.

And yeah, what DA said, but less drunkedly so. PMs are private. Don't flash'em please. We don't wanna know.
Liar said:
And yeah, what DA said, but less drunkedly so. PMs are private. Don't flash'em please. We don't wanna know.
First of all, Liar, speak for yourself only!

And yeah, DA spoke like an idiot! But you disappoint me again. Someone invades your house (no invitation) and shits on your carpet, and you call it private?! Do you have any agreement with the world that anybody can came to your living room and take his/her shit on your rug? So, there is no responsibility in that case? You don't see anything wrong with goldustwoman's behavior? What about doing some thinking, before you write? Did I have any agreement with her, any understanding? Actually yes, there is a common, universal understanding--when you take the liberty to approach someone without any invitation then at least be cultural. Don't abuse the ancient institution of mail.

If you Liar allow yourself suddenly to write me a message as ugly as the one by the goldustwoman, then know that I will post it for the public, so that people will realize who you are. Well, Liar, you spoke like an idiot, like DA.

The same about your looking obsessively at me as a guilty party, when I've written that people react in a hostile way to opinions, ideas, projects... Your view is so trivial, and so false. And so common, unfortunately.

I always respect the privacy of the e/mail. But this was not the issue here. I have the right to let this forum know when someone is abusing my PM box or email or whatever, after an exchange on this forum.
Senna Jawa said:
I have the right to let this forum know when someone is abusing my PM box or email or whatever, after an exchange on this forum.


You don't, however, have the right to post a PM sent to you, per forum rules, no matter what you think your rights are (as evidenced by it being removed).