Thong Thursday

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The people you stole it from might not want you posting it.
Why do people do this? 😡
Very nice
That's why Sassy. People just want their soft to medium core porn as easily as possible whether the amateur part is real or a lie. The thing I learned about Am Pics (and probably a lot of Lit) is that far too many people read all or the majority of the comments. They find a thread that enables their kink, subscribe and wait for update emails. Then they click on them and miss most to all of the stuff that was posted between the emails.

That's the same reason we see so many repeated comments and "How did I never see this thread before" comments.

At least that's my Porn Wormholes for Lazy Pervs Theory.

I got this beach towel for my birthday!! :heart:

Argh! That be a booty I'd sail cross the Seven Seas to lay me hands upon. I wonder where can ye can hope to find a map to such riches? Wait! The tales often mention secret maps hidden in plain site. Mayhaps the scoundrel that purloined your fancy new towel had the weaver add some hidden details? I think I should zoom in and check for clues. Though I must be careful fore I find me timber shivering in an un-Captainly manner.

Fer now, thank ye @talikat for puttin so many X's on your lovely treasure. Ye can join me crew anytime my lovely matey for a memorable time where we feel the motion of the ocean and crest many waves on our adventure.

The Dread Commenter HR
Thank Thank
You You
For For
Sharing Sharing

That's why Sassy. People just want their soft to medium core porn as easily as possible whether the amateur part is real or a lie. The thing I learned about Am Pics (and probably a lot of Lit) is that far too many people read all or the majority of the comments. They find a thread that enables their kink, subscribe and wait for update emails. Then they click on them and miss most to all of the stuff that was posted between the emails.

That's the same reason we see so many repeated comments and "How did I never see this thread before" comments.

At least that's my Porn Wormholes for Lazy Pervs Theory.

Argh! That be a booty I'd sail cross the Seven Seas to lay me hands upon. I wonder where can ye can hope to find a map to such riches? Wait! The tales often mention secret maps hidden in plain site. Mayhaps the scoundrel that purloined your fancy new towel had the weaver add some hidden details? I think I should zoom in and check for clues. Though I must be careful fore I find me timber shivering in an un-Captainly manner.

Fer now, thank ye @talikat for puttin so many X's on your lovely treasure. Ye can join me crew anytime my lovely matey for a memorable time where we feel the motion of the ocean and crest many waves on our adventure.

The Dread Commenter HR
Why are we alway's out of rum ???