To keep the review thread clean...

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tarablackwood22 said: get funnier by the hour! :D

And it was a sin that your "Prose Poem Prolix" from today did not have multiple green E's next to it. :confused:

i was going to add "if tara will just release the crushy bonds that bind me to her" but whatever

I guess this is a good time to ask - what do those letters mean anyway

E = ecstasy
H = heroic or what
how many letters are there (N="new" I think)

none of my stuff is ever going to make it Tara because I don't get many votes - lots of kudos but few votes
Re: Yeah...well..........WTF

i was going to add "if tara will just release the crushy bonds that bind me to her" but whatever

I guess this is a good time to ask - what do those letters mean anyway

E = ecstasy
H = heroic or what
how many letters are there (N="new" I think)

none of my stuff is ever going to make it Tara because I don't get many votes - lots of kudos but few votes

E = means the 'Editor' who screens the poetry for posting thought enough of it to make it their special "choice." Whoever read 'Prose Poem Prolix' and did not think it was beyond extraordinary needs literary remediation.

H = the piece has at least 10 votes and an average score of at least 4.5

N = new

Keep writing stuff like that and I'll never need to go to the library again! ;)
new poems review thread

A good idea Eve that one was getting very cumbersome to navigate at times.

Thanks for the mention and for making the time to do reveiws *S*

Nice work

Razz :D
we're a mutual

tarablackwood22 said:
E = means the 'Editor' who screens the poetry for posting thought enough of it to make it their special "choice." Whoever read 'Prose Poem Prolix' and did not think it was beyond extraordinary needs literary remediation.

H = the piece has at least 10 votes and an average score of at least 4.5

N = new

Keep writing stuff like that and I'll never need to go to the library again! ;)

admiration society

good thing ur a modest women or you'd be ruined by the aclaim
Man Ray said:
I've just made love to the most beautiful woman
I am in love with this woman and she loves me
Is this not the bestest love poem ever written?

i could be wrong here..what the hell do i know, considering i'm a lesbian..but if that were think you'd be sticking ur pecker somewhere else other then here...
fawnie said:
i could be wrong here..what the hell do i know, considering i'm a lesbian..but if that were think you'd be sticking ur pecker somewhere else other then here...

Thank you!

Originally posted by WickedEve

Love Birds
by LilyMelb ©

A pigeon by the road.
Flying out to its dead lover,
a brown smudge on the tar.
Not understanding,
why she won't follow him back.

Be like the swan and gracefully read this poem.


Ooooh, thank you for including my poem in your review! I so seldom try poetry, it's given me courage to try again.. :)

Ta... Lily :rose:
Re: the ghosts.....................

tarablackwood22 said:
the ghosts of daddy's pool hall

father, smelling
as always
of tobacco and females
brought me here once,
only once,
in ’84.

the next day
men came
with soap for the windows,
put up signs.

never did sell.

if anyone that night
had folding money,
they were that much poorer.

he propped me on the bar
next to a murmuring drunk,
chalked a cue,
hand-clapping dust
as he challenged.

the bets were down, spilling
from counters, smoke caucusing
in audience at overhead lamps,
the cumulus ease
of ringside seats.

in the back
fancy dancers burned
onto the peeling paint,
marking it with sin.

a lady in heels,
spike on the brass rail,
handed me a shiny dime
for the jukebox.

play a slow one, girlie.

out of habit,
the barkeep toweled rings
from the pine top and tables
for the new day
that never came.

the last night,
and everyone knew.

deep in its heart
the room ached of death,
sharp enough
to spark the poets,
painful enough to hide.

but as I pass it now
I know hard balls are cracking
behind the windowboards,
and sexy shadows
of pretty women
still float across the walls.

the letter - ......something new.

Painted - ......something old.

i always gave the little girls money for the juke box too
and bought them bar snacks and shirley temples

: )
Very nice work
Angeline said:
Morning poets. :)

Bowling alley smell
like shoes, wax, cigarettes.
The hollow sound
of pins falling and rolling
sound like thunder
rumbling far off from the laughter,
which seems appocolyptic
in retrospect,
but it was just the bar,
with clinks and voices rising
over the juke. Sam Cooke
or Patty Paige.

In the ladies, ten cents, push in
the silver lever, a squirt of Faux de Chanel.
What were the others? I rubbed
my neck across them all
and Daddy laughed
over his Rolling Rock
You smell like Evening
on Perry Street.
but he's
smiling and I get a Kern's
Orange Soda out the case.

He says the trick
is hold your wrist straight,
position it, not straight
down the middle, but a little
to the right, compensate
for that left hook,
spot your eyes
on the middle pin.

Morning Ange
:kiss: :heart:

i love this
my father bowled too and we got to go with him sometimes
we got peanut/cheese crackers out of a machine that must have been 100 years old

Hey, Ang :rose: we always seem to be living in the same dreams!!:eek:

Pool halls and bowling alleys, this morning.

Those NYC/Jersey urban blues die hard!!! :heart:
Re: that was us in east end Montreal

circa 1958

goin' bowling and yes--never down the middle but to the right with a spin of the wrist to get it eccentricing in toward the sweet spot--the sweet spot we never found on women because women did not do it in the 50s

and yep the pins sounded hollow though in those days boys set up the pins by hand - automation has taken away all the good jobs and ne'er-do-wells can't run away to sea now and become Nelson Algren--too much paperwork

afterward we'd go to the Champlain Shopping Centre and have club sandwiches and giant cokes

that was Friday night--saturday we'd party in someone's basement and play spin the bottle to win chaste kisses from WASPY girls in crinolines and garter belts

Sunday we'd go in all the duplexes and triplexes under construction and steal soda bottle for refund no matter how artifully the Italian construction workers had hidden them - or mow people's lawns or set up a lemonade stand on the lawn or hunt for golfballs and sell them to golfers on the tees

Grench Canadians were called Pepsis since they drank so much of it and lost their teeth young - we drank quart bottles of KIK Cola and ate creamy cakes called Croquettes and May Wests

They called us blokes (Englishmen) and would yell at us from street corners as we biked to school--if you yelled back trying to mimic them they would chase you and if you couldn't get away they'd jam your face down in the mud and you'd get to class late.

"maudit bloke" (it came out "modez bloke" crazy English
which they pronounced Henglish

I slingshot Johnny Keyes a short wiry little fucker and he chased me back to my building - I went straight through the plate glass front door unscathed--insurance paid

there was a chocolate bar called Big Six with Nuts which--with the advent of the Net would have to be called Big Nine with Nuts due to the radical amelioration of penile sizes spawned by the world wide web

Keep it coming....son of read like Dylan Thomas!!:rose:

old stuff (still had a bit of laryngitits then)

To Allen
Last edited:
tungtied2u said:
No bounding joy as I pull my car
up the driveway
shining eyes are sunken black pools
she lies listlessly
barely able to turn her head my way

no running through the dog flap
as i climb out of the car and shut the door
anticipating her eminent escape from her day in the pen
not even looking my way

Molly,here girl
Molly, come on girl
Molly come

Movenment comes slowly
and hesitatingly
she passes me hardly noticing
to the fromnt yard
stopping to pee in her usual place
neat blood issues from her body
a puddle of horror
finished she collapses on the fromnt porch

doom surrounds this animal
once a source of constant energy
life weeps from every pore
every golden hair sheds strength

no time to consider how or why
lift her on a sheet into the station wagon
fifteen minutes of forever
to the vets
infinty of waiting and regret
praying for a reprieve

there will be none
only moments remain
before this loving companion
breathes her last
on a cold metal table
wrapped in our arms
warming her soul
soothing careeses
she slips away
leaving us with only tears
and memories

Touching tribute. Well said.
Syndra Lynn said:
Touching tribute. Well said.

Morning Syn! Just passing thru- like the white rabbit, so much to read, so little time. Just wanted to say Good Morning!
Thanks for reading.:kiss:
You're a doll!
Re: Poems

tarablackwood22 said:
Hey, Ang :rose: we always seem to be living in the same dreams!!:eek:

Pool halls and bowling alleys, this morning.

Those NYC/Jersey urban blues die hard!!! :heart:

Well, your poem inspired mine--there's more to it, I know, but it's still cookin. :)
Re: Re: Re: Poems

tarablackwood22 said:
Boil away, baby......those cities needs us both! :kiss:

That'll work--those cities are stuck in my soul. I keep writing about them, but they don't budge. :)
Re: They'd touch you

through your jeans but
never enough never
quite right so you'd
edge and edge and your mind
would be screaming
"awwww fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck" but your lips
would be saying
"oh baby yeah . . . yeah . . . that's it . . . oh baby"

Aint' that the truth
Thanks Echoes_s:rose: for the great pc (as if that reaction would ever offend me;) ) and for the mention.

Thanks also to everyone who sent feedback or left pc's.
Re: I've come to play

Syndra Lynn said:
anybody home?
its not as fun when it doesn't fel like we're doing away with some sacred law:rolleyes:
but i'm still naked and sitting in the corner:devil: :kiss:
Re: Re: I've come to play

fawnie said:
its not as fun when it doesn't fel like we're doing away with some sacred law:rolleyes:
but i'm still naked and sitting in the corner:devil: :kiss:

and look damn fine, fawnie. Where's Tath? He may have been bad again.

Syn :kiss:
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