This Time it's REAL

Re: One more comment

UCE said:

Oh lookers before leapers.... you ain't the ones that are gonna get any clues. So don't tell me as you always so tiresomely do at this juncture (yes I've been here done that before folks, and I will write that book someday, I promise you) to GO AWAY FOR YOUR SAKE as you don't want me here! LOL! Hasn't it dawned on you YET I don't give a flying fuck about your sakes!

Bitterly and with good reason,
I'm not sure what portion of this hostility is directed toward me, but I also don't know what I've personally done to merit it. I've responded to your questions honestly, and without ire. The emotional tenor of this post doesn't seem to fit the context, but perhaps I'm misunderstanding.

I *do* know that I've never told you to go away, nor would I. What you do and don't care about is neither any of my business, nor a subject of any interest for me.

:confused: A somewhat confused,
Resident Cynic
Re: Re: Re: I hope everyone with a clue reads this....

A Desert Rose said:
LOL yes but you get it.... quarantine and isolate.

May I be quarantined in a corner, bound and with a ball gag?

Pretty please!

Re: Re: Re: Re: I hope everyone with a clue reads this....

MissTaken said:
May I be quarantined in a corner, bound and with a ball gag?

Pretty please!


alright.... if that's what you want ..... LOL I can definately see the appeal in that too.
Hmm interesting thread.

My initial post re: rules?

Well, reading the entire post does tell a story that is more involved than the rules. I tried using lit rules as starting point to get to where I wanted to go with the post. There is much more in there than just a rant about rules.

The post before I edited it truly did have more. However, I realized I wasn't chosing my words well and deleted a bunch of stuff that didn't need to be said.

The rules?

Well, there are reasons for the rules. Dream's rights to free speech and grieve have not been violated. Her freedom continues on.

HOwever, in posting a pm, from anyone, they may feel their freedom has been stomped on. I knwo that wasn't Dream's intent, but who knows when we will see artful again? Maybe he needs the community as much Dream? Maybe not?
However, the post may lend itself to his not wanting to return.

Again, I know this wasn't Dream's intent, but the ramifications of breaking the rules involve more than just one poster.
My Thoughts on UCE's Windbaggery.

UCE said:

1. so many subs do when they show off to the internet world how deeply they serve their domiant when in reality they don't give a rat's ass about his orders and are only interested in twisting any man who calls himself dom around theri little fingers--do you know this type?

Lance: Yes, I know of this type. Given the way the Dream & Art Show has played here, I can see Dream being characterized that way, particularly after she posted their PM's not just here but on the Playground as well. There is no excuse for the way she has behaved. As was the case the other times she's done this, she should go back later and edit out her outbursts if she's simply acting in the heat of the moment, as you attempt to suggest. If she doesn't do so, it lends support to the supposition that in fact she is a mean spirited person who seeks only to hurt people through her selfish, childish behavior. Actions speak louder than words, particularly when they are yours, UCE ,about Dream.

2. This (meaning Artful's and Dream's unfortunate breakup) may very well NOT be such a situation as I described above (ie a small bdsm community protecting its incompetent and unworthy dominants in a cynical and utterly amoral fashion) but it did remind me of it, mightily. I have seen this pattern so many times before.

Lance: You and your unsubstantiated, anecdotal "patterns"! What a cowardly crock of passive aggressive shite, UCE! Most every post you make contains an attack against person(s) here , always slyly "covered" by your weak "I'm not saying that so-and-so is like that....BUT in my experience..." statements. Fuck off. Put up or shut up. Tell us something solid about Yoursef for a change.

3. None of this meant directly at you, RS, except to say that cynicism of that depth, toward someone who is clearly--at leat to me who really GETS this type--an awkward innocent, is just a little more than I can stomach tonight. Can you support this cynicism? What do you know, having longer history here, that I don't?

Lance: see #2 above.

4. I personally didn't know until Misstaken mentioned it that there was any rule against posting someone's private PMs and this was less than three days after someone very kindly directed me in private to the forum rules and I read them! Yes, I have a bad memory, but it is much much more than that. With some people, rules like that don't register...especially when one is feeling emotional (not vindicative, but upset) and wants to explain a horrible thing that has happened to you to the world.

Lance: I don't believe you. You enjoy being an extremist. RTFM (read the fuckin' manual) . I'm not buying what you are selling, Miss Memory Loss. Horseshit. Stand up and be counted as a shit disturber or fuck off.

5. In my mind, if it had occurred to her that she was breaking a forum rule, I doubt extremely highly that she would have posted part of someone else's pm in a message.

Lance: Based on what?.....your few weeks here? Reading a few dozen of her posts? doubt it extremely highly. I like Dream, but I don't doubt her ability to selfishly do whatever serves her immediate emotional needs...I've seen it here countless times.

6. But you have to consider intent when you apply such a rule to someone, or you judgers on your high thrones are acting as cynically and as slyly as the cretins that made the rule necesssary in the first place.

Lance: RTFM. None of us wrote it. Campaign to change the Rules if you like...I have. I prefer anarchy, but that's not my decision. Meanwhile...the only sly behavior I've seen around here lately comes from you, windbag. Write a cogent argument or step off with the lectures.

7.based on what I've observed about people, most people do not learn from that kind of lesson. They just go on like robots, in a knee-jerk reactionary fashion, trying to hurt others.

Lance: See #2 above.

8. Thanks to those of you who have offered Dream your condolences and support...

Lance: Are you speaking for Dream now?

9.As for the claim that Dream is unstable....

Lance: See Dream's posts about checking in to the hospital in 20 minutes, not taking her meds, being bi-polar, etc etc etc. Dream has made these claims, whether they are true or not. Try reading before you write next time.

No wonder the world is a mess

I don't generally like People very much. This thread reminds me why. No wonder we have global hatred and destruction when shreds of basic tolerance can't even be achieved on a simple internet forum. Well done to Risia and the few others who try to maintain a little perspective. Sighz and goes back to reading Stephen King novel. Not much to be afraid of in his dark fantasies after you see a little bit of humanity stripped bare. Ugh.
Re: Re: No wonder the world is a mess

Lancecastor said:
Me neither. I find the stories are too fluffy.

LOL. Definitely. Too fluffy and unrealistic. Stories about people having wild sex in phone booths and stuff. Could never happen. Could it?
Re: No wonder the world is a mess

CRaZy said:
Sighz and goes back to reading Stephen King novel. Not much to be afraid of in his dark fantasies after you see a little bit of humanity stripped bare. Ugh.

I'm reading From a Buick 8, tis good so far.
Re: Re: No wonder the world is a mess

lovetoread said:
I'm reading From a Buick 8, tis good so far.

I'm actually reading his book of short stories - "Everything's Eventual". The bookstore was vitually giving them away on the remainders table. Sighz. Short stories just don't sell - not even when you are S.K. (Creeps away from thread now before she gets a whipping for discussing literature instead of handcuffs).