THIS is PLAgiarism

Tzara said:
The rain thing is a big hoax to keep the Californians and the Easterners from moving here.

Really. :rolleyes:


i might move there, if anyone can figure out how to make the ocean swimmable for half a year like it is in Joisey.

any chance of reversing the direction of the ocean streams?
Tzara said:
Because it isn't that late where I am?

Oh, wait. You said something about company. That changes things, Ms. Austinite. ;)

very confusing, my lit clock still says 10:34 but my biological clock says bed bed bed but gosh the company is making me want to stay up!
TheRainMan said:

i might move there, if anyone can figure out how to make the ocean swimmable for half a year like it is in Joisey.

any chance of reversing the direction of the ocean streams?

you just need to grow fur.

there are people here who swim outside all year long, crazy mothers
TheRainMan said:

i might move there, if anyone can figure out how to make the ocean swimmable for half a year like it is in Joisey.

any chance of reversing the direction of the ocean streams?
Two words: wet suit.

Sheesh. I thought you Easterners were supposed to be sophisticated. :rolleyes:
Tzara said:
Two words: wet suit.

Sheesh. I thought you Easterners were supposed to be sophisticated. :rolleyes:

shit, i swin nekked in Novemeber here.

i don't know how you left coasters do it, all that salty sea and all you can do is stare at it or don rubber.
TheRainMan said:
shit, i swin nekked in Novemeber here.

i don't know how you left coasters do it, all that salty sea and all you can do is stare at it or don rubber.

all right
that does it.
I am going to bed on that image.

sweet dreams :kiss:
TheRainMan said:
shit, i swin nekked in Novemeber here.

i don't know how you left coasters do it, all that salty sea and all you can do is stare at it or don rubber.
We buy sailboats. :)
TheRainMan said:
i didn't see any fuckin' sailboats in the Sound. :D

you oughta come east . . . you can sail and jump in too.
Really? I would have thought PT would have had a lot of sailboats. Seattle does. And in the Sound, Mr. Easterner.

And we can jump in the Sound. We can.

We just get back out really really quick. ;)

Hey! We almost never get snow. Does that count for anything?
Tzara said:
Really? I would have thought PT would have had a lot of sailboats. Seattle does. And in the Sound, Mr. Easterner.

And we can jump in the Sound. We can.

We just get back out really really quick. ;)

Hey! We almost never get snow. Does that count for anything?

actually, i saw a few . . . i was fibbing. :cool:

where i live gets very little snow also . . . something about islands and the warmth of the ocean waters . . .

the day i got out there, it was snowing in Malibu.
TheRainMan said:
actually, i saw a few . . . i was fibbing. :cool:

where i live gets very little snow also . . . something about islands and the warmth of the ocean waters . . .

the day i got out there, it was snowing in Malibu.
That was really strange in California. We had some snow too—not a lot, but it stayed around for a week or so, which was very unusual.

But hey. You don't want to move here. Rains all the time. :D
Tzara said:
That was really strange in California. We had some snow too—not a lot, but it stayed around for a week or so, which was very unusual.

But hey. You don't want to move here. Rains all the time. :D

and as Yogi said, it gets late early out there.

. . . night, Seattle.

you're the man.
SeattleRain said:
Well, I just saw in the Author's Hangout, another link to some of y'all's work. Difference is they have the names on it at least.

Eve, a hot sex scene is in there.
I thought I was being semi-facetious about suggesting we all had to periodically Google our own poems.

Perhaps I was wrong. Shit.
Publisher has questions

Lauren Hynde said:
The bitch is making money out of our poems and scamming people using the guise of charity!

Our Voice: Poets For Charity is also a blog started and ran by her.

I'm Liam - Heather was going through my publisher for the Our Voices thing.

Nicole S. Palmer, my publisher, would like to know whether or not Our Voices is on the up-and-up. She would also like to know whether any of Heather's sumissions for her poetry book were indeed stolen

Heather claims that these poems were stolen from her by you all. She claims that she is going to get them copyrighted. You all may want to contact Nicole.

Thanks for letting me know.


also, Unlikely Muse(tm) is my old profile, which I had set up for her. I recently tore it down, and changed the password. She cannot get into it.
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Liam_Sweeny said:
I'm Liam - Heather was going through my publisher for the Our Voices thing.

Nicole S. Palmer, my publisher, would like to know whether or not Our Voices is on the up-and-up. She would also like to know whether any of Heather's sumissions for her poetry book were indeed stolen

Heather claims that these poems were stolen from her by you all. She claims that she is going to get them copyrighted. You all may want to contact Nicole.

Thanks for letting me know.


also, Unlikely Muse(tm) is my old profile, which I had set up for her. I recently tore it down, and changed the password. She cannot get into it.

Where does a poet look to see if their work was stolen. I looked at your link but couldn't find the poerty. Everyone's poetry that was lifted by Heather is already copyright protected here on Literotica with the dates it was published.
Liam_Sweeny said:
I'm Liam - Heather was going through my publisher for the Our Voices thing.

Nicole S. Palmer, my publisher, would like to know whether or not Our Voices is on the up-and-up. She would also like to know whether any of Heather's sumissions for her poetry book were indeed stolen

Heather claims that these poems were stolen from her by you all. She claims that she is going to get them copyrighted. You all may want to contact Nicole.

Thanks for letting me know.


also, Unlikely Muse(tm) is my old profile, which I had set up for her. I recently tore it down, and changed the password. She cannot get into it.
I am not, at least as far as I know, involved in this. None of my work was plagiarized.

But seriously. You have at least six different people here whose work was stolen: bluerains, Minor Monster, My Erotic Tale, tungtied2u, vampiredust, and WickedEve. Probably more. I wasn't paying that close attention as I went through the thread.

Is it reasonable to think that multiple people who frequent a particular web site all have conspired to rip off some particular person's poems? Do they hold meetings to decide things like I want to steal this one, but you can take that one?

Come on.

She's not only a thief, but apparently a very ballsy one. And a particularly stupid one, I think.

I am just kind of amazed about this. Life never fails...
Hi Liam, thanks for dropping by.

About getting poems copyrighted... the ones that have been stolen from here already are. Since they are written, the author is legally granted copyright. The problem is proving and enforcing said copyright. Our poems are published and archived with a time stamp in the Literotica database or Literotica forum database. If Heather can produce a credible source proving an earlier publishing date, she may have a case for some of the poems.

However, I also have several versions of Photoshop and dtp file originals for the visual poem Things Learned From Gravity, which will undeniably prove I'm the creator of that one. (it's posted here under the name MinorMonster, which is my account).

Let's hope this all can be resolved quickly. I hate to be on the war path. I'm a poet, not a fighter. But sometimes you just gotta stand up for what's right.

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neonurotic said:
Where does a poet look to see if their work was stolen. I looked at your link but couldn't find the poerty. Everyone's poetry that was lifted by Heather is already copyright protected here on Literotica with the dates it was published.
I guess the only way is to contact this publisher and ask.

neonurotic said:
Where does a poet look to see if their work was stolen. I looked at your link but couldn't find the poerty. Everyone's poetry that was lifted by Heather is already copyright protected here on Literotica with the dates it was published.

MySpace must have deleted her page for copyright violations, in response to complaints.

I left the myaq myspace so that anyone who knows, or suspects that their work may have been stolen to contact her to determine whether or not Heather submitted it for publication. But don't worry, Nicole won't be publishing her work, as I can see by a previous post here that many of her submissions appear to be copied.
And just so y'all know

I'm incredibly pissed off about this. I'm a writer too, and I trusted her enough to try to help her get published. So I feel like an even bigger sucker. But the good thing is she didn't succeed in getting your poems published under her name.
Liam_Sweeny said:
MySpace must have deleted her page for copyright violations, in response to complaints.

I left the myaq myspace so that anyone who knows, or suspects that their work may have been stolen to contact her to determine whether or not Heather submitted it for publication. But don't worry, Nicole won't be publishing her work, as I can see by a previous post here that many of her submissions appear to be copied.

Thank you Liam

The poem I had a questioned about was Unmask The Gray. It's linked in my original query:

neonurotic said:
01/08/2007 5:35 AM
Unmask The Gray

I can't view the blog any more since it is set for friends, but does anyone know if that poem was illustrated or not? Because I have an Unmask The Gray, an illustrated published on Literotica on 1/28/2005 and I posted it in my LiveJournal 12/30/2004.
Liam_Sweeny said:
I'm incredibly pissed off about this. I'm a writer too, and I trusted her enough to try to help her get published. So I feel like an even bigger sucker. But the good thing is she didn't succeed in getting your poems published under her name.

I can understand your feelings in this matter. I once praised a new poem posted here at Lit, only to have someone else point out it was plagiarised. Payback came several months later when this person tried the same stunt, only this time I caught it and notified Lit and it was yanked in under a half hour.

Your acquaintance, Heather, must be rather bemused by all this uproar. I found it rather amusing to hear her claiming she's going to get the poems she posted copyrighted. I thought it was common knowledge that anything posted to the web is protected under copyright law and is the intellectual property of that poster. It's just a matter of proving who posted first, a rather embarrassing exercise for a plagiarist

Lauren Hynde posted a list of all the poems Heather had posted and the most hilarious, in light of her copyright protestations, is the last poem she had posted yesterday, January 31, rain closet which was posted here at Lit on November 28, 2004. I'd like hear her proof on that one.

As added protection to my future work, once my muse gets my butt in gear, I'll include the full date I submit the piece and not just the © 2007 line. It's done automatically on my AOL blog but I think every writer ought to do that on their works, if only for peace of mind.

For all these folks here at Lit whose work was lifted, bluerains, Minor Monster, My Erotic Tale, tungtied2u, vampiredust, and WickedEve, as well as everyone else here with a vested interest in our poets' success, I want to thank you for the positive action you indicate you've taken. It's much appreciated.
Liam_Sweeny said:
Heather claims that these poems were stolen from her by you all

This argument would not stand up in a court of law. A glance at her Lit profile here shows no poems (and none have ever been added since she joined)

Furthermore, all the stolen poems have dates which do not correspond to the dates Heather claimed to have 'written' them