THIS is PLAgiarism

Liam_Sweeny said:
I'm incredibly pissed off about this. I'm a writer too, and I trusted her enough to try to help her get published. So I feel like an even bigger sucker. But the good thing is she didn't succeed in getting your poems published under her name.

Hi Liam,

good to see that you popped in


maria ( normal jeane)
SeattleRain said:
you guys kick ass for taking care of this! how people can sleep nights is beyond me.

and personally, I willl have a hard time falling asleep knowing that she did not steal from me sniff sniff

i feel so left out



but SERIOUSLY. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. This pisses me off, and I am behind y'all all the way

Oh Darling Seattle,

if it makes you feel any better, Im sure someone has stolen your stuff out there, it must be so, I cant imagine it not. youre too good to not get ripped off


the poem of yours I would want, tee hee, would be Chiromancer. oh give it to me, in the basement, please?
vampiredust said:
This argument would not stand up in a court of law. A glance at her Lit profile here shows no poems (and none have ever been added since she joined)

Furthermore, all the stolen poems have dates which do not correspond to the dates Heather claimed to have 'written' them


Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this. While I initially didn't hold out much hope on resolution I did go to Heather's blog to check things out. I got a bit more fired up after I saw Lauren's illustrated series, which I consider among the best pieces (as a whole) on Lit. It was only through everyone's combined efforts that we (Lit's poets) were able to correct the situation.

From what Liam says, Heather is now out in the cold and no longer has access to the blog.

LeBroz said:

Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this. While I initially didn't hold out much hope on resolution I did go to Heather's blog to check things out. I got a bit more fired up after I saw Lauren's illustrated series, which I consider among the best pieces (as a whole) on Lit. It was only through everyone's combined efforts that we (Lit's poets) were able to correct the situation.

From what Liam says, Heather is now out in the cold and no longer has access to the blog.

Thanks for your efforts and Chris as well...I joined myspace but, was to listen to some I emailed them the following hope this
has plagerized my poem The Net posted on my blog at
as well as and at have plenty place this work has been published so this woman is taking other peoples work and calling it her own and claiming its for charity...please take this matter under

I am also a member of myspace

My other friends a have been hijacked as well ...please condsider pulling our work off her site...ty...I shall await your review...take
you are very sweet, Maria :)

I did have a few ripped off in that adult friendfinder-- I think that place is bizarre, because they put our names in....??? but not permission which is not as big of a deal as claiming them for their own, but it gets tricky, very tricky, when you want to try to get your work published elsewhere. It is easier to trace those, you just google your literotica name and it comes up.

chiromancer is at interpoetry (a place that I know would eat up your work)

Maria2394 said:
Oh Darling Seattle,

if it makes you feel any better, Im sure someone has stolen your stuff out there, it must be so, I cant imagine it not. youre too good to not get ripped off


the poem of yours I would want, tee hee, would be Chiromancer. oh give it to me, in the basement, please?
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SeattleRain said:
Well, I just saw in the Author's Hangout, another link to some of y'all's work. Difference is they have the names on it at least.

Eve, a hot sex scene is in there.
I contacted them and got this reply:
Dear User,

All our stories were uploaded by our visitors, some of them were bought directly from our content providers.
We will gladly remove all copyrighted materials if you will provide sufficient evidence for its removal. Several
times we had to remove stories due to request of NON-AUTHORS.

Please, if you do have author rights on the stated story,
send us a photo-copy of your publication that approves
your rights. After we receive photo copy, materials that
were uploaded to us by our users in violation of laws
will be removed immediately.

Kind regards,
The best I could do was to take some photos of the barking dogs anthology where the poem is published. I sent them that and I sent it from my earthlink account, which has my real name on it. I also sent a copy of what the poem looked like when it was on lit, complete with date and dated comments. I save everything.

Sent my phone number, too. Call me and talk to me about!
Still have no idea what happend to my other poem that heather larsen (unlikely muse) stole. I tried to google both poems and they don't show up. We could all have many our poems stolen and no way to find them, unless we just get lucky.
I also PMed Laurel and asked if she still had the files to my poems and if there is anyway to repost them on the site. I doubt it, but it's worth a try. Right now, I need some proof that my work is mine.
Of course, having my poetry at literotica is too easy for thieves to lift it.
Someone could take any of our poems and have them published in print and swear the poem belongs to them. It's not always easy to prove them wrong.
WickedEve said:
I also PMed Laurel and asked if she still had the files to my poems and if there is anyway to repost them on the site. I doubt it, but it's worth a try. Right now, I need some proof that my work is mine.
Of course, having my poetry at literotica is too easy for thieves to lift it.
Someone could take any of our poems and have them published in print and swear the poem belongs to them. It's not always easy to prove them wrong.

Proof of intellectual ownership is really rather easy as long as it has been posted to a blog, for example, over which you have no control (or to Lit) and can then prove date of which your material was posted. This is then the copyright date. You can, of course, check with a copyright attorney for the specifics, but you are armed with certain protections. Just because someone gets a book published does not leave you out in the cold.

In this new age, placing your work on-line poses risks for anyone. This is why, as I understand it, the copyright law was changed to protect people like Lit's poets who post on-line. There's no longer a need to hire an attorney to file for copyright protection; posting on-line is considered automatic filing of copyright.

Good luck.

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SeattleRain said:
you are very sweet, Maria :)

I did have a few ripped off in that adult friendfinder-- I think that place is bizarre, because they put our names in....??? but not permission which is not as big of a deal as claiming them for their own, but it gets tricky, very tricky, when you want to try to get your work published elsewhere. It is easier to trace those, you just google your literotica name and it comes up.

chiromancer is at interpoetry (a place that I know would eat up your work)

oh no, that girl, misty mommie, on AFF did the same thing Heather did,
she put her own name on the poems when she posted them on her blog and accepted all the compliments pretending like they embarrassed her. You know those little red face emoticons? and aoooohhh, thank you SO much!!I try... ( gag me with a spoon)
Maria2394 said:
oh no, that girl, misty mommie, on AFF did the same thing Heather did,
she put her own name on the poems when she posted them on her blog and accepted all the compliments pretending like they embarrassed her. You know those little red face emoticons? and aoooohhh, thank you SO much!!I try... ( gag me with a spoon)

yes, that happened to me too there, but this time, they still list Neonurotic and WickedEve as the authors (and a TON of stories as well?)
WickedEve said:
I contacted them and got this reply:
Dear User,

All our stories were uploaded by our visitors, some of them were bought directly from our content providers.
We will gladly remove all copyrighted materials if you will provide sufficient evidence for its removal. Several
times we had to remove stories due to request of NON-AUTHORS.

Please, if you do have author rights on the stated story,
send us a photo-copy of your publication that approves
your rights. After we receive photo copy, materials that
were uploaded to us by our users in violation of laws
will be removed immediately.

Kind regards,
I got that same form email from the theiving webmaster.
I had 6 stories and 2 poems swiped off Literotica. Hopefully the screen captures and yellow highlighting is sufficient enough to identify me as the AUTHOR.

I'm going to keep a folder for screen captures from now on and update it periodically.
neonurotic said:
I got that same form email from the theiving webmaster.
I had 6 stories and 2 poems swiped off Literotica. Hopefully the screen captures and yellow highlighting is sufficient enough to identify me as the AUTHOR.

I'm going to keep a folder for screen captures from now on and update it periodically.
I just found this!!!
I love Dennis and his hard on!!! :D
I sent the link to them and said, "See! It was online back in 2005 and with my name on it, same name that I'm using for my earthlink account in this email. It's mine!!!!
I got both PMs from Lauren as well as LeBroz - Thank you for that. This is the first time I'm hearing about this, since I haven't had much time to be online because of starting a new job about a week ago. Thank you, nevertheless and if there's anything I can do just let me know. :rose:

I looked into the blog by Mistymommie, because I have alot of erotic poetry here and on other sights. Thank-god I did not see any of mine. Most of my poetry is posted on and it is suppose to be copywrited. I have learned that does not keep people from stealing ones poetry. Thanks for letting me post my opinion here. Kandie :kiss: :rose: :heart:
she is obvioulsy not taking pains to hide what she has posted, so the titles are here---

Soul Mate

A Perfect Ending

Bedtime erotica

Delicious Imagination

Make Love Slowly

If Your Walls Could Speak

Fantasy Fulfilled


Prisoner of the Night

Love or Lust?

The Immaculate Orgasm


Held Back

Brought To Heel

Love in a Predawn Thunderstorm
, by Claire L Martin, Clean Sheets (no email I could find)

Play Her Like a Cello

Hide My Pain

Cry of the Soul



Like This


Sensuality Surrendering


I will Tell You

Her Body as a Mirror
, by Nicole Poirier, Clean Sheets ( notified)

Life, The Penalty of Love, Sorrow

The Touch ( Temptation over a Teacup) by, Clarissa Gonzalez, Clean Sheets
(cannot find email)

Now I am not claiming she snatched all of these, but anything is possible, maybe someone here will recognize their own work, or that of someone else and can notify them. I already emailed the author of Ballerina on a Razor's Edge...

thanks to all who have taken interest in this:heart:

thanks sweetsubsarahh for your support:)



here's the old thread, do any of these belong to you? The thread with the stolen work was removed a long time ago, but I did find a partial list of what was there...
This is the difficulty of an age in which an unprecedented amount of material is being published in a variety of formats. Sad but true. There are forums out there that are member only which offers a little protection.