To keep the review thread clean...

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WickedEve said:
Well, that's not big deal. I'm sure some readers didn't like or get all the poems you mentioned. But that's what's great about all this. We can all mention any or none of the poems and for whatever reason. Each reader can then decide what he or she likes. I don't see a problem--except that my neighbors are fighting and someone is screaming about someone's negligee. :confused:

Think it's the wrong color? :D
WickedEve said:
I just heard "whore" and "ass" screaming across the lawn. :D
Correction: "your whore ass!"

I think someone has been naughty in her negligee.
WickedEve said:
I just heard "whore" and "ass" screaming across the lawn. :D

DANG...reminds me of that old joke ...rastus...git Ur ass across the street...lil liza thats where I's been gettin it ...
WickedEve said:
I just heard "whore" and "ass" screaming across the lawn. :D

Uh oh. Someone else's negligee.

I wonder if the 'ass' belongs to the 'whore', or if the 'whore' is calling the name-caller the 'ass'. I had one set of neighbors who had their arguments at 3:30 in the morning, like clockwork. The two words above were a couple of their favorites. ;)
twelveoone said:
Part of the problem may be in the preception they have that poetry can be read like an instruction manual, only in Rhyme. It may be they are not up to being challenged by the unfamiliar. If I don't know what it is, the unfamiliar gets the benefit of the doubt. Just my nickel*. I swear I have looked at things and it took me over a day before I began to see. Maybe they should go back and reread them, see what they missed.

*adjusted for inflation

Eve, laughing my ass off <grinin>


I don't go back to a poem that did not move me and try and figure it out. Instead I search for poems that do move me and grabs my attention right off and holds it and I call that a good poem. I notice some use that 'benefit of the doubt' theory. I have seen comments where they state, "I don't know what your poem means but I like it," any way my two the pm states...simplicity is sometimes what some like more than riddles. To each their own. TY
duckiesmut said:
Uh oh. Someone else's negligee.

I wonder if the 'ass' belongs to the 'whore', or if the 'whore' is calling the name-caller the 'ass'. I had one set of neighbors who had their arguments at 3:30 in the morning, like clockwork. The two words above were a couple of their favorites. ;)
They stopped and went inside. Damn.
Liar said:
What's the bickerin' about this time?

And why am I always late for the daily bikcerin'? If I had been warned I woulda made popcorn. :)

Oh Yumm, I want some too Please ... :p

Don't feel bad Liar, always late, that's me ... ;)

* Tosses popcorn in tha air,
catches on tongue *



Thank you for the kind mention of my poem Rough Rider in today's reviews. I have been trying to work on my writing as of late, hence not so many submissions, just a lotta writing and rewriting.

Thank you to all who took the time to read,
and comment. Means more than I can say ~

:rose: :rose:

Wow, thank you duckiesmut, eve and Lauren...

I lost track of the days and didn't realize I was setting that poem up on a Saturday, but thank you for finding it and mentioning it.

I would like to add a fourth recommendation for dusty's poem. That is one magical Vachel loving poet...

jim : )
A very sincere...

Thank you Art, for the mention of
Those Before Me.
I really appreciate it, along with the
reads, votes,comments.

There are so many times that I go to sit on that rock
that screams of youth gone by... and watch the water
as it runs over, thinking, how many before me
have held it's space... it is {mezmerizing}
It always humbles me, and brings me
to the reality,of ..
we have been here before,
and here we shall be, again..

Thank you so much !!

Ryhme Fairy said:

Thank you for the kind mention of my poem Rough Rider in today's reviews.

sweet GA peaches said:
Thank you Art, for the mention of
Those Before Me.
I really appreciate it, along with the
reads, votes,comments.

Your welcome Rhyme Fairy and Sweet GA peaches... it is my pleasure and of course two 'great' writes.
Thank you Art, for today's mention of "Pleasure and Pain ~ for Whom?" It is something a bit different for me as I flex my poetic (?) muscles. After all, I can't be sitting around waiting for another bit of societal lunacy to inspire a bit of poetic satire now, can I? And even though 1201 didn't rain great praises on it, his comments did not strike me as being viciously below the belt (it doesn't mean I have to like it). :D
LeBroz said:
Thank you Art, for today's mention of "Pleasure and Pain ~ for Whom?" It is something a bit different for me as I flex my poetic (?) muscles. After all, I can't be sitting around waiting for another bit of societal lunacy to inspire a bit of poetic satire now, can I? And even though 1201 didn't rain great praises on it, his comments did not strike me as being viciously below the belt (it doesn't mean I have to like it). :D
I like a guy that can take a punch. You got my respect.
There are so many posts in this thread that it is almost reaching a point of rupture. Any moderation activities take forever. Therefore, as happened with The Perfect Ten, here is a new thread.
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