To Angel... (First Poem on Lit!)

Angeline said:
Unless you want to continue getting the kinds of comments you see here, don't waste your time posting. You don't understand the way this board works--it's for people who want to help each other grow as writers. You have basically told everyone here who put time into giving you objective feedback after you asked what they thought that no one can tell you anything because you know what you meant. Fine by me. If you think it can't be changed for whatever reason, then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

Now, as you see, everyone is getting pretty irritated with your request for comments, but refusal to make changes. Like I said before, I can name you a few places where you'll be welcomed with open arms and your poems will be loved no matter what. Listen carefully--it doesn't work that way here. You're wasting everyone's time, including your own. And trust me, I'm being nicer about it than anyone else here would. If you want the names of the other places, send me a pm. Otherwise, I'm not responding again, and I suspect that short of rants, other folks won't either.
I have basically stayed out of this, and I won't rant; but I would suggest to "IamDJSpyke" that if he doesn't want objective comments about his efforts by other poets then he shouldn't bother posting on a poetry forum like this one.
Spyke, just go straight to the main Lit. Poetry board and submit there. If you truly believe that your poems are incapable of improvement then why post here? If they are as good as you think then they will be mentioned here in the "New Poems" thread. Besides that, you will get feedback from the general population of readers (non-poets), as well as an indication of quality by the voting score and a measure of popularity by the number of views.

In closing I want to invite you to feel free to join in any of the threads on this forum. There is no regular poster here who cannot learn and improve from objective criticism, and most of us desire greatly to better ourselves.

Regards,                                 Rybka
Excellent advice, fishy. Fair and objective--I fear my objectivity was spiraling down! :)
The ego is a slippery fish.......

BTW, Rybka, you are particularly handsome these days. :D
"The sign of an intelligent man is the ability to understand an idea without accepting it." - (I believe it was Einstein, but could be wrong, it's one of them, lol)

I thank you all and understood everything you all said to me. I'm hoping that when I say that it is how I want it, you all understand. It's not that I'm saying your advice was shit, cus I really did take it to heart. But comparing my poetry to a billboard is only ignorant. If a thought has beauty in it and takes a special understanding to appreciate, I think that it is rather poetic. Even if it is only one line or thought, it can be poetic even if it does not sound like Edgar Allen Poe.

I really hope that you all understand that I didn't blow off any of the comments, but that I will use them in the future, as this poem is already written how I felt. I learn from what people tell me, and try my hardest to always understand the person, even if I do not agree with what he is saying. I've listen to every one of you and I really wish you all would stop getting mad at me over this. I'm not pissed at anyone for their thoughts on my work, not even the guy who compared it to a billboard saying. I welcome your comments, but I would hope that I would be able to respond to them and try to make you understand where I was coming from and why my poem is like this, instead of just saying it sucks. Really open your eyes and look at it before you judge it, and if you still feel the same way, that is good. It is your opinion,a nd I have mine, which makes the world interesting.

I've decided not to post any more poetry on this board, because of all the negetivity it has caused. I'm sorry for any confusion, I only wish the best to and from all.


IamDJSpyke said:
"The sign of an intelligent man is the ability to understand an idea without accepting it." added by Champagne1982 -- but a true display of ignorance is to accept an idea without understanding.
[...] But comparing my poetry to a billboard is only ignorant. If a thought has beauty in it and takes a special understanding to appreciate, I think that it is rather poetic.
[...] I'm not pissed at anyone for their thoughts on my work, not even the guy who compared it to a billboard saying. I welcome your comments, but I would hope that I would be able to respond to them and try to make you understand where I was coming from and why my poem is like this, instead of just saying it sucks. Really open your eyes and look at it before you judge it, and if you still feel the same way, that is good. It is your opinion,a nd I have mine, which makes the world interesting.

I kind of edited what Spyke had to say there.

I haven't changed my OPINION. It still sucks. I'm glad I made you notice.

Your 'beleive' poem is more of a mispelled slogan than it is poetry so I still hold to the billboard analogy. If I truly believe, then maybe I will, someday, be Poet Laureate.

P.S. I think you are very gender confused, Spyke. I know I'm not a guy.
champagne1982 said:

I haven't changed my OPINION. It still sucks. I'm glad I made you notice.

Your 'beleive' poem is more of a mispelled slogan than it is poetry so I still hold to the billboard analogy. If I truly believe, then maybe I will, someday, be Poet Laureate.

P.S. I think you are very gender confused, Spyke. I know I'm not a guy.

You can have your opinion dude, just remember that it is just that, an opinion, and I'll be cool with it.

Are typos not allowed on the internet? IT WAS A FRIGGIN TYPO, same as the "a" I had in sodomize. A FREAKING TYPO!! lol. Christ, I misspell 2 words since I've signed up for Lit and they both get made a big deal of. I was typing. I made a typo. It's spelled right, as is the word sodomize, in my poems.

And I'm not at all gender confused? How does my poetry have anything to do with my gender? Untill you said something, I didn't know if you were a guy or girl, and I don't think I called you a guy, but sorry if I did, didn't know. I know I'm a guy though. Dunno wherte that came from:confused:
And what "Believe" poem are you talking about? I wrote one that says "Believe your own lies" over and over again, but it is definatly in song form, and pretty long, and I havn't posted it. What Believe poem are you talking about?

I smoke alot, excuse me if I've posted it and not remembered, just asking. :)