To keep the review thread clean...

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minsue said:
Oh, miss Echoes...Your PM box is full so I couldn't reply. :D

Thank you again for doing such a large chunk of today's reviews. :heart:

pm box is emptied out...geesh, never had that happen before.

Glad you came to my rescue, I was so afraid to not be able to finish them and too darn stubborn to leave them until they were done.

and really really happy to be able to contribute again and read these wonderful poems and poets! :rose: :heart: :kiss:

Thank you also minsue :heart:

July 7, 1977
Been saving this one for us, JC? Thanks!

yeah--I knew it would come in handy some day lol

thanks for the kind notes Minsue:)

carliebear the rare but unbare
tungtied2u said:
Thank you minsue and echoes for mention in your reviews. And thanks also for your valiant effort and time spent in general in reviewing.

echoes_s, I hope your eyes have cooled down some. r u sure it's not the heat from all this hot poetry making them swell? So much good stuff. I, too am finding hippiedude's offerings fresh and thought provoking.

You're probably both asleep, so here's a presnet by your pillows.:rose: :kiss: :heart:


someone found me out!

yes, yes, the poetry flushes me through and through til I burn completely and can't stand it, having to take long breaks, hot showers, pick up toys :D

errr, cold showers maybe? :rolleyes: :devil:
Thank you delicious Syn for your PC, kind mention and reviews on todays poetry. :heart:

Thanks Tath also, for your PC'S. :heart:

and thank you Eve, for suggesting I put it out there :heart:
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tarablackwood22 said:
Do you expect me to be distracted by a picture of my own ass?

It's in use......I'm SITTING ON IT!!:D
oh oh oh oh oh..
i wish i had my pc hooked up, i'd give you distraction!!!
:p :p :p :p :p
Re: Warm Wednesday Reviews

Syndra Lynn said:
It is HOT in California today people, but the poetry at Lit is even hotter!

Let's start with my big brother, Tathagata who adds his first E to his wonderful collection of poetry with Cha-no-yu. Well done dear friend.

Syndralicious :kiss:

Thank you Sweet Sis
for the mention and for your always open ,warm heart

:kiss: :heart: :kiss:
Re: Re: HELP

Vampiric_Mirage said:
tarablackwood22 said:



the wet asphalt, the blaze
are so vivid,
alive to the senses,
poignant kisses
for a lifetime of senses.

to walk a street, tasting
its juvenile vulgarities, seared
by the scorch of a sun
that sinks with him,
leaves history behind, travels
dark to new places.

what waits there does not matter,
wild like a madman’s dream
or soft as the prayer
of a woman in passion, asking
a man for his love.

he falls, hears
the words of his father
as he struggles to his feet,
that time he was taught
to be a man:

rise, son,
this is no day for dying.

he walks again, in slowing pace,
past friends that fit in corners,
dead without death,
past polo players
with phony proverbs and polyurethane,
past the common
discussing serious matter,
nothing that is not carved
somewhere already
on a caveman’s wall.

hat finely mated to his head
his weary rear smacks a bench
and from his torn bag
he feeds hard bread to birds, shares
the little life that’s left,
those crumbs he brought for them.

the script of a larger poet has taken
his teeth, his hair,
drains his veins
in the name of vainglorious dusk.

walk, son,
this is a day for living.

three-legged again,
through the tip of his cane, meter
to the earth’s pulse,
he knows that his words
were the rants of a fool, his penstroke
sidewalk scribblings.

he tastes death on his lips, feels
his gravedigger’s sweat dripping, feeding
the beds of new flowers,
sees life like Monet saw his cathedral,
through ever-changing light, different
each time,
forcing him to paint another,
and another,

sucking the dried breast of a sunset
on the edge of decision,
ready for orgasm,
and the street
will force climax
with a kiss.


Wow! I have to agree with Fawnie - This is an Excellent Poem! If this is you as a madwoman, salvation is over-rated!
(P.S. Fawnie, if ya put up a picture of your ass, maybe you'll become Tara's inspiration ;) Just imagine this type of poetry written about your ass)

ok,let me get this right..we bare ass to give inspiration, then we fuck each other for the almighty rating...anything else i should know before i carry on??
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
perks said:
if I have a bone to pick
with the poets
where do I post
no thread to host
my rant
I could start a new one
a ton of bricks
would go over better
words so cold
you need a sweater
I bet I'd get
cross referenced with
the appropriate response
retaliation swift
swallowing my poetry
and mixing it with bile
miles of it
until those poets
take a shit

will this do...sighs?:devil:

sooo embarrassing :eek:

ahhh, how do i take it off? It's not going....:confused:

darn computers:rolleyes:

haha, got it now :D

no no no, it is still not coming off :mad:
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thanks to California

originally posted by Syndra Lynn :

This brings us to tarablackwood22 who always manages to leave me breathless. Today she brings us a wonderful romp of a pirate's tale and a loving tribute to a well loved uncle in "talking to pirates". Go read her whole collection. I bet you don't find one you don't like.

:heart: :heart: Thank you, dear Syndra.

talking to pirates - ...........please read.
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originally posted by Syndra Lynn :

fawnie has me figured out. A well written ocean poem catches my eye every time. Her Relentless Tide swept my heart away as well. Thanks F!

ty hun for the mention!
and your kind words.:kiss: :kiss:
echoes_s said:
a pic of my but

almost did one of tits once...not bared of course! :eek:

lol, my face would even scare you more :devil:
uhm yeah..that ass left me in terror:rolleyes: :kiss:
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