damn it.
damn it.
damn it, damn it, damn it.
have not been doing well. It has gotten to the point that my front door terrifies me and I am afraid to check my mail during the day. (right outside my front door)
Apparently, my therapist was clueless as to the extent of my symptoms. I know I tend to downplay my symptoms, but I know I told her that I was spending all my time in my bedroom. I guess since I did not stress "ALL my time" she took it to mean I am spending a lot of time in my room. Well, I spoke to her and my case manager today. The word "hospitalization" came up with both of them. I have compromised and conceded to the outpatient hospitalization program. sigh. Three days a week- from 8 AM- 3 PM- for typically about 5-6 months. damn it. Oh, and you aren't even allowed to smoke on the property even though your day is spent in therapy groups. fun.
They are checking on that, and though I am not thrilled, I would rather do that than be hospitalized and then have to do that.
and the REALLY wonderful thing is that the sexual assault therapy appointment with a new sexual assault counselor is today. so, hopefully, I can hold it together and keep my outpatient status.
damn it.
damn it.
damn it, damn it, damn it.
have not been doing well. It has gotten to the point that my front door terrifies me and I am afraid to check my mail during the day. (right outside my front door)
Apparently, my therapist was clueless as to the extent of my symptoms. I know I tend to downplay my symptoms, but I know I told her that I was spending all my time in my bedroom. I guess since I did not stress "ALL my time" she took it to mean I am spending a lot of time in my room. Well, I spoke to her and my case manager today. The word "hospitalization" came up with both of them. I have compromised and conceded to the outpatient hospitalization program. sigh. Three days a week- from 8 AM- 3 PM- for typically about 5-6 months. damn it. Oh, and you aren't even allowed to smoke on the property even though your day is spent in therapy groups. fun.
They are checking on that, and though I am not thrilled, I would rather do that than be hospitalized and then have to do that.
and the REALLY wonderful thing is that the sexual assault therapy appointment with a new sexual assault counselor is today. so, hopefully, I can hold it together and keep my outpatient status.
damn it.