To keep the review thread clean...

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Tathagata said:
Assume nothing here, Jersey


Go White Sox?

sage advice. :)

of course, go Sox - just a little color change...and then Joe Jackson can tell baseball, once and for all, to shove it up their ass.

PatCarrington said:
sage advice. :)

of course, go Sox - just a little color change...and then Joe Jackson can tell baseball, once and for all, to shove it up their ass.


I knew someone who lived in the windy city once
for that reason alone.

Seems to be ghost killing time for baseball
I'm all for it

Hope all is well
PatCarrington said:
I also agree, without a doubt, that jim and dusty's poems are easily the best of the day.

please notice the bold and italicized "I"...apparently that emphasis
is necessary for some, though i would think it should be 'understood,' when someone is offering an opinion.

These two were my choices for the day also. The other submissions that had potential had structural weaknesses/flaws, and vice versa, those with good technical aspects said very little or nothing at all. (IMO) ;)
Rybka said:
These two were my choices for the day also. The other submissions that had potential had structural weaknesses/flaws, and vice versa, those with good technical aspects said very little or nothing at all. (IMO) ;)

I find this to be funny because these two poems did not seem to say anything, or were not clear on their intent. My opinion but I did not find them to be good poems. There fore I mentioned the ones I found to be clear and touching in some way. These two poems did not stir me in any way.

My opinion Ryb~
My Erotic Tale said:
I find this to be funny because these two poems did not seem to say anything, or were not clear on their intent. My opinion but I did not find them to be good poems. There fore I mentioned the ones I found to be clear and touching in some way. These two poems did not stir me in any way.

My opinion Ryb~

There you go again. Zen, baby. Deep breaths.
My Erotic Tale said:
I find this to be funny because these two poems did not seem to say anything, or were not clear on their intent. My opinion but I did not find them to be good poems. There fore I mentioned the ones I found to be clear and touching in some way. These two poems did not stir me in any way.

My opinion Ryb~
That is why they have horse races and chilli contests, MET! ;)

De gustibus non est disputandum!

And MET, "Illegitimi Non Carborundum."
My Erotic Tale said:
yes ma'am, what's the crazy eight ball say now,
you in a stroking mood or want something rubbed <bigrin>
I'd love for you to start understanding the things you post, and then acting accordingly, but I have no illusions.
Lauren Hynde said:
I'd love for you to start understanding the things you post, and then acting accordingly, but I have no illusions.

We watch a sunrise when it is the sun that is still.
We sit in stillness when the earth is spinning. <66,000 miles an hour>
We see with two eyes yet see one image.
Gazing at a blue sky that is truely darkness.
We live in a world of illusions then slip into a world of dreams.

Grasping reality while pondering understanding
I will work on it! <grin> (There is a poem here somewhere.)
PatCarrington said:
I also agree, without a doubt, that jim and dusty's poems are easily the best of the day.
Fortunately, poems like those two will not be overlooked as long as we have more than one opinion on this board. :)

WickedEve said:
Fortunately, poems like those two will not be overlooked as long as we have more than one opinion on this board. :)

poetry is like a 2 people see words the same way..tis why much
confusion..language confounds the soul... ;)
WickedEve said:
Fortunately, poems like those two will not be overlooked as long as we have more than one opinion on this board. :)

Eve I have a couple notes here of some that agree with my opinion. But I am glad that they were mentioned by those that liked them.
My Erotic Tale said:
Eve I have a couple notes here of some that agree with my opinion. But I am glad that they were mentioned by those that liked them.
You still don't get it, do you? Why are you so defensive? Why do you feel the need to repeat your opinion over and over? See how you don't even justify it? Where is that zen you always talk about?
Lauren Hynde said:
You still don't get it, do you? Why are you so defensive? Why do you feel the need to repeat your opinion over and over? See how you don't even justify it? Where is that zen you always talk about?


it is not defensive to simply reply to eah that expressed their opinion in a polite and nice way, I aknowledged each, <very simple> nothing more. Posting when posted, that's the rules correct? I am trying to DO better and follow the rules politely. I am trying!

Now, rub my belly please! It's hard toned and rippled , I just worked out. <grin>
What's the bickerin' about this time?

And why am I always late for the daily bikcerin'? If I had been warned I woulda made popcorn. :)
My Erotic Tale said:

it is not defensive to simply reply to eah that expressed their opinion in a polite and nice way, I aknowledged each, <very simple> nothing more. Posting when posted, that's the rules correct? I am trying to DO better and follow the rules politely. I am trying!
It's not a matter of "following rules". This isn't kindergarten. It's a matter of doing what is morally correct, especially for someone who calls himself a zen master. You can't talk about zen and going through life doing the exact opposite. You must understand the words.
My Erotic Tale said:
Eve I have a couple notes here of some that agree with my opinion. But I am glad that they were mentioned by those that liked them.
I haven't had a chance to read them all. I do remember giving Mckenna (sp?) a quick look and it seemed like a good poem--which you mentioned. Honestly, I like it best one more than one person mentions the poems of the day.
I haven't read all the posts, so... others agree with what opinion of yours?
My Erotic Tale said:

I am not bickering <grin> laughing actually

I am conversing ...we are civil...

interacting nicely.
Oh, bugger. I was hoping for some entertainment. It's been a dull day so far. :D
Lauren Hynde said:
It's not a matter of "following rules". This isn't kindergarten. It's a matter of doing what is morally correct, especially for someone who calls himself a zen master. You can't talk about zen and going through life doing the exact opposite. You must understand the words.

I have never, ever, ever, claimed to be a zen master, I thought we covered this, perhaps it was another. I enjoy zen poetry, I like writing that style, that is Zen Mountain Poetry... I am to head strong to be zen...but I am worjing on it <see>

eve, I recieved (2) notes that state they didn't understand the poems you mentioned and did not find them to be the best two poems for the day...nothing more than more opinions. <you asked> one claimed they did not read dusty's poem <honesty>
My Erotic Tale said:
eve, I recieved (2) notes that state they didn't understand the poems you mentioned and did not find them to be the best two poems for the day...nothing more than more opinions. <you asked> one claimed they did not read dusty's poem <honesty>
Well, that's not big deal. I'm sure some readers didn't like or get all the poems you mentioned. But that's what's great about all this. We can all mention any or none of the poems and for whatever reason. Each reader can then decide what he or she likes. I don't see a problem--except that my neighbors are fighting and someone is screaming about someone's negligee. :confused:
My Erotic Tale said:
eve, I recieved (2) notes that state they didn't understand the poems you mentioned and did not find them to be the best two poems for the day...nothing more than more opinions. <you asked> one claimed they did not read dusty's poem <honesty>

Part of the problem may be in the preception they have that poetry can be read like an instruction manual, only in Rhyme. It may be they are not up to being challenged by the unfamiliar. If I don't know what it is, the unfamiliar gets the benefit of the doubt. Just my nickel*. I swear I have looked at things and it took me over a day before I began to see. Maybe they should go back and reread them, see what they missed.

*adjusted for inflation
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