To keep the review thread clean...

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RedHairedandFriendly said:
Thank you so very much for your compliments, and your mention. Also thank you to LeBroz and RhymeFairy for your kind comments. They are all very much enjoyed and appreciated.

Red :rose:

Your welcome,

I enjoyed your poetry today!
My Erotic Tale said:
I suppose if you like "What am I saying poetry," you'll find favor in these poems but if you read ALL the poems you'll find they are not the best posted poems of the day. That may be your opinion but clearly not all like this type poetry. But thank you for expressing your likes and pick for the day. We all have different tastes and the poems vast versatility quinches us all with what we like. MOSTLY~

How defensive. Did you forget to take your zen-pills today?

I stand by my recommendation. Easily the two best poems posted today.
Lauren Hynde said:
How defensive. Did you forget to take your zen-pills today?

I stand by my recommendation. Easily the two best poems posted today.

thank you lauren,

running to the cabinet
now were those the red ones or the blue ones >grin>
I have no problem with a mention dear lady, I just
differ as far as my favs for the day, that is all...

thanks to any...who mention...any poem!
My Erotic Tale said:
I suppose if you like "What am I saying poetry," you'll find favor in these poems but if you read ALL the poems you'll find they are not the best posted poems of the day. That may be your opinion but clearly not all like this type poetry. But thank you for expressing your likes and pick for the day. We all have different tastes and the poems vast versatility quinches us all with what we like. MOSTLY~

I'm having a difficult time understanding your logic here.

"What am I saying poetry"

Are you suggesting that both poems don't clearly state their purpose? Or is it a typo, and did you mean "What I am saying poetry", meaning that you believe the author(s) are being closed-minded and focused on their thoughts alone.

To either interpretation of your post, I disagree.

And what do you intend to mean by 'this type poetry'? The two poems in discussion are quite different. To state that not all like this 'type' is illogical. And to say that it is 'clearly' so is an opinion, not a fact, and should be stated as such.

I can't respond to the last line because I have no idea what 'quinches' is/are.

I *do* agree that we all have differing tastes. This is a poetry board. If you disagree, or have more to share, you do so.

What is the problem?
duckiesmut said:
And to say that it is 'clearly' so is an opinion, not a fact, and should be stated as such.
Perhaps I should add a disclaimer to my signature, stating that whatever I post is representative of my own personal world-view and not of the Ultimate, Absolute And Unifying Truth, lest anyone think I'm God in disguise. ;)
Lauren Hynde said:
Perhaps I should add a disclaimer to my signature, stating that whatever I post is representative of my own personal world-view and not of the Ultimate, Absolute And Unifying Truth, lest anyone think I'm God in disguise. ;)

You know what I meant. :)

How about LaurenGodHynde?


duckiesmut said:
Curses. Foiled again.

This is much more entertaining than editing. Damn it.

Ha! I have completed all my editing for the day while being entertained. Just one of the many advantages of being God.
Lauren Hynde said:
Ha! I have completed all my editing for the day while being entertained. Just one of the many advantages of being God.

Please excuse me while I have a tiny jealous moment.
My Erotic Tale said:

but if you read ALL the poems you'll find they are not the best posted poems of the day.

and that's YOUR opinion

No better or worse than anyone elses
Thank you, Art, for your mention of "End Times?" With inspiration from Minister Pat's repeated public pronouncements, such satire is easy to pen. :D
Tathagata said:
and that's YOUR opinion

No better or worse than anyone elses

Thanks Tath~

you are correct,


I am sorry if my post went over your head. I did not find these two poems favorable is all. They do not spell out what they mean <this type> They were not clear of their intent and did not lead me as a reader to a satisfied ending. My opinion, <grin> I did not critique the poem but gave an opinion I recieved from reading them.


can I rub your buddha belly for luck?
LeBroz said:
Thank you, Art, for your mention of "End Times?" With inspiration from Minister Pat's repeated public pronouncements, such satire is easy to pen. :D

Your welcome leon~

I hope to see more witty word poetry from you!
My Erotic Tale said:
Thanks Tath~

you are correct,


I am sorry if my post went over your head. I did not find these two poems favorable is all. They do not spell out what they mean <this type> They were not clear of their intent and did not lead me as a reader to a satisfied ending. My opinion, <grin> I did not critique the poem but gave an opinion I recieved from reading them.


can I rub your buddha belly for luck?

It didn't go over my head. It just didn't make any sense. But *that* is just my opinion. :)
duckiesmut said:
It didn't go over my head. It just didn't make any sense. But *that* is just my opinion. :)

Well I am not the brightest crayon in the box
but I am one of the most colorful <grin>

there fore I don't always get every poem either
so I am glad when one is mentioned, hell I said it a long time ago
perhaps it needs repeated, I wish I could shine light on all the poems
but then I do not understand all the poems <grin>
perhaps a couple do
I do not know that I could pick two from the many GOOD poems out this day!

thanks ~
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Lauren Hynde said:
Er... nope.
awww....I was so looking forward to touching a goddess in that near region <sniffles and grins>

so asking you to stroke my tail is out of the question <smile>
Lauren Hynde said:
How defensive. Did you forget to take your zen-pills today?

I stand by my recommendation. Easily the two best poems posted today.

I also agree, without a doubt, that jim and dusty's poems are easily the best of the day.

please notice the bold and italicized "I"...apparently that emphasis
is necessary for some, though i would think it should be 'understood,' when someone is offering an opinion.

PatCarrington said:
I also agree, without a doubt, that jim and dusty's poems are easily the best of the day.

please notice the bold and italicized "I"...apparently that emphasis
is necessary for some, though i would think it should be 'understood,' when someone is offering an opinion.


Assume nothing here, Jersey


Go White Sox?
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