to all

In your search for peace, look within. If you are looking elsewhere, you are looking in the wrong place. Lord, help me to open my heart to Your gift of peace and refuse to let anything in that disturbs it.
Isn't this last message counterproductive to your preaching?

P.S. woohoo. It's not only physical items that are pervertible...

In your search for peace, look within. If you are looking elsewhere, you are looking in the wrong place. Mistress/Master, help me to open my heart to Your gift of peace and refuse to let anything in that disturbs it.

Amen, peace rules.
How the hell did I miss this thread?

In the beginning God created the scene, and the scene was lifeless and without form and void; and there was darkness upon it and the Spirit of God moved across the shadows and low God said let their be light...and there was light. Flickering candles were borne, bulbes of rainbow hughes burned brightly, and piercing hollogens flared to life. And the Lord saw this, and it was good. And God called it "mood lighting" and the Lord our God was pleased.

And on the 2nd day the Lord Almighty said "let their be props" and a myriad of items came into existence. The spirit of the Lord moved and great things were brought into being. Posts of whipping, maidens of iron, shakles of iron ore, and the bindings of rayon. And the spirit caused these to be divided that some may be "heavy" and that some may be "light" and when this was completed the Lord looked on and was pleased.

On the third day the Lord God called for the 'fruits' of the scene. Floggers, whips, cats, blindfolds, cuffs, and canes in innumerable colors, in a plethora of styles came unto being. They sprung forth from the fertile scene and occupied it, offering their delights upward in praise of Himself, our Lord God. And he called them "toys" and did make them verily expensive and hand wrought so they may be the joy and temptation of his creations to be.

On the fourth day God said "Behold, let their be rituals, so that there may be division of play and non play" and the Spirit moved to make it so. Rituals of Greeting and parting, of bathing and sleeping and rituals for every day, minute and hour or the Lords world were created and when the Lord looked upon these rituals and saw their deprevity, he was gladdened.

On the fifth day God drew life from the formless to aid his adventures and his soon made creations. This life he made to act out scenes of base nature, to record them and review them, to scream incessistantly and pant monotonously...and so pornography was born of the void so as to give lead to the creatures to stand as model for the way Gods people would serve him and give him praise, and this pleased the Lord our God.

On the sixth day the Lord drew from the void, man, made in his likeness; YOung, virile, and full of lust. And he made woman, curvaceous and tempting. And he gave unto man a desire to thrust and squirm and moan, and a desire to learn the art of loving. And to woman he gave the urge to rub and poke so she would be ever frustrated sexually until man had gotten his shit together and learned the anology "a man in a little boat" and he put these two into the scene - with whips and chains, posts and shackles and told them "see now, I have set before you every tool of sexual deprevity that will ever be, go forth and be kinky. Spank, whip, scream, moan, curse..and know you do all these things upon my instruction. " And man began to bind woman tightly, her breasts tortured and her flower off bounds to her touch...and the Lord saw this and was Pleased.

And yea it was and yea it ever will be

Ecstatis 1:12

Reverend Mother B
Reverend Mother B, thank you for leading our little congregation in midweek worship. I feel led to fall to my knees after your scripture reading.
Re: How the hell did I miss this thread?

Bijoux said:
And man began to bind woman tightly, her breasts tortured and her flower off bounds to her touch...and the Lord saw this and was Pleased.

And yea it was and yea it ever will be

Ecstatis 1:12

Reverend Mother B

That's funny, in my version of the"good book" it is the man who is bound tightly.

Ebonyfire said:
That's funny, in my version of the"good book" it is the man who is bound tightly.


Well ya know, The Lord Almighty is a big sexist. Might I suggest the Feminist Bible for your flavor :)
Keep your heart clean by constant spring cleaning. Then there will be a place for beauty and peace. Lord, help me to remove carelessness and disrespect from my heart and in all things may I celebrate Your love for me.